Friday, January 31, 2014

I just love all three of these prophetic words I read today ... from Marsha Burns and Bev and Ras Robinson!

O LORD thank YOU for YOUR people and for YOUR WORD that brings so much life and encouragement into my life!

I am releasing you to evolve in many ways, says the Lord. Much of what you have done in the past will undergo an evolution in creativity as you begin to change and develop new ideas, new ways of doing things, and better ways of dealing with problems. I will give you revelation and wisdom in taking this next step, so there is no need to be afraid. Just trust Me to lead you to a more complete understanding of how to make the most of your physical, mental and emotional resources.
 Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

January 31, 2014. Every time you come to Me I smile. You didn't know that did you? I want you to remember this. Let it sink deep into your psyche. Let it warm your soul. You ask, Lord every time? Even after I have done something wrong or acted like a stinker? Yes every time, my precious one. Sometimes you repent immediately and other times you don't do it until revelation comes. I know your heart and I know your desire to always do the right thing in all circumstances. This makes Me smile.
Job 33:26 (MSG) "Or, you may fall on your knees and pray-to God's delight! You'll see God's smile and celebrate, finding yourself set right with God." Bev Robinson

January 30, 2014. You delight in godly spiritual connections. The happiest times in your life and family have been those where Jesus is the glue and the grease that connects and lubricates those spiritual connections. Christians have the potential to be the happiest and most loved people around. Do not allow yourself to get or stay disconnected from Christ's body. You have gained the wisdom to know that being and staying disconnected is not God's way. To refuse connection with authentic born again believers is not right. Commit to being an ambassador of love and acceptance.
 Ephesians 4:15-16 (NASB) "But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love." Ras Robinson

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An excerpt from Bill Johnson Session A of the 2104 Revival Alliance meeting in Toronto January 21, 2014 ...

We've been given the great treasure of heaven called the Holy Spirit. Everything in heaven and on earth is to rotate around or value this presence. It's not a sermon. It's not a theological statement. It is a relationship. It is a point of connection that gives meaning and definition to everything we are and to everything we do. It's the continuous awareness of the Spirit of GOD that changes everything about our life. I try to live in such a way that nothing ever gets bigger in my consciousness than my awareness of HIM upon me. If any problem is bigger than my awareness of HIM on me than I'll live in reaction to the problem. If I live in reaction to what the enemy is doing than the devil has had a role in setting my agenda and he is not worthy of having any influence on how I live my life. Even taking a defensive or offensive posture in reaction to him is not legitimate. Jesus responded to the FATHER not to what the devil was doing. And even though it may feel spiritual it actually takes me out of my place of strength. And the only way I know how to stay centered if you will into that place of kingdom lifestyle and fellowship is my awareness of the spirit of GOD upon me.
John 20:19-22 "So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you." And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. The disciples then rejoiced when they saw the Lord. So Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you." And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.""

I just feel like the LORD is recalibrating hearts. He's just redialing in the simple things, the basic things for all of us in some measure. I feel like we're all just really hungry for more of GOD and want HIM to show up more than anything. The recalibration for what's really valuable, for the presence, the face. John, the baptist went before the face of the LORD. It's not just figurative language. He actually went before the face. In other words, wherever he went the face followed. He was responsible to bring the face of GOD into society and he brought a face of GOD. And as I become acquainted with HIS presence (not overly familiar) with HIS face, something happens. Only one time in Moses's life did they say his face shone with the glory and it was the only time on record where he saw the goodness of GOD. I feel like the LORD is unveiling new revelation of HIS goodness that's going to change the face of HIS church. It's going to change the face of HIS people. HE'S recalibrating things in us, for us. That I could walk away from this message, this anointing, this presence, with the awareness of the SPIRIT OF GOD upon me, those who are praying this prayer "GOD if YOU'LL touch me again I'll never change the subject. I will never add this to what I have going on in my life. I will have THIS, the only thing I've lived for. THIS, the only thing I yearn for. Lift your face, your voices, your hands before the LORD and do your own business with GOD but do it out loud, not just quiet in your heart. Speak to the LORD. Give HIM the offering of your yeildedness. Give HIM your offering of your passion for more. The shifting of seasons is taking place to a people who know the face of GOD.
What has happened here over the last 20 years defies all odds. History tells us that these moves of GOD last 2-4 years and that's it, but HE'S found a company of people that are not willing to change the subject, that are willing to add more to the fire, so to speak and I feel like the LORD ... these prophetic words that have come are so glorious, so wonderful. I feel like HE'S about to breathe on that fire that we've given ourselves to keeping it burning in us. Pray now that the LORD would bring about fresh fire, a baptism of fire at a level you've never known before, a mighty, mighty outpouring, a release of the SPIRIT of GOD. You don't want a controllable fire.  Increase this LORD GOD. Increase this LORD. A baptism of fire. A fresh, fresh baptism of fire. A mighty, mighty outpouring. Now LORD double it, increase it, double it again, double the impact in us, double the impact through us. Pray for visitations in the night. This is not just for tonight. This is a course of direction for the remainder of our days, the rest of our lives. It is setting our appetite for the "one thing." LORD I pray for encounters in the night. That YOU would awaken the dream life once again. Visitations in the night, encounters, heavenly experiences in the day, in the night. LORD that these days together will be pregnant with encounters. LORD we lean into YOU anticipating what YOU are about to say and  do.

In JESUS' mighty name amen!


Jillee posted a way to treat our tresses today. I love coconut oil!


What you’ll need:
Scoop out a generous amount of coconut oil into a small bowl (approximately 1/2 cup depending on how much hair you have) and (if desired) add a total of 8 drops Rosemary and/or Lavender essential oil.
Rosemary: Cleanses, strengthens and nourishes hair follicles and encourages growth.
Lavender: Antibacterial but also enhances the properties of Rosemary for improved cell regeneration and better penetration. Beneficial for dandruff too!
Scoop up a handful of the coconut oil and begin to massage into your hair, beginning at the ends. No need to heat the oil, it will melt as you massage it into your hair. Use more oil where your hair is the driest and most damaged (typically on the ends) and less where your hair is healthiest (mid-shaft and scalp area).
Cover your hair with a shower cap.
Now you have two options:
Allow the oil to sit on your hair for 20-30 minutes after application (for very dry or porous hair you can leave the oil on longer).
To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, cover with a shower cap and apply heat with a hair dryer for 15 minutes.

I love this word and verse posted by Marsha Burns today!

Beloved, I want you to be aware that you will encounter situations that require extraordinary patience to get through. You can't force anything, but you can trust Me to give you wisdom as perfect order is being established. Open your mind and heart to learn things that you would otherwise not have opportunity to understand. Never doubt that I am with you and that I am directing your steps, says the Lord.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Woohoo! LORD lead the way!

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR of heaven and earth move me, touch me, hold me, love me, direct me! Go before me, behind me, above me, below me, within me! O LORD I don't want to take one step without YOU! YOU are my everything! Without YOU I am nothing. Create in me a clean heart! Purify me and cleanse me! LORD here I am, use me to do with whatever YOU will! I am YOURS and YOURS alone! And I love YOU with everything that is within me! Take my hand now LORD. I will walk with YOU on this journey as I 'return to joy' and become all YOU'VE created me to be! IN YOUR most holy name I pray JESUS! Amen!

And here's a great word by Robin McMillan posted on the Elijah List ... I especially like the part about many men and women having been destroyed because they did not submit to the entire process meant to insure the success of the ministry gifts and anointing GOD gave them! O LORD that I would totally submit!!!

Robin McMillan:
God is Releasing New Levels of Anointing For 2014
A Dream of Joseph's Coat
In a recent dream I found myself in an expensive clothing store filled with the most marvelous garments – rack after rack of amazing colorful coats filled the fine establishment. I thought, "Who wouldn't want one of these fine garments?"
As I gazed over the racks of coats, one in particular caught my attention. I carefully pulled it from the racks and tried it on. The coat had a 'Carolina' sky blue front, a colorful wide striped back with a delicate expensive amber colored leather collar. I looked at myself in a full-length mirror admiring the fit. It had unusual ¾ length sleeves and was made to fit as a waist length jacket. It fit perfectly. It was as if it were tailor made for me.
I stepped outside to see how it looked in natural light. I was delighted with such a colorful and fine fitting coat. I turned to go back into the store to pay for it, only to discover that the store was nowhere to be found. It had disappeared – but the coat remained. I could not pay for it.
God is ready to clothe many with a 'tailor made' new anointing in 2014 typified by the coat of many colors that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. This new anointing will release a new level of prophetic revelation represented by the heavenly sky blue color that covered the front of the garment.
In the dream I could not pay for the coat. It had already been paid for. We could never pay enough to obtain something that only God can provide. It is not something we can earn. It must be given and we must deeply appreciate that truth to wear it and use it with humility and wisdom.
The fact that the back was striped speaks of a new level of healing anointing. Isaiah 53:5 records:
"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed."
The expensive leather collar speaks of how everything of value must be paid for with shed blood just as the Lord shed the blood of animals to cover Adam and Eve with leather garments after their fall. Collars can speak of identity. This collar was amber speaking of the color of the glory of God. This coat will be attended by the glory of God. We find other significance of this anointing from the life of Joseph and his colorful garment:
"Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors." Genesis 37:3

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Bible scholars have differing understandings of this coat's appearance. Aryeh Kaplan in the Living Torah explains it this way: "It was a royal garment. The word passim can be translated as colorful, embroidered, striped, or with pictures. It can also denote a long garment, coming down to the palms of the hands and the feet. Hence, it may be translated as a 'full sleeved robe', 'a coat of many colors', 'a coat reaching to his feet', 'an ornamented tunic', 'a silk robe', or 'a fine woolen cloak'."
The coat represents the favor Joseph had from his father and spoke of the primary leadership of his family he would one day obtain. His coat was one of great promise, giftedness and authority.
Ministry Gifts and Anointing
The coat was a gift. We could never pay for something so precious. But as many of us have discovered, some gifts become very expensive. This next new anointing will be that way too.
In Joseph's case the coat focused Joseph's brothers' jealousy and hatred. We will discover that this new coat may generate just such responses from those who don't understand why God anoints those He does. Ultimately his brothers stripped Joseph of his coat, sold him into slavery, dipped the coat in blood, and lied to their father about him having been killed by wild animals.
It was necessary for Joseph to lose the outward sign of the anointing and be severely tested in order to function at the highest level the robe initially promised. The jealousy and hatred of his brothers were part of the price Joseph paid to live out the gift he was given. The garment being soaked in blood reveals that every anointing must be sanctified for it to be ultimately successful.
When Moses anointed Aaron and his sons for service he stripped them, washed them, clothed them, then anointed them. Afterward he sanctified them with blood: "Also he took some of its blood and put it on the tip of Aaron's right ear, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. Then he brought Aaron's sons. And Moses put some of the blood on the tips of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet" (Leviticus 8:23-24).
How many men and women have been destroyed because they did not submit to the entire process meant to insure the success of the ministry gifts and anointing God gave them? Many. We must be men and women who have submitted to the processes of the Lord if we are to "wear" his anointing successfully. We must never submit to jealousy and selfish ambition if we are to function effectively. Such selfish ambition releases much evil:
"But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there." James 3:14-16
God is releasing new levels of anointing, colorful mantles He freely gives, but with each one comes a price. Joseph graduated from God's school of the anointing and ruled in Egypt with dignity, mercy, and kindness. His understanding of the redemptive ways of God and his lack of self-centeredness enabled him to revive his father's household and preserve the lineage of the Messiah. That is the purpose of the anointing. It is not primarily to make your ministry a success, although it can.
Joseph used his anointing to empower and enrich many who had lost their inheritances. It is to restore households, free prisoners, reclaim legacies, and declare the glory of God through the lives of redeemed people.
"That we might be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified." Isaiah 61:3
Prepare your hearts. A new precious and dangerous anointing is being released even now. Use yours with wisdom, humility, and dignity.
Robin McMillan
Senior Pastor, Queen City Church

Robin McMillan is the Senior Pastor of Queen City Church in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina, planted on Father's Day of 2010. He previously served MorningStar Fellowship Church as director of the Fellowship of Ministries and Fellowship of Churches for three years, then as Senior Pastor of the Fort Mill, South Carolina, congregation for more than a decade.
He believes our nation is on the verge of the next great spiritual awakening. His passion is to awaken the Church to the power of the Spirit and enable Believers to discover how they can access the realm of the Heavens, enjoy the presence and power of God, and be empowered to live a supernatural life. Outpourings of the Holy Spirit, outbreaks of joy, and demonstrations of power and healing often accompany his ministry. Many are being impacted by Robin's unique preaching style and prophetic gifts. He is the author of Mystic MooseTales: Redefining Wildlife, a supernatural allegory written to inspire love for Jesus and the supernatural God of the Bible. He and his wife Donna have been married 35 years and have four children and four grandchildren.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I just love this synopsis by Chris and Carol that explains so beautifully why we're on this journey and the journey we're on. A big, big thank you to CONNEXUS and Life Model Works!

Joy To The World – The Dream – Part II

by CB
We left off last week talking about the elements of the problem and the elements of the solution to the evil in the world and its effects on lives (Part 1). The task of taking this good news to the world faces a challenge in distribution….
If we are able to develop an effective self-propagating recovery program, the best existing distribution system for global recovery would be the relational network created by the church. All over the world, most new converts to Christianity come from backgrounds of trauma and/or addiction. They enter into the Church having impaired maturity and relational skills. Simple conversion does not provide the missing brain skills they need for healthy relationships any more than salvation will make them suddenly literate.
Thus the Church faces the recovery problem both inside its congregations and in its mission. In the past the Church has shown a capacity to change cultures, although it lacks that vital function in most of the Western world at this time. In spite of this current state, we at Life Model Works are dreaming of a self-propagating recovery model that could change cultures through the ordinary life of the Church. We believe that we are on that path.
The Life Model shows promise as a solution that is both high-tech in its foundations and low-tech in its implementation that ordinary Christians without specialized education can use. Elements have already been shown to work in groups and the results demonstrate self-propagation. While self-propagating healing is easier to do through the Immanuel Process, self- propagating relational skills are not as easy to transfer. The relational skills take community, bonded relationships and time. Along with healing and improved relationships, Life Model Works staff believes this same model and the skills it teaches, could reduce, and even prevent, some trauma and addiction
History of Development
1971 - Shepherd’s House Inc. is founded with the primary purpose of using Christian counseling principles to help people with their emotional and spiritual needs.
1980s - Shepherd’s House provides nearly 1,200 monthly counseling appointments with women who had been sexually abused as children.
1990s - Insurance industry calculated the cost for recovery of one sexually abused child to be $15 million. Realizing a more affordable solution is needed, Counselor Jane Willard introduces healing prayer. Through these changes the Shepherd’s House staff began developing a new model that came to be called the Life Model.
2002 - Shepherd’s House staff identifies nineteen relational brain skills. The team developed ways for ordinary people to identify lacking skills and train others in these brain skills.
2008 - Shepherd’s House works with Dr. Karl Lehman of Chicago to develop the Immanuel Prayer Process, combining healing prayer and cutting-edge neuroscience and to facilitate trauma resolution in large-group settings. Initial tests in Colombia and Sri Lanka yield positive outcomes for self-propagating recovery. Further testing and research awaits funding.
2009 - Ed Khouri & Jim Wilder develop a trauma-&-addiction recovery program called Thriving: Recover Your Life. Thriving serves as a test program for self-propagating recovery as a normal function of the local church.
2011 - Shepherd’s House recently celebrated 40 years of helping people thrive.
2012 - Forming (for the strong) is added to Restarting (for the weak). Belonging runs after Forming and Restarting and brings the weak and the strong together, an essential ingredient for the Transformation Zone. Further development awaits additional funding. (This program is called CONNEXUS. It is the module based program for Churches to bring this joy based training home.)
2013 - Joy Starts Here: the transformation zone is published. Together with Connexus (Restarting, Forming and Belonging) and Thrive, this provides a complete solution for churches to create the transformation zone. Shepherd’s House begins operating as Life Model Works. This year the Lord arranged for the Life Model approach to be broadcast in Lima, Peru via television to a potential audience of 8 million! We are waiting to hear the results.
Our hope is to distribute these tools to as many existing networks as possible. We are planting seeds that will change whole cultures, alter generational heritages and equip people with the skills they need to thrive. Would you like to dream with us and get involved with Life Model Works to see self-propagating recovery become an everyday function of YOUR CHURCH as well as the church worldwide? Your support through prayer, finances and action is vital to making this dream a reality.
For more information on how churches can begin starting joy and their own “transformation zone,” contact Chris Coursey @
We trust that your “JOY tank” was filled with family, fun and friends as you celebrated our Lord's birth. May JOY motivate and sustain you as you look forward to the challenges of the new year.
Chris & Carol
Chris Coursey, MA Theology — Author, Speaker and Thrive Trainer,
Carol Brown, Author of The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity and Highly Sensitive

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

O YES how I want to thrive! Chris & Carol will tell us how to thrive in the post below!

Feel like you are existing? Want to thrive instead?

Life has so many stressors. It seems like the only solution is to work harder, longer…but we all know that leads to burnout! Relationships explode or become frayed. Your best effort goes nowhere. You read your bible and see the prospect of an amazing life…a life of power, of transformation, of value, meaning and purpose.
Why don’t we see that today? It can be discouraging when you really want your life to count for something. Sometimes life feels crazy and you want to put the brakes on but can’t find the lever. What’s wrong? What’s the missing piece?
Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art
We think we have found the missing piece—well 19 of them actually. They are the 19 relational brain skills needed to develop and maintain healthy, joyful relationships. In the past these skills were informally and casually passed on from one generation to the next but now they are rapidly dropping out of society.Why?
When a parent experiences some form of life chaos (economic/emotional/spiritual) they may miss passing on a skill even though they have it. The child then grows up and cannot pass on what he does not have. And so skills can fall out of family lines. The lack of these skills is a major cause for all sorts of trauma, societal and relational chaos.
The good news is that these skills can be learned! That is what the THRIVE workshop is all about—reintroducing the skills back into society! Here is what you learn:

THRIVE restores missing brain skills!
  • Brain skills grow when you train with people who have the skills
  • Brain skills blossom with interactive exercises shared in states of joy and rest with people and God.
  • Brain skills bless your relationships and transform your character.
  • Brain skills are not learned by reading a book, scanning Facebook or watching television.
THRIVE offers premiere leadership training
  • Parents: be refreshed with joy. Shorten the amount of time you spend drowning in overwhelm.
  • Pastors: improve your leadership skills. Start joy in your congregation. Be faithful to your legacy.
  • Leaders: lead fearlessly and relationally. Rest. Recharge your joy. Know what you are doing.
  • Missionaries: increase your ministry skill set. Equip those you serve. Discover solutions that work.
THRIVE trains you to:
  • Develop and express Jesus-like character.
  • Recognize overwhelm to sustain joy.
  • Resolve pain and protect what matters most.
  • Calm distress and quiet your cravings.
  • Live and convey your deepest values.
  • Change fear to love.
And so much more!
We have two opportunities in 2014 to take advantage of this training:
  • THRIVE 5-day US Skill Training. March 24 – March 28th, 2014. 5-day skill training format! 19 relational brain skill training - Tracks I, II and III. East Peoria, IL. More.
  • THRIVE 5-day US Skill Training. July 14th – 18th, 2014. 5-day skill training format! 19 relational brain skill training - Tracks I, II and III. East Peoria, IL. More.
If you would like to read about the kinds of changes that can come into your life and the lives of your family, you will enjoy hearing the testimony of Anna Hill. This training transformed her life. Click here
May your joy be full!
Chris & Carol
Chris Coursey, MA Theology — Author, Speaker and Thrive Trainer,
Twitter – @coursey_chris
Carol Brown, Author of The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity and Highly Sensitive

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thank YOU O LORD for this word from Doug Addison posted by Steve Shultz on The Elijah List. It's beautiful and I pray all the prophecies come to pass for me and all those in my circle!

Doug Addison:
Prophetic Word For 2014: A New Gate Will Open In Heaven
Doug AddisonGod is opening a gateway into the heavenly realm in 2014 for deeper revelation and greater power. This is the start of a new season, and the drought we have been experiencing in the Kingdom over the last few years is now over. Expect an increase in your spiritual gifts, dreams, visions, and supernatural encounters. This will open the opportunity for you to step up to a new level and see results for your efforts.After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in Heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." Revelation 4:1
Three Moves of God
We will see the start of a new move of God that will come in phases over the next few years. This year God is breaking a spiritual drought we have been in since 2008. I had a dream where an angel came and told me the humidity level right now is at eight, which is the number of new beginnings.
Three moves of GodFor I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. Isaiah 44:3
The first part of this new movement of God will involve a time of refreshment for those who are weary. You will experience mini-renewals of His presence and gifts in your life. Many people have been suffering from hope deferred for so long that they need to soften up and be recharged.
The second part of this movement will be a new rain of the Holy Spirit that will come upon those that are seeking all that God has for them. This movement will look very strange, as all types of people will begin to be drawn to God. In the midst of this, a new generation will begin to awaken to God's love, power, and acceptance.
The next phase will bring God's power like we have not experienced before. This will be a new level of God's fiery presence and healing. This is a start of a new healing movement with miracles, signs, wonders, and deeper revelation.
Prophetic Words From 2009
God showed me that many prophetic words from the year 2009 that were intended to be fulfilled in 2010 were actually delayed until now. I went back, checked my journal, and sure enough I found many prophetic words in 2009 that never came about that are happening right now. I also got a confirming email from a friend whose prophetic word that I gave in 2009 is now beginning to happen. Go to your journal and look for prophecies or dreams from 2009. Get ready for them to unfold now at a greater level.
Reconciliation Instead of Accusation
ReconciliationThe spirit of accusation has been dominating the Church for the past few years, making an unhealthy environment. When we accuse others without trying to find solutions, we must be careful that we are not coming into agreement with darkness over a person instead of God's purposes. One of the names given to satan is the accuser of Believers (see Revelation 12:10). We need to be very careful to not accuse others but build them up instead. God is releasing a spirit of reconciliation to offset the strong negative accusation. There are many Bible verses that talk about blessing people instead of cursing them (see Romans 12:14).
All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18
Happy Birthday
Happy BirthdayThis year everyone will receive a new gift from God on his or her birthday. This might be a greater measure of the gifts you already have, new gifts of healing, prophecy, serving, etc. So get ready to receive birthday presents with a greater level of God's presence. You can expect a present of God's presence.
Gifts and Callings Rearranged
In the same spirit of giving, this year God is freeing up gifts and callings that have been given to people who have stopped using them or from people who have gone to Heaven. Many of these spiritual gifts and callings will be given to those who have been humble, seeking God, and have not built themselves up nor have operated in pride. God is lifting up those who have been humble. Some of them are the least expected. Those who receive these gifts and callings will have a sudden acceleration in their life, ministry, or businesses. But people who have been building their lives, ministries, and using others for their own gain will experience decline. God's love is still with them, but they will no longer have the edge they once had.
Jezebel Spirit Exposed
2014 will be a year that the Jezebel spirit will be exposed throughout the Church, government, and businesses. People who have been operating with this divisive and dividing spirit will be revealed. God will be revealing a new strategy to remove the grips and tentacles of the Jezebel spirit which has resisted and hindered previous moves of God over and over.
God's New Agenda
Share God's loveGod has an agenda this year to bring healing and reconciliation to people who have been wounded or rejected by Christians. There is such a large number of people who have been wounded by Christianity. This should not be. God's love is for everyone and we must show it to those who need it the most. Quite often these are the ones who might be offended by this or have different viewpoints. God is drawing in the spiritual outcasts right now and dragging a net along the bottom that will pull up people from all walks of life.
In order to be part of God's agenda we must love unconditionally and be willing to walk with people who have been rejected and wounded. Love and lots of grace is required to be part of this new move coming to the spiritually outcast. Yes, God is on the move among the tattooed and pierced, those who are into zombies and vampires, gay and lesbians, new age people, and those of various political parties that are currently not accepted by many Christians.
[Note by Steve Shultz: Jesus said in John 12:32 "...And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto Me." It is the Lord's desire and intention to reach into the darkest corners in the earth to draw, by the Holy Spirit, as many people who will say "Yes" to Him. There are no people groups from whom the Spirit will not seek to "woo" many to Jesus.]
God is also moving powerfully among women and promoting many into positions of new authority.
Financial Ruin Has Been Broken
Five years ago the U.S. and much of the world experienced a great financial downturn. One of the largest bankruptcies in U.S. history occurred in September of 2008. We will now see a five-year turnaround from that downturn. God is opening up opportunities right now for people to be repaid for any losses during that time. Also, there are Kingdom financial strategies being released from Heaven that will radically turn your financial situation around if you listen and act.
It is important to not pay attention to negative reports or get caught up in believing we are all going down. This is a time to take action, and it is very similar to what Isaac experienced in Genesis, chapter 26. During a great famine on Earth, Isaac listened to God and took a different direction than what most people were doing at the time. In verse 12 it says that he reaped 100 times during the famine.
Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. Genesis 26:12
2014 is a year of God's mercy2014 is a year of God's mercy upon us. God is promoting people who have loved, shown mercy, and not cut down others or driven them deeper into darkness. This is an exciting time to be alive, because if you have suffered, experienced losses or repeated attacks of the enemy, God is repaying you right now. All you have to do is ask and respond. Walk through the new golden gates being opened!
Here's to a year of breakthrough and turnaround. May God richly bless you with every gift you need to succeed this year.
Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Love this post by Dr Caroline Leaf! Isn't it wonderful ... the core of who we are ... we were originally created in the perfect image of a perfect GOD - WOW!!!


Have you ever thought about what it means, really means, to be made in God's image as it says in Genesis 1:26?
This is something I have spent much time meditating on over the years, especially when I was still in clinical practice. I would have patients coming to me with lots of baggage, which included all kinds of evaluations and assessments of all their learning problems and emotional issues. Although I have a healthy respect for the diagnostic tools they had gone through and that I had been trained to administer, I felt we had to dig below the surface of the issues to separate out the real person from the person they had become. Only then would I really know how to help my patient. And so I pursued a line of research that would show me that God made us PERFECT in His image and that the negatives in our life come from voluntary choices we make, reactions to events and circumstances and things that can happen to us that we have no control over (Ecclesiastes 7:29; James 1-3: Philippians 4:4). But despite all this, we still were originally created in the perfect image of a perfect God - and this is the core of who we are. It also becomes the departure point from which we deal with who we have become.
I found this to be the case as well in my scientific research - that we are designed brain and body to only think good thoughts and be in health (3 John 2) and that toxic thinking ravages the brain body in the same way sickness ravages the brain and body. In Science this is called the optimism bias. God made everything and science is a name for describing how the universe and humans and animals and plants and the forces of nature work. So using science to understand God more is also a way of increasing our admiration for this mighty God we serve.
Instead of thinking of yourself as a poor old sinner saved by grace; rather think of yourself as a magnificent creation of God who has made some bad choices or experienced some knocks in life and who, through the grace of Jesus Christ, can choose to appropriate his grace and receive forgiveness and cleansing. This wonderful choice actually rewires the brain back to its original state each time we acknowledge Him. This is where science and grace meet. You see - we are wired for love! And as we practice His presence daily we step into this, which is our original design and we follow the command in Matthew 5:48, which says to "seek after perfection as He is Perfect."


Here is the link to watch Episode 2:
And in case you missed it, here is the link for Episode 1:


Here is a short intro clip for Episode 3, which will be showing 21st January at 9.30am PST/11.30am CST/12.30pm EST. See the full USA and International Broadcast schedule at

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Yahoo! I'm so happy about this!

January 15, 2014. An unexpected blessing is coming. It's on its way and will be a complete surprise. You knew something was needed, but short of it costing a fortune you didn't know how to go about getting it. You haven't worried or fretted and this is good. This is a result of something bad which happened. I turn things which are bad into things which are good when you continue following Me. You will eventually see that there is nothing for which you should worry or fret. I love you precious one.
Romans 8:28 (NASB) "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Bev Robinson

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Knowledge of this word provides incredible power to walk in the mighty ways of our great GOD and all HE has for us!!!

Garris Elkins:  You are Entering a Season of Justice and Restoration ...

We are entering a season where those who have experienced injustice are about to receive supernatural restoration. Throughout history the justice of God has brought restoration to His people who have suffered injustice at the hands of the enemy. This is not a time for despair and sorrow. This is a time to begin living in expectancy. Something wonderful is about to take place.
The Lord is speaking a word of hope in the middle of injustice:
"I am about to right this wrong. The injustice done to you cannot stand in the presence of My justice. The enemy came to steal, rob and destroy, but watch what I am about to do. My court has issued an official order against this work of injustice in your life. Give Me your sorrow. Give Me your despair. These are illegal orders issued from the courts of darkness. I have destined this season to be a time when My goodness and purpose will be revealed. My mercy and justice is coming. This injustice you are experiencing is about to become a place of celebration and restoration."
An Accident of Despair
In early December I slipped on some ice and ruptured a tendon in my knee. It was one of most painful things I have ever experienced. This injury was not on my radar or included in my life-plan. Within days I was in surgery to repair the torn tendon. My entire life was rearranged in one moment of time.
Immediately following the accident, I was isolated to a chair or couch with a brace on my leg to keep it uncomfortably extended during the initial healing process. During this time of recuperation I read, I wrote, I ate food lovingly provided by friends. I did all of these same things each day with no break in my routine. My life became a series of repeats.
One morning I was standing in our bathroom with the support of my crutches. As I was drying my hands, I felt the overwhelming presence of despair enter the room. I had never before felt the presence of despair in my life.
The best way I could describe what I was feeling was that I was being slowly pulled by the current of a powerful river towards the edge of a huge waterfall. It was a power that seemed impossible to resist. What I was going through felt similar to being in the hospital in preparation for my knee surgery and going under anesthesia. As someone goes under anesthesia reality begins to slip away and you are taken to another place.
In the moment just before despair came with its dark vision, the reality of my injury had hit me with full force. I had been told I would be in this brace for several months followed by a season of rehabilitation not able to do all the things I love to do.
As I stood there looking into the bathroom mirror, the sorrow of my situation was setting me up to embrace hopelessness. As I drifted towards the edge of despair, I even heard my surgeon's words, "You should be back to normal in 6-8 months." I became overwhelmed with sorrow. My sorrow began to anesthetize me to accept what appeared to be inevitable, taking me to a place I had never been before. The closer I got to the waterfall the deeper I went into the numbing effects of my sorrow.
Over the years, I have ministered to people who have drifted towards this edge of despair and sometimes gone over its falls. Some never returned. Some came back after years of counseling. I was scared.
Out loud, with the hand towel still hanging from my hands, I said, "I have no despair. I have hope in God." In that moment the image disappeared and the despair was gone. This was no magic, memorized formula. This was a cry from the depth of my heart in a desperate moment of great need. I left the bathroom and told my wife, Jan, what had just happened. I felt shaken and emotional.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

His Goodness and Purpose
In the next few minutes we took communion and prayed. Jan walked me through some directed prayer about despair and we made sure any residue of this lying visitor was no longer present.
A week earlier, the day after my knee injury, the Lord said two words to me that would guide me during this season of recovery. He said this would be a season where I would experience His goodness and purpose. The vision of despair came to try and rob from me of the goodness and purpose God had planned.
What happened to me was an injustice. God did not cause me to slip on the ice. Hell used this situation to attempt to steal, rob and destroy through an act of injustice. God had other plans. His intent was to bless, affirm and build my life in the midst of my suffering.
Calling On the God of Justice
The despair I felt had to be challenged or the injustice I experienced would try to define my life. My future freedom depended upon me confronting despair and the hypnotic influence of ungodly sorrow. My only hope was found in calling on the God of justice.
Hope is a person, not a theory. He has authority over the power and imagery of despair. He has given that same authority to us. Despair cannot stand in His presence, nor can despair continue to pull us towards its place of eventual death, if we call upon God in our time of need. Lies have no power in the light of His presence.
As I began to experience a new sense of personal freedom, the Lord said this coming season would be a time of an unusual outpouring of justice for His people. Scriptures about His justice began to flood my mind.
"Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne." Psalm 89:14
"For the Lord loves justice, and He will never abandon the godly." Psalm 37:28a
"The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly." Psalm 103:6
"For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward My people for their suffering and make an everlasting covenant with them." Isaiah 61:8
"My mercy and justice are coming soon. My salvation is on the way." Isaiah 51:5
If you have experienced an injustice, God wants you to hear His heart. If you have suffered a financial injustice, listen. If you have suffered injustice in your marriage, listen. If you have suffered an injustice concerning the destiny of one of your children, listen. If you suffered an injustice at the hands of another Believer, listen. Listen to the heart of the God of justice.
His mercy and justice is coming. His salvation is on the way.
Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church – Medford, Oregon

Garris Elkins' ministry, Prophetic Horizons, is a ministry of teaching, writing and prophecy committed to raising up a prophetic generation to speak to the cultures of our world with the empowered voice of Heaven. Garris and his wife, Jan, are the Senior Leaders of Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon, and have two grown children, Anna and David.

This is pretty cool in light of the times and seasons we're in right now in this place, in this hour!!! GOD is SO GOOD and HIS timing is just perfect! I love HIM so!

Newsflash—Pastor’s Weekly has a new name and format. Pastor’s Weekly is now called “The Roundtable.” This week’s topic, Best Practices – What works and What Doesn’t, was presented in a panel discussion format with Chris and Jim Martini, Shepherd’s House CEO, facilitating.

Our session opened with a presentation of the CONNEXUS materials and our vision of what it could do. Our goal for 2014 is to put CONNEXUS materials in 1,000 churches. What a JOY explosion!

Jim Martini gave three steps you can take to begin to spread JOY in your church and community.

1. Be An Instigator. Get the Joy Starts Here book and find a small group that is looking for a new book to study, or gather a group and form your own. Be an instigator with your pastor(s) and leadership (adult education minister, youth minister, etc.) and introduce them to the material. Show them what JOY can produce!

2. Start the CONNEXUS program. This begins with two classes running concurrently, Restarting (for those who are aware of their pain and know that something is missing) and Forming (not necessarily aware of pain, but who want more…a deeper more intimate relationship with The King). Next class is Belonging in which both groups come together to learn how to live in community. This is based on the Life Model concept of transformation happening when there is a gentle response to weakness and the “strong” and the “weak” relate.

3. Repeat! Now that you have experienced it, become a life-giver and give away what you know by starting more groups and sharing the JOY! Over 170 people across the U.S. are licensed teacher/trainers. Information about becoming a teacher/trainer are available by contacting CONNEXUS.

Somewhere along the way you are going to want to take the THRIVE training. It is available twice in the U.S. and highly recommended. See Resources below.

And then the interactive part started. The panel introduced themselves and shared their “best practices.” They told what was working at their end as they used the Connexus materials and how the JOY was spreading. There were questions…and answers. Wow! How do you summarize that? You don’t!

Listening to people share the excitement of seeing lives changed has a way of igniting your imagination as to what could happen if 1,000 churches really got hold of how to help people connect with Jesus. It would be/could be a repeat of what it was like in the apostle’s days!

Give a listen and feel the possibilities! The next session is Jan. 16, 2014.

This word and prayer focus from Chuck is right on for me! How bout' for you?

Chuck D. Pierce:
A Hardened Vessel for Bringing Forth New Wine and 21-Day Prayer Focus
Chuck D. PierceDear Friends and Intercessors:
I started the year reading Isaiah, in the Word of God, in four different translations of the Bible: The Amplified, New King James, The Message, and a new version, The Voice. I also went to one of the Hebrew translations and read the passage directly. Isaiah 41:10 is key to our future. In the Amplified, it states:
"Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice." Let Him do a new work in your spirit to harden you to circumstances around you. This will allow your vessel to be prepared for the pouring of new wine (revelation for your future).
There is a prophetic word that keeps speaking that says: "Pull aside, enter your garden, and experience new wine." There are many contentions and much warfare ahead in the areas of creativity and wealth. God tells us that we can create wealth. I feel like we need to pray not only for transference of wealth but also for the creative power to create wealth. Therefore, I believe if we focus on breaking into "the new" then we will see much new break forth. It's time to press into the new.
Jesus Declared the NEW!
In the New Testament, Jesus often used the vineyard as an analogy for the Kingdom of God (Matt. 20:1-16). Those who hope to enter the Kingdom must be like the son who at first refused to work in his father's vineyard, but later repented (Matt. 21:28-32 and parallels). Ultimately, Jesus Himself is described as the "true vine" and His disciples (Christians) as the branches (John 15:1-11). One of the best descriptions for entering into the new comes from Matthew 9:17: "Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
The Lord is addressing John's disciples because they are questioning the methods He is using to train up His disciples. He then makes the analogy of putting a patch on an old garment, or putting new wine into an old wineskin. We also see the grace of the Lord in this because He wants to preserve the old as He develops the new. He is also saying to John's disciples, "Don't limit Me to just what John did, but expect Me to move in a new way." Therefore, through this analogy, He reveals that He will develop new wine and He will develop a new structure for that wine.
WINE is a beverage primarily made from fermented grapes. Grapes grew throughout ancient Palestine. Even in areas with limited rainfall, enough dew fell at night to support thriving vineyards. Pressing the juice from the grapes produces wine. This is done in large stone vats with a small drain at one end.
Hear the clock tickingThe juice was collected in troughs, poured into large jars, and allowed to ferment, while stored in cool, rock cisterns. In New Testament times, wine was kept in skin flasks and was often diluted with water. It was also used as a medicine and disinfectant. Scripture condemns drunkenness and overindulgence, but pictured wine as part of the typical ancient meal. You can't have wine without a vine! (Photo of the winepress at the Global Spheres Center)
In the Bible, wine was a necessary part of even the simplest meal. Wine and grain were staples. The abundance of wine signified God's overflowing blessings. Failure to have a wine crop indicated destruction, calamity or barrenness. There was no problem, Biblically with a moderate "gladdening of the heart" through wine. Jewish legalism was also linked with the concept of old wineskins or structures. I believe we are watching the Lord develop a new wine to bring forth, as well as a new wineskin.
The Vine is Important!
Any plant having a flexible stem supported by creeping along a surface or by climbing a natural or artificial support is known as a VINE. The word vine in the Bible almost always refers to the grapevine or vineyard. The climate of Palestine was well suited for vineyards. Along with the olive and fig trees, the grapevine is used throughout the Old Testament to symbolize the fertility of the land (Deut. 6:11; Josh. 24:13; 1 Sam. 8:14; 2 Kings 5:26; Jer. 5:17; 40:10; Hos. 2:12).
The origin of viticulture lies in the antiquity of the unknown past. The Bible traces the origin of caring for vineyards to the time of Noah (Gen. 9:20-21). The planting and care of a vineyard required constant and intensive care. The most detailed description of the work involved is found in Isaiah 5:1-6. He is the vine!
Pruning is an Important Process!
After the grapes had set on the branches, the vines were pruned (Lev. 25:4; Isa. 18:5; John 15:1-2). This process produced stronger branches and a greater fruit yield. The pruned branches were useless except to be used as fuel (Ezek. 15:2-8). The vines for the most part were allowed to run on the ground, though occasionally they might climb a nearby tree (compare Ps. 80:8-10; Ezek. 15:2; 19:11). Perhaps it was this latter occurrence that made it possible for a man to "sit under" his vine (1 Kings 4:25).
Only in the Roman period were artificial trellises introduced. The Bible frequently uses vine or vineyard as a symbol. Vine is often used in speaking of Israel. Thus, Israel is said to have been brought out of Egypt and planted as a vine on the land but was forsaken (Ps. 80:8-13; compare Isa. 5:1-7). Israel was planted a "choice vine," but became a "wild vine" (Jer. 2:21; compare Hos. 10:1). As the dead wood of a vine is good for nothing but fuel, so the inhabitants of Jerusalem would be consumed (Ezek. 15:1-8; 19:10-14). The fruit of the vine gladdens the heart of humankind (Ps. 104:15; Eccl. 10:19) and suppresses pain and misery (Prov. 31:6-7).
They will bow their kneesIsrael was "like grapes in the wilderness" when God found them (Hos. 9:10), and the remnant surviving the Exile is compared to a cluster of grapes (Isa. 65:8). Finally, an abundance of the vine symbolizes the glorious age to come when the treader of the grapes will overtake the one who sows the seed (Amos 9:13-15; compare Gen. 49:10-12). (Photo: Vineyard at the Global Spheres Center in moonlight)
Allow the completion of the pruning process you are in so a greater joy can come forth in your life. Joy produces strength. Let all the dead wood be cut off of you. Let the sorrow and failures of the past season be removed so you become a sweet, new, drink in the hands of the Lord.
What is the New Wine?
Several types of wine were consumed. "New" or "sweet" wine was likely wine from the first drippings of juice before the grapes had been trodden. Some interpreters argue that new wine was unfermented. Some texts in which it is mentioned, however, allude to its intoxicating effects (Hos. 4:11; Acts 2:13). In a hot climate, before the invention of refrigeration, it was not possible to keep wine many months past the harvest, before fermentation began. Sour wine, perhaps vinegar mixed with oil, was a common drink of day laborers (Ruth 2:14; Luke 23:36). Wine was considered a luxury item which could both gladden the heart (Ps. 104:15) or cloud the mind (Isa. 28:7; Hos. 4:11).
I define new wine this way, "The New Wine is the anointing of God to release the abundance of God's life, joy and blessing in the lives of His people!" A good picture of the "New Wine" anointing is found in Acts Chapter Two. When the Spirit of God fell on the apostles, He released the life of God upon them. They were so overwhelmed by the overflowing joy of His presence, observers assumed they were drunk! The crowd thought they were drunk with wine, but really they were filled with NEW WINE! God wants us to be "filled with New Wine" and to walk in fullness of joy, with a vibrant spirit, full of life! When God begins to release His New Wine, the first step may surprise us.
God Longs to Bless!
The abundance of vines and vineyards were seen as expressions of God's favor. In the Bible, the fullness of God's blessing is described as "grain, new wine and oil" (Jer. 31:12). Psalm 104:15 tells us that wine makes the heart glad, oil makes our face shine (glory), and bread (grain) gives us strength. That is God's desire, for each one of us.
God wants us to have strength to stand against the enemy. He wants us to shine with His glory and fulfill our destiny in the earth. He also wants us to walk in overflowing, abundant life here in the earth-realm! God wants us to have the fullness of His blessing in every season, but there are seasons when He focuses on a particular aspect of His blessing. We are in a season when the Spirit of God wants to release a fresh supply of New Wine to His Church.
The Winepress for the NEW!
Hear the clock tickingThe first step in wine making is the "stomping." New wine cannot be released until grapes are stomped! The yeast that produces fermentation grows on the outside of the grape skin. The juice is on the inside. If the grape skin remains unbroken, the process of fermentation cannot begin, and the grape will eventually shrivel up and turn into a raisin! But, when the grapes are stomped, the grape skin is broken. The yeast mixes with the juice, and new wine comes forth. That's a picture of how God deals with our flesh.
When God gives us a vision, our flesh grabs it and tries to "make it happen" in fleshly energy. But the flesh cannot please God. So God has to put our desires and ambitions into the winepress and stomp them, until our flesh lets go!
Press Forth Into New Vision!
This process is called "death of a vision." Death of a vision is a process every character in the Bible went through, to come into a place of God's blessing. God promised Abraham a son, then waited 25 years until Abraham's recognized his own inability to "make it happen." God anointed David to be king, but then allowed David to be hunted by Saul until David entrusted his future entirely to God. God raised up Moses to set Israel free, then sent him out to the backside of the desert until he died to his own abilities.
God will allow your vision to be stomped! He will wait for it to die, then He will resurrect it in supernatural power. God always works through life, death, and resurrection! If you are in a season where it seems all your hopes and dreams are being stomped, I have good news! Resurrection is coming! God is preparing to release His NEW WINE in you!
Let Patience Bring Forth Her Perfect Work!
If you are in the winepress, it's important to allow the stomping to have its full effect. If we resist stomping, the new wine cannot flow. If we refuse to die to our own desires and ambitions, what comes out is not the New Wine, but the old whine! We see our hopes and ambitions frustrated, and we start to murmur and complain, "I don't see why this is happening! God, this isn't what You promised!" Old whine is full of frustration, bitterness and anger! It will never bring the results God wants. If God has you in the winepress, He is looking for a shift! He wants you to shift:
• from ambition to submission.
• from trying to trusting.
• from our old ways, plans, mindsets, to a walk of faith.
• from the attitude, "I can make it happen," to "God, You will do it!"
Out of that shifting flows the new wine of the Spirit! If you are in the winepress, it's important that you stop reaching back to the old and familiar. Die to your ability to make it happen. Declare God's word, by faith. Trust God completely to do all that He has promised!
Watching After Your Vineyard!
Stone walls and/or hedges were usually built around the vineyard to protect the grapes from thirsty animals and from thieves (Song of Sol. 2:15; Jer. 49:9). Watchtowers were also built to provide further protection. The hewing out of a winepress or vat completed the vineyard installation (Isa. 5:2). During the harvesting season, the owner of the vineyard might live in a booth, to stay close to his valuable crop (Isa. 1:8).
The harvest of the grapes took place in August or September. Watch now, so you see the full fruit of the new coming forth this fall.
Prayer Focus for Bringing Forth New Wine:
Day 1. Read Isaiah 41 and 28:23-29. There is a bruising and a breaking that we must go through. Don't resist the stomping. Unless the skin is broken, we will end up as a raisin. So many in the old wineskin have resisted being broken. Declare all the seeds that are within you will awaken and come forth. Enter into your personal harvest. Ask the Lord to make you into a new, sharp threshing instrument.
Day 2. Read James 4. Submit your gifts and stand under the authority God is giving you. Bloom where God has planted you. Draw near to God and be faithful!
Day 3. Read Hebrews 4 and 12. Don't live in the past. This leads only to regret and bitterness. If you have repented, God's grace will cover past sins and failings. Allow your past to be pruned away; instead of being a bitter drink offering, you will become a sweet drink offering to the Lord.
Day 4. Read Jeremiah 29. Don't live in the future, but know that you have a good future. God has a future for you, but joy and fulfillment are found in HIM now!
Day 5. Read John 14, 15 and 16. Allow the pruning process to bring forth the new in you. Seek your joy in Him now. There is a place of overwhelming life and joy in Him. Press in to Him! Draw closer to Him! As you do, the New Wine begins to flow!
Day 6. Read Matthew 6. Be anxious for nothing. List the top five priorities in your life. Seek Him first and His Kingdom and His righteousness and then everything else will fall in place.
Day 7. Read Psalm 4. Allow the Lord to set you apart for the future. Let new joy and gladness arise. Declare you will sleep in peace and you will feel safe in the presence of God.
Day 8. Read Deuteronomy 33:26-29. New wine brings the fullness of God's security and provision.
Day 9. Read Joel 2 and 3. New wine is a sign of God's presence dwelling with His people and your land being restored and rejoicing.
Hear the clock tickingDay 10. Read Jeremiah 31. The new is for you. New wine is part of the bounty of the Lord.
Day 11. Read Song of Solomon 2, 3 and 4. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the little foxes that are trying to crush the vine that will bring forth the new wine. Get a vision of your future identity. Ask the Lord to send a new wind and blow upon your garden.
Day 12. Read Proverbs 3:1-10. Ask the Lord how to give the first fruits of your increase so your vats will run over with new wine. Understand and experience God's blessing.
Day 13. Read Song of Solomon 8 and Psalm 16. Ask the Lord to come into your vineyard. Let Him prophetically reveal to you the fruit you are going to bring forth in the future. Enter into your promised inheritance.
Day 14. Read Matthew 16. Ask the Lord for revelation. Ask the Lord for the building plan for your future. Ask the Lord for keys. Just as Peter connected with the Father in Heaven, connect with the Father in a way that you begin to unlock the Kingdom of God within you.
Day 15. Read Hosea 2:14-23. Unlock your door of hope. Know that there is hope in your Valley of Achor. Ask God for that new door of hope to open up. Ask the Lord for mercy. Renew your covenant with God. New wine occurs when Heaven and earth agree.
Day 16. Read Revelation 14:14-20. Declare that the harvest in the nations will come into the winepress.
Day 17. Read Psalm 119:81-88. Declare that any premature aging or stiffness will begin to break from you and you will become a new wineskin.
Day 18. Read Ezekiel 37. Declare that which has been scattered will come back together into a new structure.
Day 19. Read Ephesians 4. Pray for the government of God in your region. For new wine to come forth, the government of God must be established in its fullness.
Day 20. Read John 2. Let the Lord change your water into new wine. He used the pots of religious ritualism to fill them with new wine. Ask the Lord to remove the spirit of religion from you. Let His glory begin to shine.
Day 21. Read Matthew 9 and 14. Be willing to let go of any old method that is operating in your life, business, church, etc. Notice the teaching after the wineskin. The lady who had an issue of blood for 12 years pressed through and touched Jesus. Jesus was on His way to awaken the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus. Declare that now is the time to press through into the new, even in your weakness. Declare that what needs to wake up will wake up now. There is a time when the old season ends. When John the Baptist was beheaded, the old season ended. Allow the old to end and the new to begin.
It's time for new wine. It's time for the new wine skin. Both are coming forth. Enter in!
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Possessing Your Inheritance, The Future War of the Church, The Worship Warrior, God's Unfolding Battle Plan, Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.