Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Excerpt from a great word by Mornay Johnson ...

... God is bringing alignment into His Body on both a personal and corporate level. He's placing His Bride on the chiropractic table so-to-speak. He's rearranging, reordering, removing, restructuring, and replacing many things. Perhaps you can attest? There are some of you who are seeing relationships and alignments shift. For many in the business arena, old strategies and methodologies have had to change and adapt. For others, material possessions and accumulations have had to be shed. For others, it's a shift of inaccurate belief systems. For yet others, it's shedding old habits, receiving healing from past hurts, letting grievances of the past go.
... This is the hour where division lines are being drawn before our very eyes. The polarization has begun. When it is complete, there will only be two very distinct groups of people on the earth: the true children of light and the children of darkness.
Do not fear polarization, it's a sign of the age (wheat versus tares, sheep versus goats, etc.).
... a key component of this newfound alignment is provision. God wants to get His supernatural provision to the Body, but in order to do that, they need to be properly aligned. This alignment can take on many forms and is unique for each individual. One common alignment, however, is to ensure vocationally that you're functioning on your correct societal mountain. We're all aware by this stage of the seven spheres or mountains of society: arts and entertainment; business; education; family; government; media; and religion/church.

God is shifting many saints from one societal mountain to another, based on their individual calling and destiny. Many of you have been operating in an incorrect sphere and wondering why provision has not come. You're like the lily trying to fly through the air. It's been frustrating because deep inside you've known that you didn't fit. The Lord is saying, "No more will you function where I have not placed you."

"Embrace this transferal shift because it is to better position you for your much overdue and backlogged provision. The kink in the pipe so-to-speak is getting unknotted so blessings can begin to flow.
"The Church collectively is also shifting in her role. She is moving from being a showcase of 'church incorporated' to becoming the catalyst of My Kingdom. She will now become the conduit through which the Kingdom of Heaven will be displayed. Those that have taken the time and have allowed Me to shift and align them personally will be part of this new corporate move being birthed in this hour," says the Lord.

"You'll begin to see Me manifest Myself personally through you, in ways you would never have dreamed of. Did I not say I would do exceedingly above and beyond what you could ever have dreamed or imagined? Now is the time for the manifestation of My glory through you. The shift has already taken place in the heavenly realm, and is being manifested in the earth through you. And all will see and know that you are aligned with Me," declares the Lord.

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