Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Here's a prophetic word that hit home for me today ...

Get in line with My Father's will. Let Him be in command in all things concerning you. Though the last fruit of the Spirit is self-control, let Him control, guide, and lead you. Many people get stuck on trying to change things in and among themselves. Let Him change you. Let go. Relinquish your controlling mindset and yield the right of way to him. You can be so focused on your will being done and winning your battles that you cannot see He's working on your behalf all the time.

Psalm 55:22 (MSG) "Pile your troubles on God's shoulders - He'll carry your load, He'll help you out. He'll never let good people topple into ruin."
Kevin Robinson penned this one ...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Awesome scripture in "The Message" ...

"GOD'S love is meteoric, HIS loyalty astronomic, HIS purpose titanic, HIS verdict oceanic. Yet in HIS largeness nothing gets lost."
Psalm 36:5-6

Friday, May 24, 2013

Did you know this?

What constitutes an emergency ...
Someone's bleeding.
House is on fire.
Someone is drowning.
There is a threat of loss of life or limb.

One of the many, many truths I have learned from a very, very wise person, that has empowered me to turn my life around!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Foundations of Recovery for Conquering Codependency

(Excerpts of this post taken from a  book by Pat Springle "Conquering Codependency A CHRIST-Centered 12-Step Process")

The functional family helps its members grow and develop, fostering open, honest and loving communication. Parents and their children develop a strong sense of identity. They learn the three basic skills required for healthy loving, relationships to exist, to TRUST, FEEL and TALK about many - if not all - the issues in their lives. These essential life skills are built on two basic truths 1) I AM SPECIAL (that is, my worth is based on who I am) and 2) I WILL BE LOVED EVEN WHEN I MAKE A MISTAKE (that is, my performance is not the basis for my worth).

The most important thing we should learn from our families is how to operate in relationships - how to give and receive love. A functional family gives an individual permission to feel, trust and talk and helps them develop the skills he or she needs for living.

The dysfunctional family simply lacks these skills. There are several reasons open, honest, loving communication does not occur ... 1) someone in the family is emotionally or physically abusive or absent, 2) the presence of a person with an addiction of any kind, 3) someone in the family is physically or mentally ill, 4) the family is organized around a sick set of rules "Children are to be seen and not heard" or "We don't air our dirty laundry in public", 5) the family is rigid, that is, one member controls the other family members so they're like robots, 6) a parent was reared in a dysfunctional home. Something is dysfunctional if it keeps the family from teaching life skills.

Members of a dysfunctional family know something is wrong, but the rules against feeling, trusting or talking make discussing the problem difficult and denial results, which is an unwillingness or inability to be honest about our feelings. Denial becomes a life pattern so family members don't "speak the truth in love" to themselves or each other. They eventually become people who are blind to the truth in their lives. They don't feel, trust, or talk, and walk in shame, thinking "I am not special" and "I won't be loved unless I'm perfect" ie, their self-worth is based on their performance.

Dysfunctional means something interfered with the family's ability to do its job. Dysfunctional does not mean the people were bad or to blame.

And there is more to come ...

Proverbs 16:24

" Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."

A Word of Encouragement from ChuckSwindoll ...

Peace is the ability to wait patiently in spite of panic brought on by uncertainty.

Lamentations 3:22 " Because of the LORD'S great love we are not consumed, for HIS compassions never fail."

Philipians 4:6-7 are awesome verses in " The Message" version of the Bible!

Philipians 4:6-7 "Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."

Philipians 4:4 & 5 (The Message)

"Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Excerpt from a great word by Mornay Johnson ...

... God is bringing alignment into His Body on both a personal and corporate level. He's placing His Bride on the chiropractic table so-to-speak. He's rearranging, reordering, removing, restructuring, and replacing many things. Perhaps you can attest? There are some of you who are seeing relationships and alignments shift. For many in the business arena, old strategies and methodologies have had to change and adapt. For others, material possessions and accumulations have had to be shed. For others, it's a shift of inaccurate belief systems. For yet others, it's shedding old habits, receiving healing from past hurts, letting grievances of the past go.
... This is the hour where division lines are being drawn before our very eyes. The polarization has begun. When it is complete, there will only be two very distinct groups of people on the earth: the true children of light and the children of darkness.
Do not fear polarization, it's a sign of the age (wheat versus tares, sheep versus goats, etc.).
... a key component of this newfound alignment is provision. God wants to get His supernatural provision to the Body, but in order to do that, they need to be properly aligned. This alignment can take on many forms and is unique for each individual. One common alignment, however, is to ensure vocationally that you're functioning on your correct societal mountain. We're all aware by this stage of the seven spheres or mountains of society: arts and entertainment; business; education; family; government; media; and religion/church.

God is shifting many saints from one societal mountain to another, based on their individual calling and destiny. Many of you have been operating in an incorrect sphere and wondering why provision has not come. You're like the lily trying to fly through the air. It's been frustrating because deep inside you've known that you didn't fit. The Lord is saying, "No more will you function where I have not placed you."

"Embrace this transferal shift because it is to better position you for your much overdue and backlogged provision. The kink in the pipe so-to-speak is getting unknotted so blessings can begin to flow.
"The Church collectively is also shifting in her role. She is moving from being a showcase of 'church incorporated' to becoming the catalyst of My Kingdom. She will now become the conduit through which the Kingdom of Heaven will be displayed. Those that have taken the time and have allowed Me to shift and align them personally will be part of this new corporate move being birthed in this hour," says the Lord.

"You'll begin to see Me manifest Myself personally through you, in ways you would never have dreamed of. Did I not say I would do exceedingly above and beyond what you could ever have dreamed or imagined? Now is the time for the manifestation of My glory through you. The shift has already taken place in the heavenly realm, and is being manifested in the earth through you. And all will see and know that you are aligned with Me," declares the Lord.

Monday, May 13, 2013

James 2:17-18, 22 (The Message)

"Isn't it obvious that GOD-talk without GOD-acts is outrageous nonsense? ... You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove ... Faith expresses itself in works."

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Healing Salve

CW All-Purpose Healing Salve via Jillee at

4 – 4 ounce glass jam jars
1 qt. mason jar for melting

1 cup organic cold pressed coconut oil
1 cup quality organic olive oil
4 T. organic beeswax pastilles
1 t. vitamin e oil (optional)

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
8 drops Lemon Essential Oil
6 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil
3 to 4 drops vitamin e

Add the coconut oil, olive oil and beeswax to 1 quart mason jar. Fill a large saucepan halfway with warm water, set your burner to low to medium heat, slowly melt the ingredients in the warm bath, stirring with a knife every few minutes until melted.

While melting and stirring, line up four 4 oz glass jam jars. To each 4 oz jar ~ add the CPPharmaGrade essential oils and vitamin e oil.

Now you’re ready to fill each jar with the hot oils and beeswax. Carefully fill each jar to within a half inch from the rim. Let the jars cool until the salve hardens, top with a paper towel while cooling to keep dust, bugs etc from invading your lovely jars of salve! Secure lids tightly after the salve has hardened. CW All-Purpose Healing Salve has approximately a one year shelf life, depending on humidity, heat etc. Note: the consistency of salve will set up soft but solid enough not to splash around in the jar.

I’ve made a lot of salve over the last year! Camp Wander supplies our local Wyoming nursery with stacks of jar as it’s so wonderful for rough, dry gardener’s hands!

Although a gardener’s salve was the original use, the comments flew in with testimonials of success using the salve for so many different things the list of uses kept on growing! Here’s a few ideas for the good readers of One Good Thing by Jillee from Camp Wander!

1. Extreme hand moisturizer, a gardener’s best friend!

2. Dry, cracked heels and crusty elbows.

3. All-purpose moisturizer for dryer climes. My Wyoming home pretty much demands heavy use of this salve as a body moisturizer and occasionally on my face, sparingly!

4. Soothes and heals chapped lips or any chappy place ~ Purchase small lip balm pots (HERE)

5. Soothes welts, burns and insect bites or bee sting!

6. Great for diaper rash ~ keep a small lip balm pot of salve in your purse AND diaper bag!

7. Keep your animals in mind! Sunburned noses, gashes, heat spots and post surgical wounds. The taste of Lavender and Melaleuca keep your pets from licking wounds – bonus!! Caution: because of Lemon essential oil the salve is not intended for cats. Cats are super sensitive to citrus oils.

8. Antiseptic, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties make it great for cuts, scrapes and post wound care for kids and adults!

9. Wonderful for elderly folks and their thin, fragile skin.

10. Great for scaly scalp!

11. Mom’s favorite go to for eczema breakouts ~ safe for infants!

12. Hand sanitizer and moisturizer in one!

If your excited to make your own All-Purpose Healing Salve and wondering where to find good quality essential oils, Jillee and I invite you to try our new find! A brand new line of responsibly priced PURE essential oils that both of us are excited about! Spark Naturals is pleased to now offer Certified Pure PharmaGrade essential oils, abundantly useful as an all natural alternative for your health and wellness.

Learn how Certified Pure PharmaGrade essential oils can help you be the Healer in your home. Visit Camp Wander and learn how you too can live the EO Life!

Make sure to use the coupon code JILLEE for an extra 10% off when ordering from Spark Naturals. :-)