Monday, July 22, 2013

O how I loved reading this word from the LORD by Garris Elkins about the "... release of new names ..."

Where fatalism has stolen a future prophesy the name, "Hopeful One."

Where dreamers have stopped dreaming call them a "Dreamer of God."

Where people feel disconnected call them the "Redeemed of the Lord."

Where someone has been forsaken, declare the name, "Beloved."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Beautiful Ras, Bev and Kevin Robinson! Just beautiful!

You are holding something in your hand with a clinched fist. There have been times when important things were wrenched from your hands. This resulted in great loss but also lost opportunities. This stifled your willingness to trust others who garner the same power as others. You ask, "Will they too walk away?" "Will they use me and then rob me?" Slowly open your hand, palm up. Cancel your ownership. Ask God to take it. He will give it back to you and safely guard it. Trust Him.

Job 22:21 (NASB) "Yield now and be at peace with Him; Thereby good will come to you." Ras Robinson

Sensitivity is mostly a good thing. But being too sensitive and getting your feelings hurt, or sensitivity turned into suspicion, is not good. If you will have your sensitivity tuned in to Me, you won't go wrong. It is then that you will be sensitive and discern the needs of others and sensitive and discerning to doing My will. Sensitive discernment is a gift. Use it wisely. Talk to Me about what you see, hear and feel is going on. I will sharpen your gifting to see from My viewpoint.
Proverbs 4:5 (AMP) "Get skillful and godly Wisdom, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation); do not forget and do not turn back from the words of my mouth." Bev Robinson

Cherish all the moments. Appreciate where you are and what all took place for you to get here. Take time out of your hectic schedule and remember the paths you have taken. Taking into account the detours, roadblocks and stoppages, know that each part had to take place to ensure your safe delivery of the here and now. Be careful not to look with disdain, shame, or contempt upon any place, person or thing that you perhaps feel delayed your progress. Embrace Me and My lordship. 

Isaiah 51:1 (NASB) "Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the quarry from which you were dug."  Kevin Robinson

Thursday, July 4, 2013

This is such a beautful word by Bobby Connor via "The Elijah List" - I loved it!

Bobby Conner:

God Really is Looking for People Weak Enough to Be Used

As Believers, we are instructed to live our daily lives with true goals, aims, and divine purpose (see Ephesians 5:14-18). We cannot achieve this unless we walk in God's grace.

What is the key to experiencing God's grace? Embracing our weakness!

God is not looking for strong people to help Him accomplish His work. The truth is that the Lord is looking for people who are weak enough to be used. We must remember that His strength is made perfect in our weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). The key to experiencing supernatural liberating strength is personal weakness.

Understand that personal weakness does not mean weak character or faulty Biblical knowledge. We are to be pure and holy vessels of honor for God's service. On the contrary, God is looking for a people who have come to the place where they have lost confidence in their fleshly power to accomplish the work of the Spirit. Only when we embrace the weakness of ourselves apart from Christ can we become strong and "graced" to accomplish things for the true advancing of God's glorious Kingdom.

This truth is clearly displayed in the story found in Psalm 107:23-28, which describes the strong, seaworthy sailors who made their living upon the high seas. One day, however, the Lord raised up a stormy wind that blew away every last ounce of their self-confidence. They found themselves at their wit's end and cried out for the Lord's grace and help. Although they were skilled and experienced, the winds and waves of the sea convinced them of their dependence upon God.

Have you encountered the winds of change in your life? If not, you can be confident they are on their way!

Christ Jesus declares that "Without Me you can accomplish nothing!" (John 15:5). This word "nothing" means completely, totally nothing. It truly means less than nothing. Ours is a life of unspeakable joy when we come to the place where we understand that only the work of the Spirit can advance the Kingdom of God.

In other words, absolutely nothing you have ever done in the past and nothing you could ever accomplish in the future will match the unparalleled joy of letting Jesus live His life through you! God has exactly fitted for each of us a unique walk of grace. As we yield our wills and ways to the Holy Spirit's control, we begin to experience this walk of grace. Through yielding and embracing our personal weakness, we experience the abundant grace that enables us to accomplish all that God has assigned for us to do (see Philippians 4:13).

Never forget it is not by our might and power, but by His Spirit, that great exploits are accomplished for the King (see Zechariah 4:6).


Monday, July 1, 2013

Several excerpts from a great word by Francis Frangipane on the Elijah List ...

On discerment ...

Yet we must stay sheltered in the calm of God ...

... this voice – the sacred voice of God – refuses to compete with the clamor of our fleshly minds ...

Our problem is not that God won't come to us; it's that our anxious souls fail to give Him time to speak ...

Discernment is the art of listening to Him who does not speak audibly and perceiving Him who is otherwise invisible ...

A great excerpt from a word by Rick Joyner posted on the Elijah List ...

The Holy Spirit is "The Helper," not "The Doer." He will do His part, but He expects us to do our part.

Something to help win this battle with food!

Ask myself why I am eating what I plan on eating and then if I choose to eat, pray and ask JESUS to bless my food and invite HIM in to the meal/snack time with me and tell him how thankful I am for this food!