Sunday, July 13, 2014

My prayer sowed for Kim Clement's trip to the Wailing Wall ...

O FATHER as I sow that which YOU have guided me to, the day after the fact, as I watch this video now, I thank YOU that spiritually my prayer goes to the wailing wall and the power and the might in this obedient act is a hundred-fold for healing and tearing down strongholds in my family and all of the ones that I love that are in my midst, physically and spiritualy, which is all that are in my midst. I pray O LORD that would bring healing and breakthrough for each and everyone, that not one would ever be the same again, because of YOU O LORD becoming greater in their lives! And ISRAEL, O ISRAEL is truly forever and ALL those that are there are saved and protected and found flourishing beyond what one could ever think or image. In JESUS' mighty, mighty name, AMEN!

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