Monday, April 15, 2013


Excerpt from Paige Norfleet "Give Me the Paper" on the Elijah List ...

... The Lord is asking us to make an exchange for the heavy burdens that we are carrying. In return He will give us the peace and rest that we long for even in the midst of turmoil and darkness. It should not be a struggle to feel the presence of God, for His is continually with us. In fact, He wants to be found and to be known. He longs to be with us and to bring us comfort.

"Give Me the Paper..."

As I inquired of the Lord as to what must be done to break free of the yoke of sadness, He pointed to a piece of paper that I held tightly in my fist and spoke, "Give Me the paper, and in exchange I will give you what you desire."

Before this moment, I had been completely unaware of my tightly-clenched fist or the paper that it held. I immediately knew what was written on it. This list contained a memoir of disappointments, failures, and pain. In essence, it was a record of account; a statement of reasons, causes, or motives. I had held it for safekeeping in guarding myself from future mistakes, and I wasn't sure that I was ready to release it to the Savior. What if I needed it to keep my heart safe? What if I was about to repeat an awful mistake again?   
But again Jesus asked for the paper. Slowly I opened my fist and placed the paper along with my past failures into His loving hand. The exchange was immediate and my burden was replaced with peace. I could now enter into His rest. There would be no need to labor to steer clear of wrong situations or dangerous places. I was free to merely follow and learn from Jesus.

Is it really that simple? Yes, it is.

In John 14:27, Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

... I invite you to make the exchange with me today. The Lord truly can be trusted with the heart that is wounded and weary. I assure you the answer to entering deeper into His presence is found in releasing those things you may be holding onto in a futile attempt to keep yourself safe.

Father, I pray for those who have become heavy laden with disappointment and failures yet long to be in Your presence. Reveal to them those things that have been holding them back from the deepest desire of their hearts. Teach us, God, to fully trust You in order to enter into Your rest.

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