Friday, October 4, 2013

Excerpt from Dr Carolyn Leaf’s blog ...

Doing busy well means we are not shifting haphazardly between life events but that we are:
• interacting mindfully
• in a self-reflective way,
• thinking things through in a focused quality manner,
• listening, watching and reading intently,
• keeping our eye on one thing at a time and
• fixing it in our mind.
This does not mean that you slow down, it means the quality of how you spend each second of your time improves.
So instead of jumping haphazardly between the tasks, get disciplined and focused closure per task, saying to myself something like: “Lord help me remember where I was in this email and what should I respond to first - or shall I finish this email then look?” then intentionally and purposefully - and quickly - direct your attention in a deeply intellectual way to each task.

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