Monday, July 7, 2014

Love these words from the LORD through the troops today, Bill and Marsha Burns!

I hear the Lord saying that this is an issue of trust. If you trust in Me with all of your heart; if you'll walk with Me from this day forward I will bring you in to the glorious light of the day that you live in. And, I will reveal the essence of the times and seasons that you dwell in. Will I not lead you on the paths of righteousness; the paths of safety; the paths that take you higher than ever you have been before? Will I not be with you in these last days says the Lord? Not only will I be with you, but I have chosen you to live your life in these times because the glory of My church shall shine ever brighter, and you will be a part of that. I have chosen you because you have determination. You've been through some things and you have not given up. You've walked with Me in times that were troubling. You had to walk away from people who did not think like you did or believe like you did, and you made your choices for Me over and over again. I will honor those choices and bring you in to the glory of this day, says the Lord God.
Maintain your vital connection with Me, says the Lord, which will stabilize your life in these hectic times. Be strong, focused and unwavering, and it will help you deal with the chaos around you. You will also need to take time to quiet your soul and be still. Refuse to allow yourself to be drawn into things that steal your peace. Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

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