Wednesday, October 30, 2013

And here's a great prayer by Joey LeTourneau ...

he prayed at the end of his terrific word posted on The Elijah List

... my family and I pray for you now – for the new lenses of your heart to come alive. In the name of Jesus, we release new vision over you and your circumstances, to see the manger around you the way God sees it, ready to give birth to the best prizes and promises God can measure.
Your manger is not insignificant, but strategic and purposeful. We break off the measuring lies of the enemy and bind your measurements to God's alone. May you see yourself, your life, your circumstances, and others as God sees. May your new eyes give birth to His everlasting promises to sow, to reap, and to join Jesus in the whitened harvest He has declared before us all. In Jesus' awesome name, Amen!

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