Sunday, January 20, 2013

FOR Me ...

Decide TODAY that I am going to look at everything that happens to me as something that happens FOR me!

One Day At A Time ...

"One day at a time, as the LORD leads, whatever my hand finds to do, do it as unto the LORD and not to man!"


"Occupy the moment, that's where GOD is!"

- My friend ... Diane Stewart

True Love ...

"At this moment in my life, the most important thing I can possibly do is show and demonstrate true love as GOD has shown and given to me. In fact, though they may not admit it, everyone I meet during the day desperately needs GOD'S love through me." Excerpt from a word by Ras Robinson ...

Drawing to the LORD ...

"Display HIS warmth to those around me. Like a fire on a chilly day, be an inviting person to be around. Choose to exhibit HIM in an appealing way. Be about drawing people to HIM." Excerpt from a word by Kevin Robinson ...