Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An excerpt from Bill Johnson Session A of the 2104 Revival Alliance meeting in Toronto January 21, 2014 ...

We've been given the great treasure of heaven called the Holy Spirit. Everything in heaven and on earth is to rotate around or value this presence. It's not a sermon. It's not a theological statement. It is a relationship. It is a point of connection that gives meaning and definition to everything we are and to everything we do. It's the continuous awareness of the Spirit of GOD that changes everything about our life. I try to live in such a way that nothing ever gets bigger in my consciousness than my awareness of HIM upon me. If any problem is bigger than my awareness of HIM on me than I'll live in reaction to the problem. If I live in reaction to what the enemy is doing than the devil has had a role in setting my agenda and he is not worthy of having any influence on how I live my life. Even taking a defensive or offensive posture in reaction to him is not legitimate. Jesus responded to the FATHER not to what the devil was doing. And even though it may feel spiritual it actually takes me out of my place of strength. And the only way I know how to stay centered if you will into that place of kingdom lifestyle and fellowship is my awareness of the spirit of GOD upon me.
John 20:19-22 "So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you." And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. The disciples then rejoiced when they saw the Lord. So Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you." And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.""

I just feel like the LORD is recalibrating hearts. He's just redialing in the simple things, the basic things for all of us in some measure. I feel like we're all just really hungry for more of GOD and want HIM to show up more than anything. The recalibration for what's really valuable, for the presence, the face. John, the baptist went before the face of the LORD. It's not just figurative language. He actually went before the face. In other words, wherever he went the face followed. He was responsible to bring the face of GOD into society and he brought a face of GOD. And as I become acquainted with HIS presence (not overly familiar) with HIS face, something happens. Only one time in Moses's life did they say his face shone with the glory and it was the only time on record where he saw the goodness of GOD. I feel like the LORD is unveiling new revelation of HIS goodness that's going to change the face of HIS church. It's going to change the face of HIS people. HE'S recalibrating things in us, for us. That I could walk away from this message, this anointing, this presence, with the awareness of the SPIRIT OF GOD upon me, those who are praying this prayer "GOD if YOU'LL touch me again I'll never change the subject. I will never add this to what I have going on in my life. I will have THIS, the only thing I've lived for. THIS, the only thing I yearn for. Lift your face, your voices, your hands before the LORD and do your own business with GOD but do it out loud, not just quiet in your heart. Speak to the LORD. Give HIM the offering of your yeildedness. Give HIM your offering of your passion for more. The shifting of seasons is taking place to a people who know the face of GOD.
What has happened here over the last 20 years defies all odds. History tells us that these moves of GOD last 2-4 years and that's it, but HE'S found a company of people that are not willing to change the subject, that are willing to add more to the fire, so to speak and I feel like the LORD ... these prophetic words that have come are so glorious, so wonderful. I feel like HE'S about to breathe on that fire that we've given ourselves to keeping it burning in us. Pray now that the LORD would bring about fresh fire, a baptism of fire at a level you've never known before, a mighty, mighty outpouring, a release of the SPIRIT of GOD. You don't want a controllable fire.  Increase this LORD GOD. Increase this LORD. A baptism of fire. A fresh, fresh baptism of fire. A mighty, mighty outpouring. Now LORD double it, increase it, double it again, double the impact in us, double the impact through us. Pray for visitations in the night. This is not just for tonight. This is a course of direction for the remainder of our days, the rest of our lives. It is setting our appetite for the "one thing." LORD I pray for encounters in the night. That YOU would awaken the dream life once again. Visitations in the night, encounters, heavenly experiences in the day, in the night. LORD that these days together will be pregnant with encounters. LORD we lean into YOU anticipating what YOU are about to say and  do.

In JESUS' mighty name amen!


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