Wednesday, January 22, 2014

O YES how I want to thrive! Chris & Carol will tell us how to thrive in the post below!

Feel like you are existing? Want to thrive instead?

Life has so many stressors. It seems like the only solution is to work harder, longer…but we all know that leads to burnout! Relationships explode or become frayed. Your best effort goes nowhere. You read your bible and see the prospect of an amazing life…a life of power, of transformation, of value, meaning and purpose.
Why don’t we see that today? It can be discouraging when you really want your life to count for something. Sometimes life feels crazy and you want to put the brakes on but can’t find the lever. What’s wrong? What’s the missing piece?
Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art
We think we have found the missing piece—well 19 of them actually. They are the 19 relational brain skills needed to develop and maintain healthy, joyful relationships. In the past these skills were informally and casually passed on from one generation to the next but now they are rapidly dropping out of society.Why?
When a parent experiences some form of life chaos (economic/emotional/spiritual) they may miss passing on a skill even though they have it. The child then grows up and cannot pass on what he does not have. And so skills can fall out of family lines. The lack of these skills is a major cause for all sorts of trauma, societal and relational chaos.
The good news is that these skills can be learned! That is what the THRIVE workshop is all about—reintroducing the skills back into society! Here is what you learn:

THRIVE restores missing brain skills!
  • Brain skills grow when you train with people who have the skills
  • Brain skills blossom with interactive exercises shared in states of joy and rest with people and God.
  • Brain skills bless your relationships and transform your character.
  • Brain skills are not learned by reading a book, scanning Facebook or watching television.
THRIVE offers premiere leadership training
  • Parents: be refreshed with joy. Shorten the amount of time you spend drowning in overwhelm.
  • Pastors: improve your leadership skills. Start joy in your congregation. Be faithful to your legacy.
  • Leaders: lead fearlessly and relationally. Rest. Recharge your joy. Know what you are doing.
  • Missionaries: increase your ministry skill set. Equip those you serve. Discover solutions that work.
THRIVE trains you to:
  • Develop and express Jesus-like character.
  • Recognize overwhelm to sustain joy.
  • Resolve pain and protect what matters most.
  • Calm distress and quiet your cravings.
  • Live and convey your deepest values.
  • Change fear to love.
And so much more!
We have two opportunities in 2014 to take advantage of this training:
  • THRIVE 5-day US Skill Training. March 24 – March 28th, 2014. 5-day skill training format! 19 relational brain skill training - Tracks I, II and III. East Peoria, IL. More.
  • THRIVE 5-day US Skill Training. July 14th – 18th, 2014. 5-day skill training format! 19 relational brain skill training - Tracks I, II and III. East Peoria, IL. More.
If you would like to read about the kinds of changes that can come into your life and the lives of your family, you will enjoy hearing the testimony of Anna Hill. This training transformed her life. Click here
May your joy be full!
Chris & Carol
Chris Coursey, MA Theology — Author, Speaker and Thrive Trainer,
Twitter – @coursey_chris
Carol Brown, Author of The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity and Highly Sensitive

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