Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Manifest presence of the LORD ...

Excerpt from Wade Taylor posted on the Elijah List ...

... The LORD would like to make HIMSELF known to us as a person who desires both our fellowship and our cooperation with HIM in the outworking of HIS present-day purposes ... It is important for us to understand that the (seeming) withdrawal of the Lord's presence from us, and from anything that we attempt to do for HIM, is a blessing meant to draw us up into a higher realm of relationship with HIM ... The LORD longs to bring us into the experiential reality of personally knowing HIM, and abiding in HIS manifest presence. This relationship transcends anything that HE could ever do for us.

John 14:21 "The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]"

... As we die to our self-will and respond to HIM in obedience, HE will be released to manifest HIMSELF to us, and then to others through us ... The word "manifest" means that He causes us to become aware of HIS revealed presence through one, or a combination of, our five natural senses. HIS manifest presence begins at the point where we pass from the "letter" of the Word into the "Spirit" of the Word. When we enter into HIS manifest presence, HE will make HIMSELF experientially known to us.HE may lead us to quietly wait upon HIM in HIS revealed presence. HE may make known to us something that HE desires to accomplish and our part in its outworking. HE may quicken us in a special understanding of HIS Word. HE may share with those who have experienced in some measure the "Fellowship of HIS Sufferings" a specific burden of prayer or intercession ...

Song of Solomon 2:10 "MY beloved speaks and says to me, Rise up, MY love, MY fair one, and come away."

The LORD has something far better to offer us if we will respond to HIS call to "rise up" with HIM into a higher realm of spiritual reality. To this urgent call, HE adds a word of encouragement.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 "For, behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing [of birds] has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."

We are living in the time of the birthing of a new day. Herein is the cause of our wondering, "What is happening?" as we feel the birth pains of this new day. All that JESUS did in a single body during HIS first coming, HE will again do through a corporate Body. Presently, HE is preparing those who have been called apart for this purpose.

Winter speaks of a time of barrenness in our spiritual experience. It is a period of time during which the LORD is (seemingly) absent from us, and in which there is little or no moving or quickening of HIS presence within us, or in our ministry. The "winter being past" speaks of a present opportunity for us to be birthed into a new realm of spiritual life and experience.

The "flowers appearing" speaks of our spiritual growth with the resultant fruit of the SPIRIT. Our repentant response to the withdrawal of HIS presence from us has produced a spiritual breakthrough within us – the initiative for our life and ministry has passed to HIM. We are abiding in HIM and HE in us. Our lives and ministry are producing results that were never before seen, as we are being lifted from the gift realm into the spirit realm.

The singing of birds speaks of "worship" that flows up to the LORD from deep within us. The voice of the turtle speaks of our becoming "prophetic" and speaking forth HIS Word with substance and power. This especially applies to prophetic worship that will release the manifest presence and glory of the LORD.

This experience will not come through an intellectual comprehension or understanding of HIS Word alone. It requires the anointed impartation of HIS life to us, as we fellowship (sup) with HIM and so let's answer HIS call as HE spoke to us in Song of Solomon 2:10 to ...

"... Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away."

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