Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I loved the last days devotion of my Jolt of Joy Devotional!

The scripture today's reading is based on:

Proverbs 1:20-33 "
20-21Lady Wisdom goes out in the street and shouts.
At the town center she makes her speech.
In the middle of the traffic she takes her stand.
At the busiest corner she calls out:
22-24“Simpletons! How long will you wallow in ignorance?
Cynics! How long will you feed your cynicism?
Idiots! How long will you refuse to learn?
About face! I can revise your life.
Look, I’m ready to pour out my spirit on you;
I’m ready to tell you all I know.
As it is, I’ve called, but you’ve turned a deaf ear;
I’ve reached out to you, but you’ve ignored me.
25-28“Since you laugh at my counsel
and make a joke of my advice,
How can I take you seriously?
I’ll turn the tables and joke about your troubles!
What if the roof falls in,
and your whole life goes to pieces?
What if catastrophe strikes and there’s nothing
to show for your life but rubble and ashes?
You’ll need me then. You’ll call for me, but don’t expect
an answer.
No matter how hard you look, you won’t find me.
29-33“Because you hated Knowledge
and had nothing to do with the Fear-of-God,
Because you wouldn’t take my advice
and brushed aside all my offers to train you,
Well, you’ve made your bed—now lie in it;
you wanted your own way—now, how do you like it?
Don’t you see what happens, you simpletons, you idiots?
Carelessness kills; complacency is murder.
First pay attention to me, and then relax.
Now you can take it easy—you’re in good hands.”
Isaiah 26:3-4 "
1-6At that time, this song
will be sung in the country of Judah:
We have a strong city, Salvation City,
built and fortified with salvation.
Throw wide the gates
so good and true people can enter.
People with their minds set on you,
you keep completely whole,
Steady on their feet,
because they keep at it and don’t quit.
Depend on God and keep at it
because in the Lord God you have a sure thing.
Those who lived high and mighty
he knocked off their high horse.
He used the city built on the hill
as fill for the marshes.
All the exploited and outcast peoples
build their lives on the reclaimed land."

Worry or fear can simply be defined as a lack of trust in the God Who loves you unconditionally and Who works all things together for your good. When you are consumed with worry, you are falsely believing that your problems are too big for even God to take care of. If you are filled with fear, you are mistakenly assuming that your sin is so great that even God cannot forgive you. If you are dealing with anxiety, you sadly and erroneously have convinced yourself that your life is so out of control that it is beyond God's power to bring order to your life.
If you are a compulsive worrier, you will never experience the joy that was meant to be yours. Worry and joy are mutually exclusive. Worry, in its rawest state, is a pathetic form of atheism. How does one overcome worry, fear and anxiety?
The Bible tells us that peace is a result of trusting God. Can you trust Him? Will you trust Him today? Will you declare, out loud, "Jesus, I trust You with my whole heart! I believe that nothing is impossible for You and that You have plans for good for my life!"
When you you saturate your mind and soul with the Word of God, you will be free from the fear of evil. When you confess Who God is and what He is able to accomplish in your life, it is then that anxiety, worry and fear will miraculously disappear. And what will be left in the place of those dreadful emotions? You will find yourself the blessed recipient of joy!

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