Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Here's another great devotion from Chuck Swindoll!

If you live intimidated by people, then you need to come to terms with your lack of peace. GOD is bigger than any person. Learn to focus on people through the lens of GOD'S eye, and you'll never see anyone even near HIS match.
"By faith Moses left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he saw HIM who is invisible." Hebrews 11:27

Monday, April 22, 2013

GOD'S arrangement ...

You were prescribed and then presented to this world exactly as GOD arranged it.

" My frame was not hidden from YOU when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body." Psalm139:15-16

4/22 Chuck Swindoll devotional

Friday, April 19, 2013

Absolute Faith ...

Here's a great word by MARSHA BURNS ...

I am bringing greater clarity in distinguishing the difference between faith and hope.  Your prayers must be established in absolute faith, without any doubt whatsoever; according to My will, says the Lord.   If you find that you are in a double-minded position, take the time and effort to suss out any place of fear or unbelief that would undermine your faith.  Then, make the necessary corrections so that whatever you ask in My name will be done. 

James 1:5-8  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

HIS script and HIS chosen role for our lives ...

Life is literally filled with GOD-appointed storms. The massive blows and shattering blasts, not to mention the little, constant irritations, smooth us, humble us, and compel us to submit to HIS script and HIS chosen role for our lives.

Nahum 1:3 " The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. HIS way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of HIS feet."

... 4/18  Chuck Swindoll devotional ...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Manifest presence of the LORD ...

Excerpt from Wade Taylor posted on the Elijah List ...

... The LORD would like to make HIMSELF known to us as a person who desires both our fellowship and our cooperation with HIM in the outworking of HIS present-day purposes ... It is important for us to understand that the (seeming) withdrawal of the Lord's presence from us, and from anything that we attempt to do for HIM, is a blessing meant to draw us up into a higher realm of relationship with HIM ... The LORD longs to bring us into the experiential reality of personally knowing HIM, and abiding in HIS manifest presence. This relationship transcends anything that HE could ever do for us.

John 14:21 "The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]"

... As we die to our self-will and respond to HIM in obedience, HE will be released to manifest HIMSELF to us, and then to others through us ... The word "manifest" means that He causes us to become aware of HIS revealed presence through one, or a combination of, our five natural senses. HIS manifest presence begins at the point where we pass from the "letter" of the Word into the "Spirit" of the Word. When we enter into HIS manifest presence, HE will make HIMSELF experientially known to us.HE may lead us to quietly wait upon HIM in HIS revealed presence. HE may make known to us something that HE desires to accomplish and our part in its outworking. HE may quicken us in a special understanding of HIS Word. HE may share with those who have experienced in some measure the "Fellowship of HIS Sufferings" a specific burden of prayer or intercession ...

Song of Solomon 2:10 "MY beloved speaks and says to me, Rise up, MY love, MY fair one, and come away."

The LORD has something far better to offer us if we will respond to HIS call to "rise up" with HIM into a higher realm of spiritual reality. To this urgent call, HE adds a word of encouragement.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 "For, behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing [of birds] has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."

We are living in the time of the birthing of a new day. Herein is the cause of our wondering, "What is happening?" as we feel the birth pains of this new day. All that JESUS did in a single body during HIS first coming, HE will again do through a corporate Body. Presently, HE is preparing those who have been called apart for this purpose.

Winter speaks of a time of barrenness in our spiritual experience. It is a period of time during which the LORD is (seemingly) absent from us, and in which there is little or no moving or quickening of HIS presence within us, or in our ministry. The "winter being past" speaks of a present opportunity for us to be birthed into a new realm of spiritual life and experience.

The "flowers appearing" speaks of our spiritual growth with the resultant fruit of the SPIRIT. Our repentant response to the withdrawal of HIS presence from us has produced a spiritual breakthrough within us – the initiative for our life and ministry has passed to HIM. We are abiding in HIM and HE in us. Our lives and ministry are producing results that were never before seen, as we are being lifted from the gift realm into the spirit realm.

The singing of birds speaks of "worship" that flows up to the LORD from deep within us. The voice of the turtle speaks of our becoming "prophetic" and speaking forth HIS Word with substance and power. This especially applies to prophetic worship that will release the manifest presence and glory of the LORD.

This experience will not come through an intellectual comprehension or understanding of HIS Word alone. It requires the anointed impartation of HIS life to us, as we fellowship (sup) with HIM and so let's answer HIS call as HE spoke to us in Song of Solomon 2:10 to ...

"... Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away."

Monday, April 15, 2013


Excerpt from Paige Norfleet "Give Me the Paper" on the Elijah List ...

... The Lord is asking us to make an exchange for the heavy burdens that we are carrying. In return He will give us the peace and rest that we long for even in the midst of turmoil and darkness. It should not be a struggle to feel the presence of God, for His is continually with us. In fact, He wants to be found and to be known. He longs to be with us and to bring us comfort.

"Give Me the Paper..."

As I inquired of the Lord as to what must be done to break free of the yoke of sadness, He pointed to a piece of paper that I held tightly in my fist and spoke, "Give Me the paper, and in exchange I will give you what you desire."

Before this moment, I had been completely unaware of my tightly-clenched fist or the paper that it held. I immediately knew what was written on it. This list contained a memoir of disappointments, failures, and pain. In essence, it was a record of account; a statement of reasons, causes, or motives. I had held it for safekeeping in guarding myself from future mistakes, and I wasn't sure that I was ready to release it to the Savior. What if I needed it to keep my heart safe? What if I was about to repeat an awful mistake again?   
But again Jesus asked for the paper. Slowly I opened my fist and placed the paper along with my past failures into His loving hand. The exchange was immediate and my burden was replaced with peace. I could now enter into His rest. There would be no need to labor to steer clear of wrong situations or dangerous places. I was free to merely follow and learn from Jesus.

Is it really that simple? Yes, it is.

In John 14:27, Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

... I invite you to make the exchange with me today. The Lord truly can be trusted with the heart that is wounded and weary. I assure you the answer to entering deeper into His presence is found in releasing those things you may be holding onto in a futile attempt to keep yourself safe.

Father, I pray for those who have become heavy laden with disappointment and failures yet long to be in Your presence. Reveal to them those things that have been holding them back from the deepest desire of their hearts. Teach us, God, to fully trust You in order to enter into Your rest.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Fragrant Pharmacy

A post by Jillee ...

... from my sister Rebecca who blogs about Essential Oils at Camp Wander.

The Fragrant Pharmacy

You will find nature in one of its most powerful forms, the essence and life-force of plants can be found in what we commonly refer to as, essential oils. Essential oils are derived from flowers, trees, grasses, leaves, roots and fruits. Their powerful properties are indispensable to medicine, food and cosmetic manufacturers. Western medicine continually seeks to create chemical copies of essential oils because of their extremely effective and complex medical system.
All single essential oils have many properties, a good example of this is Peppermint.
Peppermint is an anti-inflammatory and used to treat muscle aches and pains like arthritis and headaches. It’s actually prescribed by doctors to relieve digestive issues, a prescription medicine called Colperin.
Peppermint is also used by candy makers, put in aftershave, and has proven very effective for deterring mice, spiders and ants!
Once you begin to use essential oils in your daily routine you can’t help but be impressed with their ability to operate on a cellular, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic level. Yes, it’s true, a bottle of pure EO can be spendy but, it’s value is long lasting and versatile.
If anything is this world is holistic, it’s essential oils.

fragrant pharmacy 3
These days we’re bombarded by synthetics of all kinds, in every shape and form. Synthetics = chemical based products. Eventually, we’ll have to find alternatives as the consequences of a chemical based lifestyle manifest themselves. Lucky for us, many alternatives are literally right under our nose.
How can you make the change from a Modern Medicine Cabinet to a Natural Medicine Cabinet? Start by assessing what’s in your current collection of over the counter drugs. How can you replace those synthetic products with natural ones? Start simply! Just a few basic essential oils complete with multiple properties can help you make great strides in your wellness journey!
5 essential oils to get you started:

What can you replace with Lavender?
Neosporin, Elidel, Ambien, Motrin, Aleve, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Imodium AD and Solercain.
Apply to soles of feet to sooth anxiety and rest.
Apply topically to a burn to eliminate the pain and speed healing.
*Use internally along with Peppermint and Lemon for a natural antihistamine.
Apply topically to ease the pain of scrapes and bruises, bee stings and bug bites.
Apply topically to relieve headache pain.

What can you replace with Lemon?
Children’s Tylenol, Abreva, Throat Lozenges, Mylanta, Tums, Tylenol Cold, Compound W and Dr. Scholl Wart Removers
Add a drop to honey to soothe a dry or sore throat.
Diffuse in room to neutralize odors and elevate mood.
Disinfect kitchen countertops and brighten stainless steel appliances.
Add 2 drops to a glass of water for anti-oxidant and detox properties.
Swipe a little Lemon on each side of a runny nose to dry up symptoms.
Dab on cold or fever blisters to shorten duration.
Apply to warts for gentle and natural removal (great for kids).
What can you replace with Peppermint?

Aleve, DayQuil, NyQuil, Tylenol, Tums, Motrin, Prevacid, Alka Seltzer, Claritin, Zyrtec, Mouthwash and Breath Fresheners
Apply to neck and forehead for headache relief.
Combined with Lemon and Lavender to create a powerful antihistamine for allergies mild to severe.
Put 2 drops in small glass of almond milk and drink to stop heartburn in it’s tracks.
Apply to back of neck for cooling effect. To reduce fever, apply Peppermint with carrier oil to torso, apply often. Peppermint can drop fever by 2 to 3 degrees in minutes.
Inhale deeply to invigorate lungs and increase alertness.
Breath freshener!

What can be replaced with Melaleuca?
Neosporin, Chloriseptic, Abreva, Dandruff Shampoos, Rubbing Alcohol, Acne Remedies, Anti-fungal creams, Anbesol
Apply to toenail fungus daily for superior anti-fungal results.
Add 2 to 3 drops to a handful of your favorite shampoo to quell dandruff and scalp issues.
Apply to skin blemishes and rashes as part of a daily treatment routine.
Dab on canker sores to ease the pain and heal.
Apply to feet after showering, swimming or working out to help with athlete’s foot and other fungus. (gym bag must have).
Kills Staph Infection ~ effective against MRSA virus.
Great emergency deodorant!

What can be replaced with Frankincense?
Expensive anti-aging skin products, Neosporin, Anti-cancerous properties, Migraine medications, Regenerative products
Combine with Lavender and/or Peppermint for severe headache relief.
Use with a carrier oil for beautiful, radiant skin.
Apply to bottom of feet or 2 to 3 drops under the tongue for strong immunity support.
Use topically or *internally to benefit from it’s anti-cancerous properties.
Diffuse with Lavender for their calming and grounding properties.
An excellent go-to oil for anything! When in doubt, use Frankincense.
*Essential oils can also be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions. Some essential oils have powerful antioxidant properties while others help support healthy inflammatory response in cells. Many essential oils are generally regarded as being safe for dietary use, but some oils should not be taken internally. Do not use any essential oil product internally that does not have the appropriate dietary supplement facts on its label. Internal remedies are only recommended for use with doTERRA 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils.

5 oils
Five essential oils to replace dozens of over the counter synthetics, easily transforming your modern medicine cabinet to a natural medicine cabinet. Five essential oils to heal instead of masking symptoms. Five essential oils to enter the body and leave it a more complete and whole vessel, leaving NO toxins behind.
Which medicine cabinet would you choose?