Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dr. Laura on 7 Ways To Raise a Child with Eternal Values

"About 80% of the youth in our survey report that their parents are more concerned about achievement or happiness than caring for others. A similar percentage of youth perceive teachers as prioritizing students’ achievements over their caring. Youth were also 3 times more likely to agree than disagree with this statement: “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes than if I’m a caring community member in class and school.” - Making Caring Common Project, Harvard.

The Harvard "Making Caring Common" project surveyed 10,000 middle and high school students about what was most important to them. The majority of the kids said they value caring for others and included caring as one of their top three values, but they didn't value it over their own happiness or achieving their own goals.
I would argue that this isn't surprising, and it isn't even necessarily unhealthy. The alarming part for me is that the young people who didn’t prioritize caring, and didn’t think their parents prioritized caring, had very low empathy scores, and were less likely to say they would volunteer on a Saturday to help at a school event or tutor a friend. All of these kids seem to be feeling tremendous pressure to achieve. And most of them thought their parents were more concerned with their achievements than with who they are.

So instead of judging our children for being insufficiently caring, maybe the real question we need to consider is what values we're modeling and teaching.

What can we do to raise kids with eternal values in today's challenging 21st century world? Teach and role model!
1. Explicitly teach values, not by lecturing but by asking questions. Listen, and help kids reflect so they can sort out what they think. Some questions to get you started:
  • What do you think would make me most proud of you -- a perfect report card, or for you to be a caring member of your school community?
  • What does it mean to be a caring person?
  • What do you think is most important for happiness--high achievement, being rich, caring for others, following your passion, or something else?
  • Would you stop to help someone on the street who was bleeding? What about someone who dropped their groceries?
  • What do you think about volunteering? Is it important to do? Why or why not? What if you would rather play instead?
  • How would you define "entitlement"? (Some people define it as thinking you deserve something, even at the expense of others.)
  • Do you think it's okay to cheat at school? What if everyone else is?
  • Is it okay to cheat or lie to make money?
  • Would you marry someone you didn't love, because they had a lot of money?
  • What makes someone a good friend? Why?
  • What do you think makes a person popular? Are wealthier kids more popular? Are you popular? Why or why not? Would you like to be?
  • Do adults automatically deserve respect? What about kids? How do you earn respect?
  • When you work at a job, does it matter if you do a good job? What if you don't really like the job?
  • Does getting really good at something make it more fun to do?
  • Would you rather spend ten hours working to earn money for a new toy, or spend the same ten hours getting really good at basketball (or whatever)?
  • Do you think if someone works hard enough, they can get rich? Is that a good goal?
  • How will you know if you are successful in life?
  • Do you think education is worth spending money on? Why or why not?
  • You know how we say in our family that everyone cleans up their own messes? Do you think that's true beyond our family? Do you think it should be true?
  • What could our family do that would make the world a better place?
  • Do you think you make the world a better place, just by being in it?
2. Role model habits of happiness. There's nothing wrong with children, or adults, wanting to be happy. But research shows that chasing after the next good time isn't what makes us happy. The deepest happiness comes from connecting with others and from developing our passions to make a contribution. Why not explicitly teach kids how to be happy, so it's a habit rather than an aspiration? (See Teaching Your Child the Art of Happiness.)
3. Role model that stuff is secondary. What matters most to you? The people you love? Doing good in the world? Following your passions and contributing them to the world? I'm betting you didn't say "Stuff." Kids need to hear explicitly, and to see you demonstrate, what matters most, so they learn that life holds huge abundance beyond achievement and accumulating material possessions.
4. Give your child the opportunity to discover how good it feels to help others. You can do this daily in your family, but it makes a bigger impression on children when you also volunteer as a family. What can kids do? Sort food at a food bank. Help you deliver Meals on Wheels. Organize a book drive and ship the books off to Reader to Reader. You'll find lots of suggestions online.
5. Every child deserves the pleasure of giving his own money to a worthy cause. This is a great way to educate kids about others in need, which gives some perspective to our own lives of relative plenty. Try giving a little extra weekly allowance that goes in a special "charity" jar, and letting her get that good feeling about herself by giving it away when she hears about a worthy cause.
6. Cultivate gratitude as a family. There are many ways to help children learn gratitude, which is the opposite of taking what we have for granted. The most obvious is including gratitude practices in your family life by making a practice of sharing things you're grateful for on a daily basis.
7. Meet your child's emotional needs for connection, understanding and empathy. As L.R. Knost says, "It's when children have their material needs in lieu of their emotional needs met (i.e. when they're given things and screen time instead of meaningful interaction) or have few needs met sufficiently in either area that the symptomatic behaviors of entitlement begin to surface. Children who are in stable, supportive, loving relationships with emotionally available and compassionate parents (or other close attachment figures) tend to grow into well-adjusted, generous, respectful adults whether they live with scarcity or abundance materially."

In other words, children who experience empathy and connection grow up to empathize and connect. Which is really the bottom line on how to raise caring kids.
Choose love!
Dr. Laura

Ultimate Sunburn Lotion Guide

Hawaiian Tropic Cool Aloe After Sun Bun4.3Lotion
Sunburnt Therapeutic After Sun Relief4.4Lotion
Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration After Sun Lotion4.8Lotion
Burt's Bees Aloe and Linden Flower After Sun Soother4.8Lotion
Banana Boat Aloe After Sun Lotion4.5Lotion
Hawaiian Tropic Shimmer Effect Coconut Papaya After Sun Lotion4.7Lotion
Banana Boat Aloe Vera Sun Burn Relief Gel4.7Gel
Alba Botanica Hawaiian Aftter Sun Lotion, Replenishing Kona Coffee4.4Lotion
Sun Bum Cool Down Hydrating Sunscreen, Sun Gel4.5Gel
Australian Gold Moisture Lock Lotion4.6Lotion
Hawaiian Tropic Lime Coolada After Sun Moisturizing Lotion4.7Lotion
Solar Recover Save Your Skin Hydrating Mist4.8Spray
Beyond Coastal Aftersun Natural Moisturizer4.9Lotion
California Baby Aloe and Amica Soothing Spray5.0Spray
Clarins Ultra-Hydrating After Sun Moisturizer5.0Lotion
Nivea Sun Moisturizing After Sun Lotion with Aloe VeraN/ALotion
Dermalogica After Sun Repair4.5Lotion
Clinique After Sun Rescue Balm with Aloe Vera5.0Lotion
Ocean Potion Moisturizing Aloe Lotion4.6Lotion
Ocean Potion ICE Instant Burn Relief4.8Gel
Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Calendula First Aid Lotion for Sunburn and Irritated Skin5.0Lotion
Bach Flower Essence Rescue Remedy Cream4.5Lotion
Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel4.6Gel
Australian Gold Aloe Free Gel Spray5.0Spray

3 of the Best Sunburn Lotions to Heal Your Sunburn

These are in no particular order. However, they all are the best sunburn lotions available. You can order all of them on
1. Ocean Potion Aloe After Sun Lotion-20.5 oz
A rich penetrating lotion formulated to replenish and repair damaged and dead skin cells after sunburn or prolonged exposure to the sun. This unique, Vitamin D3 fortified formula sunburn lotion helps keep skin soft and healthy. Plus it also prevents your sking from peeling while also allowing you to maintain your tan. You can also go ahead and use it year round for younger looking skin.
Ingredients: pure Aloe Vera, antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, tea tree oil, herbal extracts, seaweed extract and other natural skin emollients and conditioners.
2. Hawaiian Tropic Cool Aloe After Sun Burn I.C.E. Gel, 16-Fluid Once Bottle

This is a cool aloe vera ice gel that will help soothe sunburn pain and prevent peeling. It’s perfect for any of you who have a sunburn and are looking to reduce the pain and prevent your skin from peeling.
Ingredients: See here
3. Banana Boat Aloe After Sun Lotion, 16-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 4)
This sunburn lotion is made with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to help relieve any skin peeling and dryness, while also helping your skin retain skin moisture. This ultra-moisturizing, non-greasy lotion helps you keep your tan looking beautiful longer. Plus, if you chose to use this sunburn lotion on a daily basis, it will keep your skin soft by helping to replace moisture lost by exposure to sun, water and even age.
Ingredients: main ingredients include aloe vera and vitamin E.
Hopefully this will help you choose the best sunburn lotion according to your liking. These three are the best in sunburn treatment lotions. Thanks for reading!

Hawaiian Tropic Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Lotion

Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydrationâ„¢ After Sun Lotion
Hawaiian Tropic
Silk Hydration™
After Sun Lotion
Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration™ After Sun Lotion is the first and only after sun product that combines ribbons of gel and lotion to leave your skin feeling luxurious and refreshed. Infused with silk protein and Shea butter to moisturize skin for 24 hours, along with aloe for cooling benefits, Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration™ is an indulgent after sun experience that pampers and soothes the skin like no other product.
Features & Benefits:
• 24 hours of luxurious moisturization with refreshing hydrating ribbons
• Lightweight feel
• Coconut papaya fragrance
• Refreshes sun-tired skin with soothing aloe gel

WATCH word on the company you keep

10460175_10152569282184936_294467736982132813_nI ran into a quote saying, “your character determines the company you keep,” and that is true. But then I got to thinking about Paul’s admonition…
“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’”
(1 Cor 15:33)

At the 7mGen youth program last week a young person asked me how to categorize relationships. A great question! Who should I have as friends?
The parable of “The Good Samaritan” came to mind. Right away I realized Jesus had addressed this question when a man shot it to Him from the crowd… “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus turned it back by telling a story about a man who fell among thieves and was dying on the side of the road till the Samaritan passed by. Adding a slight dig to the religious hypocrisy of the day, Jesus had a pious Levite and Priest pass by the poor fellow and cross over to the other side of the street to avoid him. The Samaritan brought the man to a hotel and covered his expenses till he recovered. Then Jesus, ever the master teacher asked – “Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?” Who was friend to the man who fell among thieves?
The one who showed mercy.
The question may not be “who should be my friend?” but rather, “how does a friend act?”
Here are three levels of RELATIONSHIP to consider:
Level #1 FRIENDSHIP. A believer’s disposition should be friendly toward all. Looking for the one who needs a humane touch, a deposit of mercy. The Samaritan demonstrated he was a “friend” by how he handled someone in need.
Not all people are the same, however and you need to discern their spirits if possible. Dr. Henry Cloud suggests three categories of people in the Bible: the wise, the foolish and the evil.
Level #2. FELLOWSHIP. This is a level higher than friendship where you open up your heart and life. There is a sacred exchange that takes place at this level between hearts and souls. It is at this level that we are refreshed and sharpened, based on the company we keep.
There are many friends, fewer in fellowship and fewest in the third highest level….
Level #3 COVENANT. These are the people who rise out of fellowship to a place where you have a common bond, perhaps an assignment of some sort that ties you together. Jesus shared this level of intensity with a small group. In the crush of all three groups needing something, these people are moved to the top of your list of concerns.
If the company you keep is not moving you forward, they are most likely holding you back. Hard as it may be for some, make the decision to walk only with those who cause you to show up as your best self. These are those who accept you totally and unconditionally on one hand, and on the other, require you to live up to your star potential and confront you when you are playing small.
In any two-party relationship one person is influencing the other. Make sure you know who is influencing whom.
And I deeply appreciate that many of you allow me to enter the sacred space of a writer you read. I steward this trust carefully.
–Pruning is painful sometimes. Remove the branches (relationships) that suck away your strength.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BREAKING: Congress Expands Career Training for Young Adults with LD

Today, Congress passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), expanding federal career training for young adults with learning disabilities (LD). The bill is headed for the President, who has said he will sign it into law.

This is an amazing victory for NCLD's policy team. We’ve been pushing Congress behind the scenes to act on this bill for over a year. It’s also a victory for you—last month, hundreds of you sent letters to Congress telling your Senators to pass WIOA. Congress heard you loud and clear.

Now that WIOA is about to become law, it’s time to review why this is so important for you and your family.

Why Are Career Training Services Needed?
Nationwide, 19 percent of students with specific learning disabilities drop out of high school. Another 32 percent do not graduate with a regular diploma. Other students may graduate, but don’t have the career training and literacy support they need to navigate the workplace. Young adults with LD need access to career training. This may include your child now or in the future.

What Federal Career Training Is Currently Available?
Under current federal law, state and local workforce boards oversee “One-Stop” training centers. At these centers, people ages 14 and older can get job training, education and employment services all in one location. But unfortunately, because of the way the law was written, young adults with LD generally couldn’t get services.

How Will This Victory Change Things for the Better?
WIOA will update the law so that young adults with LD will be able to get access to federal career training. Here’s what the new law will do:
  1. Expand federal job training. Anyone who has a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act will be able to get services at a “One-Stop” training center.
  2. Help students who drop out of high school. Services will be available for youth ages 14 to 24 who are eligible under IDEA or Section 504 and want to transition to work.
  3. Require states to coordinate services. States will have to coordinate transition services for youth from high school to postsecondary education.
Like any change in the law, it may take a little time for job training and workforce services to become available in your community. As we learn more, we’ll share more information with you. But if you or your child needs help right now, you can contact the “One-Stop” training center near you by visiting the CareerOneStop website.

Monday, July 14, 2014

A great word by Dr. Laura! I just love all the channels I'm connected to, to receive words of wisdom from!

Just Breathe.

"Make a habit of bringing your awareness to your breathing frequently throughout your day. Our breath connects us to feelings of peace and contentment. Take a minute to deepen your breath from shallow, tense chest breathing to relaxed, deep belly breathing. When you feel totally overwhelmed, stop whatever you're doing, close your eyes if possible, take three deep breaths, and let your body and mind relax." -- Jan Marie Dore

It's impossible to be a compassionate, patient parent when you're tense. But life with children is full of triggers that make us tense.

Of course, those triggers, be they tantrums or traffic jams, don't actually make us tense. We make ourselves tense in response to them. It's a choice. Believe it or not, it's entirely possible to breathe deeply and feel relaxed during a traffic jam -- or even a tantrum. (I'm not saying it doesn't take practice. :-))

The easiest way to remind yourself to let go of tension is to breathe. Just breathe. It brings us back into our body, back into the present moment, back into a choice about how we want to respond.

So why not start practicing? Today, stop every so often and breathe throughout your day. Every time you're upset. When you find yourself in traffic. When anyone in your house begins a meltdown. (Especially you.)

Use those difficult moments as red flags. When you feel that tightness in your stomach, or chest, or throat, just stop. Drop what you're doing. Take a few deep breaths. Remind yourself that it really isn't an emergency.

Breathing seems so simple you may find it hard to believe its power. But this practice is transformative, because you're actually rewiring your brain and growing more self-discipline muscle. After a month, you'll find yourself happier and calmer, and the more you practice it, the more powerful the change.

Don't see what's the big deal about breathing? As Sam I Am said about Green Eggs and Ham, "Try it, try it, and you may!"

Choose love!
Dr. Laura

A Great word from the LORD through Lance Wallnau ...

As I read through this word it seemed to me there was a theme in my devotions this morning and it's to not fall into the trap of arguing  ...   "Don't answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are." Proverbs 26:4. NLT "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places" Ephesians 6:12 NLT.   ... If we want to win the lost and let our lives be a reflection of His glory and power, we must... pray... wrestle... and we win!We say what Holy Spirit tells us to say, we do what He tells us to do and pray what He tells us to pray. We take authority over the powers of darkness and we will win. Our battle in the spirit realm, with Holy Spirit's help, is an extremely one-sided battle.  ..."out-fruit" him.

WATCH WORD – Cast Not Away Your Confidence!

WATCH WORD – Cast Not Away Your Confidence!
Do you ever struggle?

I am sometimes surprised by the heaviness that casts its shadow across my mind. I wonder if I am somehow too weak or inadequate for the calling on my life. I linger long, recalling my failures and missed opportunities of the past and wonder, frankly, if I am actually going to live long on this earth. I wonder if I have enough of a prayer shield. I can almost hear the words of the accuser against me.
Then somewhere, as my soul descends down this dark shaft of despair, my descent is stopped and a ray of light breaks forth with this thought…”Where does this dark voice come from?” Is it me, simply seeing the truth? No. This is a distortion of the truth! I groan under a heavy burden. But I am not usually depressed. Is it God? No. It is not His nature to depress.
And then THIS thought comes with liberating force… “The voice that is telling you to quit, stop, give up, admit failure, you’re too weak, it’s too late…” THAT Voice is a harassing devil assigned to you to hinder and block you. It is assigned BECAUSE THE ENEMY FEARS THAT SHOULD YOU PERSIST… YOU WILL SUCCEED. YOU MUST BE DOING DAMAGE TO THE ENEMY or he would not assault your mind so aggressively to discourage you.
Carry on. That voice of doubt and uncertainty is why you know you are on the right track!
You can’t out-argue each critic but you can bury him under a pile of evidence as you “out-fruit” him.
What do you say? Am I alone in my private wrestling?
–stay strong

Stop and Wrestle by Victoria Boyson

"Don't answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are." Proverbs 26:4. NLT

When we argue with fools (those who are blind to the truth) we end up looking like fools; truly we make ourselves the greater fool. For, who is more foolish, the one who thinks he sees or the one who truly sees, yet lets himself get stuck in an enemy ambush?

The argument of fools is a trap. It is far too easy to fall into when someone reaches your personal point of contention or they've tipped your sacred cow. You may be reasonable about most everything, but what is the issue that makes your blood boil? What turns you into a fool?

How easy it is to forget the battle we face is not of this world. Indeed, we are in a battle everyday with unseen forces who will take advantage of any person or situation.

Our battle is not a battle of this world, but for the world. It doesn't matter what's coming against you, the answer is the same - it is truly a supernatural battle.

I feel it growing everyday in the anger that matches the world's.

Are we letting the world set the agenda for us? Are we to mirror the world's hostility, or display the love of Christ? For, "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples" John 13:35.

A One-sided Battle
So how should we respond when we are trampled by the perverse society around us? I can tell you one truth, the argument of a fool will never be the right answer.

The Word says a soft answer turns away wrath (Proverbs 15:1), yet, do we stop with that? Do we placate the atrocities and injustice in our world?

Not if we want to win.

If we want to win the lost and let our lives be a reflection of His glory and power, we must...



and we win!

We say what Holy Spirit tells us to say, we do what He tells us to do and pray what He tells us to pray. We take authority over the powers of darkness and we will win. Our battle in the spirit realm, with Holy Spirit's help, is an extremely one-sided battle.

Truly, the toughest battle we face is resisting the urge to fight in our flesh. Our true battle is fighting to express love, not the indignation we feel over the injustices we see in the world. Screaming at the lost does no good and actually does great harm!

As a mother of four children ranging in ages 13 to 24, I've learned one thing for certain: you have to choose your battles. There are battles we face that will shape the outcome of the lives of those we love; those are the most important ones.

Years ago, several people tried to get me to enter the debate on women in the ministry. Well, I am passionate about women being released to fulfill their purpose in God and equipped to triumph in Christ. Yet, Holy Spirit told me not to go that direction. He said, "Don't argue with them, just prove them wrong." By simply being what they said I couldn't be, what they said I shouldn't be, would produce victory. Living it myself was all the argument God wanted from me.

Follow Wisdom
Holy Spirit talks with me frequently and yet, there are those times He is silent. I have learned that it is at those times I have to have the greatest caution. He's taught me that I too often want to run on the assumption that I am wise, when I know I am only as wise as the wisdom I listen to. If Wisdom isn't talking, I should stop as well.

One of my life scriptures has been Proverbs 3:5-7, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Don't be impressed with your own wisdom."

As a young girl, God taught me to trust His wisdom, not the wisdom that seems right in my own eyes. Seeking Him is a place of safety for He does not fail us. When you have questions, He will answer. When you don't know where to turn, He will lead you and He will keep you from running head-long into your own folly.

Acknowledging your weakness is true wisdom and running ahead of God is foolishness. If someone you know is doing that, if they are so blinded by their own genius they've become a danger to themselves and others, there is only one answer. Stop and wrestle...not with them, but the darkness that's blinding them.

"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places" Ephesians 6:12 NLT. We wrestle not with people, but with our unseen enemy who's controlling the hearts and minds of men.

Truly, we only have one enemy and that is the enemy in the unseen realm. Humanity is not our enemy, nor is it our Father's enemy. Our Father gave His Son to die for humanity. He does not hate humanity - He loves the world. What He hates is what hurts the humanity He created. Anything that stands between His children and Himself is what He hates. He hates stupidity and foolishness, but He doesn't hate the stupid or foolish.

Jesus came as an enemy to the self-righteous who claim to be wise, and was a friend to sinners (Matthew 11:19), because His mercy triumphs over judgment. It triumphs over injustice, over foolishness and blindness. Mercy doesn't make sense, but it doesn't have to. God doesn't require His mercy to pass a test of what we think is intelligent grace. He loves humanity and if we love Him, we will love what He loves.

Have you ever fought for an injustice only to find out you've been fighting on the wrong side? You've become an enemy to right and a gullible ploy to wrong. You were moved more by misguided passion rather than truth and suddenly you see how wrong you were. Doesn't that feels awful? That's how Paul the apostle felt.

All that he did to the church, the horrid persecution he heaped upon the early Christians, was done out of a motivation to fight for truth. He was fighting for what he determined to be right, and yet he lived the rest of his life with the burden of having tormented the brethren of the early church (Acts 8:3). He bore the pain of the lives he took in the name of the God he wanted to live for. Paul gave his all to harass and condemn the early church, but soon found out how horribly wrong he was.

One of the greatest acts of mercy in the Word is Paul's conversion. I probably would have given up on Paul, yet God chose him. We, as Christians, give up on the people God has chosen. His grace is remarkable; His mercy is indescribable. There are not words to describe His wisdom - it goes beyond our comprehension.

Don't let the enemy set the agenda for your life. Don't let him lead you into working for him against the Messiah that you love. Lean not on your own understanding. Stop and wrestle...

Wrestle with your real enemy, not with God's creation. Wrestle with the enemy who's trying to trick you into wounding those he has caught in his snare. Wrestle with him and win the lost. Set free those imprisoned by sin.
"We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors" 2 Corinthians 6:8 NLT.

You have been hurt; you have been lied about. You've poured out your heart to love someone and they betrayed your trust and lied about you behind your back. They've successfully turned others against you as well. What are you going to do?

You could strike them back, but you stand with your Redeemer - the Merciful One. You would have to move away from Him to strike at them and you love Him too much to do it. So, you stop and you inquire of the Lord. And to your relief He says, "It's ONLY a demon."

And so we stop and wrestle...because there is no battle on this earth that can be truly won any other way. The victory for whatever you are facing in the natural realm will be found in the supernatural realm as you wrestle with the principalities that have exalted themselves against the truth of what your Father desires for you.

The person who's hurt you and left you scarred is not your enemy. That painful situation you've endured is just a trap...or is it your victory?

Truly, the enemy hopes you will hold on to the pain inflicted on you until it has injured your heart, until your love is cold with hate. He has lain out a lovely display of weapons at your disposal in the hopes you will respond to his tactics and fight his way - fighting flesh with just more flesh.

Hell loves it when they're able to motivate Christians to fight one another and cause pain. Their main pleasure is to use us to cause ourselves pain, or to react out of our pain causing others to stumble (Mark 9:42).

Will you strike back at the person the enemy is using? Will you play satan's foolish game? Is it really worth it if it makes you look like a fool or causes little ones to stumble?

Don't let the enemy set your agenda, don't play his game - stop and wrestle.


Your battle can be an opportunity to display the ways of His kingdom! The world is watching - show them His love. Show the world the King's love burns bright in YOU!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

My prayer sowed for Kim Clement's trip to the Wailing Wall ...

O FATHER as I sow that which YOU have guided me to, the day after the fact, as I watch this video now, I thank YOU that spiritually my prayer goes to the wailing wall and the power and the might in this obedient act is a hundred-fold for healing and tearing down strongholds in my family and all of the ones that I love that are in my midst, physically and spiritualy, which is all that are in my midst. I pray O LORD that would bring healing and breakthrough for each and everyone, that not one would ever be the same again, because of YOU O LORD becoming greater in their lives! And ISRAEL, O ISRAEL is truly forever and ALL those that are there are saved and protected and found flourishing beyond what one could ever think or image. In JESUS' mighty, mighty name, AMEN!

Friday, July 11, 2014

I love this word from the LORD through Bev Robinson!

July 11, 2014. Faith activates the promises you have received. Don't let your faith lag. Do whatever it takes to walk in faith. Read My Word. Hear My voice. See your needs met. Imagine your wants met. Don't fall into a pit of entertaining doubts and unbelief. Don't open that door even a crack. You have sought Me. You have heard Me. Where do you think the desire came from? Of course it came from Me. You have been willing to go without. You have learned to abase and abound. Now believe Me.
Romans 15:13 (NASB) "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Bev Robinson

Kim Clement on "What is Prayer?"

Many have used prayer as a means of manipulating God or at least trying to, however the institution of prayer was for the purpose of dialogue and not monologue. Let’s go back to the beginning of time. God was the initiator of the communication when He approached Adam. He was walking in the garden in the “cool” of the day. What does this exactly mean? To me it means that there is a moment in your day when you will feel the breeze of God, which means it’s time to respond. The word “cool” in Hebrew is “Spirit, wind, breeze”.This breeze will prompt you by impulse to search for God. When this happens it may require two minutes or in some cases two hours.

Everyone will pray at some point in his or her lifetime, even atheists. Voltaire, during an extreme thunderstorm, was caught under a tree and was seen crying to God. There are different kinds of prayers. The prayer that I want to deal with is prophetic prayer. Is there such a thing? Absolutely. It is simply praying under the influence of insightand foresight. It is one thing to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” but unless you actually get to know what His will is in heaven then it becomes a redundant prayer. Prayer can gather a lot of information from the Holy Spirit, information that could change your entire understanding of your journey, your purpose, and your destiny.


1 Corinthians 2:6-8 “...we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, 8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”

The mysterious thing inside of you is your secret strength. However, how do you know what it is? And what kind of prayer is required for this to begin to manifest through you? You have a“glory”that is hidden in your spirit and as you are formed on your journey in this life, the day comes when you experience transformation. God does three things in your life; He creates you, forms you, and then transforms you. What does this mean? Isaiah 43:1: But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,And He who formed you, O Israel:“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.”

So God created Jacob, but during a period of 20 years He FORMED Israel inside of Jacob. Only after God had formed Israel in Jacob did hebecome Israel. Remember how Jacob wrestled with God and God said to him, 27 So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.”28 And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

You will have to struggle before entering your destiny.

1 Corinthians 2:10-11 10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

Each person has something inside of their spirit that is“unknown” and yet your spirit knows it. You know that there is something great inside of you but you have no idea what it is; however you suspect it is something valuable and beautiful. We are constantly reminded of our faults and flaws by well-meaning and ill-meaning people. Would God jump on that bandwagon??? NO! As David clearly said, “My sin is ever before me.” However, what is the thing that is NOT ever before you? Your greatness,your beauty, your potential, your goodness, and your Godly attributes. So why do we have a “hidden secret”? The best way for me to explain this is Samson. Samson was born with a hidden secret that God did not want his enemies to know about. The length of his hair would determine his strength. He never pronounced this to anyone and as longas he kept his secret to himself he would always be the victor over his enemies. As we all know he lost his strength when his secret was revealed by the power of seduction. So we understand that once the mystery in you is uncovered through prophetic insight given by the Holy Spirit it becomes your secret strength. The enemy does not know what it is unless it is stolen from you by a seducing spirit. A seducing spirit is similar to a spirit of divination – it has to disarm you and make you feel“at home”. The most ambitious desire of satan is to change your course so that you are unprotected and out of line with God’s will for your life.

So what kind of prayer releases information toyou about yourself? Read 1 Corinthians 14:1-2: 1 Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. 2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.

Please notice that when you pray in the spirit you “speak mysteries”. Or you “reveal” mysteries. So your prayer time could actually be a beautiful time of gaining understanding about YOUR call in this lifeand your journey. I hope this will help some of you with your own prayer life. I believe that like tithing, instead of doing nothing at all because you don’t have the money or time (to pray), just do something, start with something...even if it’s just 5 minutesa day or $5. I promise you that you will begin to gain insight, clarity, encouragement, direction, and so much more. God will begin to reveal the ISRAEL inside of you...your secret strength. Then your journey will begin and you’ll have great joy as you live out your destiny. This gives a whole new meaning to “power in your prayer”!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Another terrific word from the LORD through Marsha Burns ...

What you say is a direct reflection of your heart, and your speech reveals whether or not you walk in the Spirit or in the flesh. Pay attention to the words of your mouth, and deal with the issues within yourself that cause a negative overflow. I have called you to righteousness, faith, and peace. When you walk in unity with Me, says the Lord, the fruit will be evident.

Psalms 141:3 Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.

Monday, July 7, 2014

This is definitely a word from the LORD to me today through Barbie Breathitt! O LORD that my imagination would soar with faith! O that I would learn to focus on YOUR love and to trust in YOUR provision that ALL fear would be cast away in my life!!

Barbie Breathitt:
Barbie BreathittWhat is imagination? Can our imagination be used for good and for evil? What is the difference between a self-centered, vain imagination, and a positive, productive, renewed or sanctified, godly imagination? Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Imagination is the visionary power of the mind to form mental images or concepts of something that is not really present at that particular time. It is the ability to think, imagine, or create something new that has never been seen or done before. The imagination joined with the power of God's creative words through prayer, dream interpretation, and prophecy has the ability to create things that are not yet visible.
The renewed imagination also has the power to change negative things that are, by creating a new positive alternative. Things, events, object's and ideas that are seen in the imagination can be formed and brought into reality through prayer. Speaking and decreeing the Word of God alerts angels to the spiritual gateways that have been opened to the natural realm. These entry points funnel God's increase and creativity into its rightful place in one's life.
Imagination is Godlike in that it is the bold voice of daring enterprise. God dreamed the world and imagined everything that is in it before He released His creative powers through the spoken Word. Imagination rules humanity whether it is an evil, vain, fanciful imagination or imaginations inspired by a loving, all-knowing God.
Fear in the Imagination
Jacob allowed his unchecked imagination to arouse great fear and run away with his emotions. Like Chicken Little clucking around the barnyard screaming, "The sky is falling," he began to believe the most dreadful outcome. The frightening news of his Brother Esau's approach brought concern for the possible loss of his life, and the demise of his family. (Photo via Freeimages)
Fear causes us to imagine the worst possible scenario while also forgetting the promises God has given us. In contrast, faith empowers us to please God by focusing on the potential and not the problems. When we focus on God's perfect love, we learn to trust in His provision, and all fear is cast away.
Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed... Genesis 32:7
In the above passage the Hebrew word for afraid is yare' (yaw-ray' [OT:3372]); which means to morally fear, to reverence another, or see someone as frightening, to allow the imagination to run wild with dread, to terribly fear a circumstance, action, or situation that has not taken place yet.
Distressed is the Hebrew word yatsar (yaw-tsar'); meaning a vexation that causes one to be straightened out, pressed into shape, squeezed through a frame, to be molded by a potter in a narrow place that reforms you into someone else, to make a resolve to change, to be determined to accomplish your purpose, or be fashioned to reach ones' destiny in life. A similar Hebrew word yetser, (yay'-tsar) means to become distressed because the imagination has formed a negative concept in the mind.
God Beckons Us...
The choices we make in life determine our destiny. God sets choices of life and good, death and evil, before us. Each choice we make, whether it is big or little, either draws us closer to fulfilling our God-given destiny or to aborting the call God has reserved for us. If we are not sure what choice is the right choice, God will give us the wisdom that is needed to choose correctly. Wisdom is the ability to create the perfect conclusion in the perfect way. God's wisdom sees everything in focus from the foundational beginning to the end with flawless precision.
God beckons us to love Him so the fear of the Lord will keep us clean, enduring forever. God is love, but it is only one of His many attributes, so it doesn't limit or completely define Him. God is also holy, just, faithful, truthful, kind, immutable. God's love will cover a multitude of sin, until we are able to recognize it as sin and repent.
God is infinite, sovereign, and self-existent, eternal, and incomprehensible. His love for us disposes Him to desire our best. God's dominion empowers Him to secure the utmost and highest for us. If we keep God's pure commandments, our eyes will be enlightened. His statutes and true judgments enable us to walk in righteous, godly ways, even in our imagination.
The principles of the Lord are right, producing a heart full of joy. The laws of God are perfect; so they have the power to restore the psyche. In keeping God's way, there is great reward. When we are obedient, we live in abundance and multiply in every direction. The blessings of God cause us to possess the promises. The authentication of the Lord is sure. By conducting one's life by His example, the simple are made wise.
Jesus is the Living Word. He is our example. The Word was made flesh and came to walk and talk with man. Now the Living Word continues to dwell in the hearts of those who love Him. We can find God in the secret place and lean on our Beloved.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Knowing the Word and Hearing His Voice
The Word of God is not mysterious or far off. It is not concealed in Heaven so one has to ascend into the heights to bring it down to hear or do it. Neither is the Word buried as a treasure, hidden in the depths of the sea. The Word of God is so near. It is in the mouths of earthen vessels, hidden in our hearts, that we can perform it and prosper. The power of a prosperous life or the barrenness of death is within the words we speak.
Our life is formed from the scenarios we paint in our imagination. When a seed of thought is conceived, it is impregnated with life. The more we water that thought, the more that thought grows. When that thought reaches maturity, it is birthed and becomes a reality. This is why it is paramount that our thoughts remain focused upon the pure, beautiful, and positive.
My prayer is, "Lord, let the words of my mouth be few and the meditations of my heart be pure and acceptable in Your sight. Help me to discern my errors and exonerate me of hidden faults. Keep me from being presumptuous and do not let sin rule over me. Remove indiscretion far from me, so I am unblemished in Your sight. Rid me of impurities until I am holy and without contaminates. Remove my sin so their ink does not stain the fabric of my being. Then pour me out as a jar of pure refreshing water. Be my rock, my defender and my knight in shining armor."
God's plan is always abundance, to exceedingly bless and prosper us. To obtain the innovative increased levels of prosperity, we must be willing to let go of the old comfortable ways and familiar relationships in order to add the new. Encouragement and hope comes from God and following His plans and purposes. Hearing God's voice clearly, knowing the Word, and then walking in obedience will bring a greater wisdom and ability to discern the thoughts, intents, and motives of people's hearts. (Photo via Freeimages)
A Prayer in this Ayin Season
Dear Lord, I ask for the blessing of the open door to form in this season of Ayin Dalet; that every door that is before me both in Heaven and on earth will swing wide open. Doors that were closed to me in the past preventing my promises from coming forth will no longer be barriers, but they open now as double doors of provision, so that I am able to enter in and go through to regain the time that was stolen. Circumstances can no longer hold me hostage. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing unto You, O Lord, so that they may birth the promise You have given to me years ago.
I pray that every obstacle, hindrance, or any form of opposition will fall at my feet. I ask for God Himself to grant me wisdom and divine revelation to solve every mystery and train my hands to worship and war in a new way.
Deliver me from the wilderness. Lead me out of limitations into new territories. Walk with me along the still waters and green pastures so I may prosper and taste Your sweet honey. Let me commune with You so that I behold You in a new and unusual way (see Luke 24; John 20). Remove every thing and person that tries to bring limitation.
Give me eyes that see beyond the natural into the divine supernatural (see Zechariah 14:7). Enlighten the path of purpose that leads me to fulfill my destiny in Christ.
Let me see a new door of hope and the expanse of every divine possibility that lies before me. Let me apprehend the power of love and a strong mind that is renewed by the Living Word.
Open the door of my tent so that I may both see and hear the voice of my Shepherd. Open my eyes to see the angelic realm (see Daniel 8-9) that watches over and protects me. Help me receive and understand the revelation of how to walk in the fulfillment of my promises.
Grant me a sound mind and steadfast emotions so that I may conquer all fear and doubt. Let the strength of my body be renewed so I can run as in the days of my youth. Give me a new realm of power and authority (see Acts 28). Sickness and disease have no place in me. Refresh and renew me throughout the watches of the night that I may awake with the expectations of miracles (see Mark 14; Psalm 90).
Jesus, I ask that You enable me to stay steadfast upon the path You have designed, give me clarity for my future (see Matthew 16:2). Let me grow in grace and the knowledge of You as my Lord and Savior so that I may apprehend the largeness of the future that You have reserved for me. Amen.
The greatest power in the universe is love,
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt
President, Breath of the Spirit Ministries

Barbie Breathitt is the author of Dream Encounters, Seeing Your Destiny From God's Perspective, and her new book Gateway to the Seer Realm: Look Again to See Beyond the Natural. She is an ordained minister, dedicated educator, and respected teacher of the supernatural manifestations of God. Barbie's dynamic teaching skills, intelligence, and quick wit keep her a favorite with audiences everywhere. Barbie has become a recognized leader in dream interpretation, traveling to more than forty nations. Her prophetic gifting and deep spiritual insight have helped thousands of people understand the supernatural ways God speaks to us today.

Love these words from the LORD through the troops today, Bill and Marsha Burns!

I hear the Lord saying that this is an issue of trust. If you trust in Me with all of your heart; if you'll walk with Me from this day forward I will bring you in to the glorious light of the day that you live in. And, I will reveal the essence of the times and seasons that you dwell in. Will I not lead you on the paths of righteousness; the paths of safety; the paths that take you higher than ever you have been before? Will I not be with you in these last days says the Lord? Not only will I be with you, but I have chosen you to live your life in these times because the glory of My church shall shine ever brighter, and you will be a part of that. I have chosen you because you have determination. You've been through some things and you have not given up. You've walked with Me in times that were troubling. You had to walk away from people who did not think like you did or believe like you did, and you made your choices for Me over and over again. I will honor those choices and bring you in to the glory of this day, says the Lord God.
Maintain your vital connection with Me, says the Lord, which will stabilize your life in these hectic times. Be strong, focused and unwavering, and it will help you deal with the chaos around you. You will also need to take time to quiet your soul and be still. Refuse to allow yourself to be drawn into things that steal your peace. Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

O LORD that none of my time would be wasted!

Examine those things that have not worked for you, and make the necessary adjustments. Make sure that all of the elements in your life are working together for your ultimate good. Refuse to allow things that waste your energy and resources to be a distraction from your spiritual commitment, says the Lord. Live in the Spirit!
Galatians 5:25 "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

List of Positive, Neutral and Negative Personality Traits

638 Primary Personality Traits

Positive Traits (234 = 37%)
  1. Accessible
  2. Active
  3. Adaptable
  4. Admirable
  5. Adventurous
  6. Agreeable
  7. Alert
  8. Allocentric
  9. Amiable
  10. Anticipative
  11. Appreciative
  12. Articulate
  13. Aspiring
  14. Athletic
  15. Attractive
  16. Balanced
  17. Benevolent
  18. Brilliant
  19. Calm
  20. Capable
  21. Captivating
  22. Caring
  23. Challenging
  24. Charismatic
  25. Charming
  26. Cheerful
  27. Clean
  28. Clear-headed
  29. Clever
  30. Colorful
  31. Companionly
  32. Compassionate
  33. Conciliatory
  34. Confident
  35. Conscientious
  36. Considerate
  37. Constant
  38. Contemplative
  39. Cooperative
  40. Courageous
  41. Courteous
  42. Creative
  43. Cultured
  44. Curious
  45. Daring
  46. Debonair
  47. Decent
  48. Decisive
  49. Dedicated
  50. Deep
  51. Dignified
  52. Directed
  53. Disciplined
  54. Discreet
  55. Dramatic
  56. Dutiful
  57. Dynamic
  58. Earnest
  59. Ebullient
  60. Educated
  61. Efficient
  62. Elegant
  63. Eloquent
  64. Empathetic
  65. Energetic
  66. Enthusiastic
  67. Esthetic
  68. Exciting
  69. Extraordinary
  70. Fair
  71. Faithful
  72. Farsighted
  73. Felicific
  74. Firm
  75. Flexible
  76. Focused
  77. Forecful
  78. Forgiving
  79. Forthright
  80. Freethinking
  81. Friendly
  82. Fun-loving
  83. Gallant
  84. Generous
  85. Gentle
  86. Genuine
  87. Good-natured
  88. Gracious
  89. Hardworking
  90. Healthy
  91. Hearty
  92. Helpful
  93. Herioc
  94. High-minded
  95. Honest
  96. Honorable
  97. Humble
  98. Humorous
  99. Idealistic
  100. Imaginative
  101. Impressive
  102. Incisive
  103. Incorruptible
  104. Independent
  105. Individualistic
  106. Innovative
  107. Inoffensive
  108. Insightful
  109. Insouciant
  110. Intelligent
  111. Intuitive
  112. Invulnerable
  113. Kind
  114. Knowledge
  115. Leaderly
  116. Leisurely
  117. Liberal
  118. Logical
  119. Lovable
  120. Loyal
  121. Lyrical
  122. Magnanimous
  123. Many-sided
  124. Masculine (Manly)
  125. Mature
  126. Methodical
  127. Maticulous
  128. Moderate
  129. Modest
  130. Multi-leveled
  131. Neat
  132. Nonauthoritarian
  133. Objective
  134. Observant
  135. Open
  136. Optimistic
  137. Orderly
  138. Organized
  139. Original
  140. Painstaking
  141. Passionate
  142. Patient
  143. Patriotic
  144. Peaceful
  145. Perceptive
  146. Perfectionist
  147. Personable
  148. Persuasive
  149. Planful
  150. Playful
  151. Polished
  152. Popular
  153. Practical
  154. Precise
  155. Principled
  156. Profound
  157. Protean
  158. Protective
  159. Providential
  160. Prudent
  161. Punctual
  162. Pruposeful
  163. Rational
  164. Realistic
  165. Reflective
  166. Relaxed
  167. Reliable
  168. Resourceful
  169. Respectful
  170. Responsible
  171. Responsive
  172. Reverential
  173. Romantic
  174. Rustic
  175. Sage
  176. Sane
  177. Scholarly
  178. Scrupulous
  179. Secure
  180. Selfless
  181. Self-critical
  182. Self-defacing
  183. Self-denying
  184. Self-reliant
  185. Self-sufficent
  186. Sensitive
  187. Sentimental
  188. Seraphic
  189. Serious
  190. Sexy
  191. Sharing
  192. Shrewd
  193. Simple
  194. Skillful
  195. Sober
  196. Sociable
  197. Solid
  198. Sophisticated
  199. Spontaneous
  200. Sporting
  201. Stable
  202. Steadfast
  203. Steady
  204. Stoic
  205. Strong
  206. Studious
  207. Suave
  208. Subtle
  209. Sweet
  210. Sympathetic
  211. Systematic
  212. Tasteful
  213. Teacherly
  214. Thorough
  215. Tidy
  216. Tolerant
  217. Tractable
  218. Trusting
  219. Uncomplaining
  220. Understanding
  221. Undogmatic
  222. Unfoolable
  223. Upright
  224. Urbane
  225. Venturesome
  226. Vivacious
  227. Warm
  228. Well-bred
  229. Well-read
  230. Well-rounded
  231. Winning
  232. Wise
  233. Witty
  234. Youthful
Neutral Traits (292 = 18%)
  1. Absentminded
  2. Aggressive
  3. Ambitious
  4. Amusing
  5. Artful
  6. Ascetic
  7. Authoritarian
  8. Big-thinking
  9. Boyish
  10. Breezy
  11. Businesslike
  12. Busy
  13. Casual
  14. Crebral
  15. Chummy
  16. Circumspect
  17. Competitive
  18. Complex
  19. Confidential
  20. Conservative
  21. Contradictory
  22. Crisp
  23. Cute
  24. Deceptive
  25. Determined
  26. Dominating
  27. Dreamy
  28. Driving
  29. Droll
  30. Dry
  31. Earthy
  32. Effeminate
  33. Emotional
  34. Enigmatic
  35. Experimental
  36. Familial
  37. Folksy
  38. Formal
  39. Freewheeling
  40. Frugal
  41. Glamorous
  42. Guileless
  43. High-spirited
  44. Huried
  45. Hypnotic
  46. Iconoclastic
  47. Idiosyncratic
  48. Impassive
  49. Impersonal
  50. Impressionable
  51. Intense
  52. Invisible
  53. Irreligious
  54. Irreverent
  55. Maternal
  56. Mellow
  57. Modern
  58. Moralistic
  59. Mystical
  60. Neutral
  61. Noncommittal
  62. Noncompetitive
  63. Obedient
  64. Old-fashined
  65. Ordinary
  66. Outspoken
  67. Paternalistic
  68. Physical
  69. Placid
  70. Political
  71. Predictable
  72. Preoccupied
  73. Private
  74. Progressive
  75. Proud
  76. Pure
  77. Questioning
  78. Quiet
  79. Religious
  80. Reserved
  81. Restrained
  82. Retiring
  83. Sarcastic
  84. Self-conscious
  85. Sensual
  86. Skeptical
  87. Smooth
  88. Soft
  89. Solemn
  90. Solitary
  91. Stern
  92. Stoiid
  93. Strict
  94. Stubborn
  95. Stylish
  96. Subjective
  97. Surprising
  98. Soft
  99. Tough
  100. Unaggressive
  101. Unambitious
  102. Unceremonious
  103. Unchanging
  104. Undemanding
  105. Unfathomable
  106. Unhurried
  107. Uninhibited
  108. Unpatriotic
  109. Unpredicatable
  110. Unreligious
  111. Unsentimental
  112. Whimsical
Negative Traits (292 = 46%)
  1. Abrasive
  2. Abrupt
  3. Agonizing
  4. Aimless
  5. Airy
  6. Aloof
  7. Amoral
  8. Angry
  9. Anxious
  10. Apathetic
  11. Arbitrary
  12. Argumentative
  13. Arrogantt
  14. Artificial
  15. Asocial
  16. Assertive
  17. Astigmatic
  18. Barbaric
  19. Bewildered
  20. Bizarre
  21. Bland
  22. Blunt
  23. Biosterous
  24. Brittle
  25. Brutal
  26. Calculating
  27. Callous
  28. Cantakerous
  29. Careless
  30. Cautious
  31. Charmless
  32. Childish
  33. Clumsy
  34. Coarse
  35. Cold
  36. Colorless
  37. Complacent
  38. Complaintive
  39. Compulsive
  40. Conceited
  41. Condemnatory
  42. Conformist
  43. Confused
  44. Contemptible
  45. Conventional
  46. Cowardly
  47. Crafty
  48. Crass
  49. Crazy
  50. Criminal
  51. Critical
  52. Crude
  53. Cruel
  54. Cynical
  55. Decadent
  56. Deceitful
  57. Delicate
  58. Demanding
  59. Dependent
  60. Desperate
  61. Destructive
  62. Devious
  63. Difficult
  64. Dirty
  65. Disconcerting
  66. Discontented
  67. Discouraging
  68. Discourteous
  69. Dishonest
  70. Disloyal
  71. Disobedient
  72. Disorderly
  73. Disorganized
  74. Disputatious
  75. Disrespectful
  76. Disruptive
  77. Dissolute
  78. Dissonant
  79. Distractible
  80. Disturbing
  81. Dogmatic
  82. Domineering
  83. Dull
  84. Easily Discouraged
  85. Egocentric
  86. Enervated
  87. Envious
  88. Erratic
  89. Escapist
  90. Excitable
  91. Expedient
  92. Extravagant
  93. Extreme
  94. Faithless
  95. False
  96. Fanatical
  97. Fanciful
  98. Fatalistic
  99. Fawning
  100. Fearful
  101. Fickle
  102. Fiery
  103. Fixed
  104. Flamboyant
  105. Foolish
  106. Forgetful
  107. Fraudulent
  108. Frightening
  109. Frivolous
  110. Gloomy
  111. Graceless
  112. Grand
  113. Greedy
  114. Grim
  115. Gullible
  116. Hateful
  117. Haughty
  118. Hedonistic
  119. Hesitant
  120. Hidebound
  121. High-handed
  122. Hostile
  123. Ignorant
  124. Imitative
  125. Impatient
  126. Impractical
  127. Imprudent
  128. Impulsive
  129. Inconsiderate
  130. Incurious
  131. Indecisive
  132. Indulgent
  133. Inert
  134. Inhibited
  135. Insecure
  136. Insensitive
  137. Insincere
  138. Insulting
  139. Intolerant
  140. Irascible
  141. Irrational
  142. Irresponsible
  143. Irritable
  144. Lazy
  145. Libidinous
  146. Loquacious
  147. Malicious
  148. Mannered
  149. Mannerless
  150. Mawkish
  151. Mealymouthed
  152. Mechanical
  153. Meddlesome
  154. Melancholic
  155. Meretricious
  156. Messy
  157. Miserable
  158. Miserly
  159. Misguided
  160. Mistaken
  161. Money-minded
  162. Monstrous
  163. Moody
  164. Morbid
  165. Muddle-headed
  166. Naive
  167. Narcissistic
  168. Narrow
  169. Narrow-minded
  170. Natty
  171. Negativistic
  172. Neglectful
  173. Neurotic
  174. Nihilistic
  175. Obnoxious
  176. Obsessive
  177. Obvious
  178. Odd
  179. Offhand
  180. One-dimensional
  181. One-sided
  182. Opinionated
  183. Opportunistic
  184. Oppressed
  185. Outrageous
  186. Overimaginative
  187. Paranoid
  188. Passive
  189. Pedantic
  190. Perverse
  191. Petty
  192. Pharissical
  193. Phlegmatic
  194. Plodding
  195. Pompous
  196. Possessive
  197. Power-hungry
  198. Predatory
  199. Prejudiced
  200. Presumptuous
  201. Pretentious
  202. Prim
  203. Procrastinating
  204. Profligate
  205. Provocative
  206. Pugnacious
  207. Puritanical
  208. Quirky
  209. Reactionary
  210. Reactive
  211. Regimental
  212. Regretful
  213. Repentant
  214. Repressed
  215. Resentful
  216. Ridiculous
  217. Rigid
  218. Ritualistic
  219. Rowdy
  220. Ruined
  221. Sadistic
  222. Sanctimonious
  223. Scheming
  224. Scornful
  225. Secretive
  226. Sedentary
  227. Selfish
  228. Self-indulgent
  229. Shallow
  230. Shortsighted
  231. Shy
  232. Silly
  233. Single-minded
  234. Sloppy
  235. Slow
  236. Sly
  237. Small-thinking
  238. Softheaded
  239. Sordid
  240. Steely
  241. Stiff
  242. Strong-willed
  243. Stupid
  244. Submissive
  245. Superficial
  246. Superstitious
  247. Suspicious
  248. Tactless
  249. Tasteless
  250. Tense
  251. Thievish
  252. Thoughtless
  253. Timid
  254. Transparent
  255. Treacherous
  256. Trendy
  257. Troublesome
  258. Unappreciative
  259. Uncaring
  260. Uncharitable
  261. Unconvincing
  262. Uncooperative
  263. Uncreative
  264. Uncritical
  265. Unctuous
  266. Undisciplined
  267. Unfriendly
  268. Ungrateful
  269. Unhealthy
  270. Unimaginative
  271. Unimpressive
  272. Unlovable
  273. Unpolished
  274. Unprincipled
  275. Unrealistic
  276. Unreflective
  277. Unreliable
  278. Unrestrained
  279. Unself-critical
  280. Unstable
  281. Vacuous
  282. Vague
  283. Venal
  284. Venomous
  285. Vindictive
  286. Vulnerable
  287. Weak
  288. Weak-willed
  289. Well-meaning
  290. Willful
  291. Wishful
  292. Zany