Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Word from the LORD!

April 30, 2014 
Fragrance in the Wind ~ Gems from the Heavenlies 

As you spend time with ME, MY darling, beautiful things will unfold for you. You will see how I have been working out all things in your life. For you see, dear one, I have a master plan and you are in it. You are the one and only you. You are MY dream come true. You are MY masterpiece in the making. A beauty to behold ... from the inside out! Yes! That’s what I’ve been working on ... the inside. Transforming you and making you more like ME everyday! You’ve kept your eyes on me through the years. There’ve been bumps and bruises along the way. But here you are, recovering, being healed of the wounds that have come upon you. Walking in the knowledge that I’VE been with you through it all, right there by your side every single step of the way! MY love, you’re on your way to the best, yes the very best is yet to come! Yes there’ll be flowers, real beauties, roses and chrysanthemums, lilacs and daisies, more beautiful than you could ever think or imagine! And yes there’ll be songs, beautiful songs worshipping ME, singing of MY splendor and majesty! Yes, all of your dreams will be coming true! You’ve come full circle. Reaping and sowing, sowing and reaping. And now walk in the very truth of this word for you my friend and for all those in your midst and in MY kingdom!
1 Chronicles 16:27"Honor and majesty surround him; strength and joy fill his dwelling."

Let go of any grief that has prevailed or set a tone in my life ...

Embrace all that brings life and awakens you from spiritual slumber. I have given you the grace to endure difficulties and uncertainty, but much of what has burdened you is coming to an end and will give way to a season that can bring great joy and peace. However, you must let go of any grief that has prevailed or set a tone in your life. Let Me lift you up, says the Lord.
Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My word from the LORD on this day ...

April 29, 2014
I know this time right now is difficult for you! I am teaching you and training you up in the way that you should go MY child. It may seem like you are not learning much but you are. These are the trials and the tribulations that all must go through to learn of ME and MY ways so that you will shine, yes shine, like the morning sun on a sunny day!  You know that “glory” thing. Yes all who are seeking me are finding ME, like this, during this season of their lives. Draw near to ME, dear one and you will find ME!

Proverbs 22:6 “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.”

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” 

Isaiah 55:8 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”

Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Bethel Church - Deep Cries Out

O that I would pass the tests of the LORD and move on to the bigger and brighter things HE has for me!

April 28, 2014. Think about this, Beloved. Your sights are set too low. You have asked for something, but I have something much more in mind for you. What you are asking for is okay for now. Enjoy what you have, but I want you to learn from this. I asked you earlier if you had learned the lesson that was before you. You assured Me that you had and I know you did. You will be tested and will pass the test. But what I have for you is much better. Believe.
Romans 12:1-2 (NLT) "This is truly the way to worship him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Bev Robinson

O what a precious word from the LORD through Ras ...

April 28, 2014. You are one who delights in worshipping Me. I have heard your song day and night. Those words you use to praise and worship Me are touching My heart for you. Therefore, it is My joy to hear your prayers as we fellowship together. I find myself lonely for you more often than ever before. Come, let us lay down together and speak softly heart to heart. I have many things to tell you and you can share your own heart with Me. Our communion together makes Me happy. I love you, special one.
Psalm 28:7 (NASB) "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him." Ras Robinson

Thank YOU LORD for leading me!

Take time to reconnect with some of those that you have lost touch with. I will lead you by way of remembrance and give you a desire to communicate. You can now bridge the gap that has been created through time and circumstances. Don't be afraid to let others know that you care about them, says the Lord.
Philippians 4:10 "But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity."

Monday, April 28, 2014

THRIVE JOYStream with Chris Coursey

A Prayer Focus by Chuck Pierce ...

Chuck D. Pierce:
Newsletter Dated: Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Chuck D. PierceDear Prospering Saints:
This past weekend was nothing less than a performance of God in our midst to prepare us for our future. As we approach Pentecost, we must continue to shift our minds and thinking processes toward HARVEST. Even though the time frame from Passover to Pentecost is 50 Days, the next 40 days seem critical for God's children. This is the beginning of the next 40 days of critical revelation.
To "form" means to develop or mold the shape or outline of something or to give meaning, character or nature to something. Another way of looking at a forming time is when something is becoming what it will be in days ahead. This includes the conditioning of our mind and body in regard to its mental performance ahead. A forming season includes conceiving, training, and disciplining. This phase denotes the arrangement of the part of a thing that gives its distinctive appearance.
A key Scripture reference about Pentecost time is 1 Corinthians 16:8. Paul purposed to stay at Ephesus until Pentecost, because an effectual door was opened to him for his ministry. Many enemies are behind this forming door, but the Lord says:
"Do not focus on your enemies during this season, but watch the door form and be ready to enter into this new opportunity. I will give you grace over your enemies. I am releasing your new assignment and you will go forth into new mission fields." (Photo via
Revelation Now!
Incredible revelation starts pouring in between Passover and Pentecost. We are presently in the time of counting the Omer– the counting of days between Passover and Pentecost. This counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover (which commemorates the Exodus) and Pentecost (which commemorates the giving of the Torah).
Omer literally means sheaf. Leviticus 23:15 shares the blessing of counting the omer. The time between Passover and Pentecost is a transition time. Transition means you cross over. The omer time is the time of looking at how you will consume your supply and unlock supply for the future. This is an important period of growth and introspection. We must review all revelation from the past season, and the way we operated in supply in our last season.
Freed to Receive the Word! This counting reminded the Israelites that their redemption from slavery was not complete until they received the Torah. The people were freed from Egypt so that they could receive the Torah. A major reason of this season is to show your desire for revelation from God to come alive in you. If you enter into this time of "counting the omer" you will press in to new revelation.
Why This Timing? Why Even Be Concerned About the Feasts?
Our covenant was established around the understanding of the sun, moon, and the earth in alignment with Father's plan of redemption. The Word of God revolves around the Feasts. They were holy assemblies, for holy rehearsals. The remembrance of these physical events causes us to understand the spiritual significance of what came and what is to come! The Feasts forecasted His sacrifice for us.
Also, they foretell the full redemption of His people and the alignment of all nations, which are His inheritance (Psalm 2). When we participate in the waving of the First Fruits at Passover time and then receiving the anointing to gather and increase at Pentecost (Feast of Weeks), our faith is displayed and our confidence arises for our provision to be released.
Today, there is a futility in legalistically participating in the Feasts. We cannot legalistically keep the Feasts, but we can honor the Father by remembering Him and receiving from Him at these appointed times (Galatians 3:10). (Photo via
No longer do we have to seek an ultimate Sacrifice - He was already given on the Cross. This broke satan's headship over us personally, as well as mankind corporately. However, we must still "enter in" to the fullness of this plan.
By participating and remembering the Feast times NOW, they cease to be shadows of things to come. They actually cause us to see our future path to our promise. May you eat the Word below, and journey closer to His plan of Fullness for your life. Psalm 34 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Take time to join in and allow your FAITH to arise so you are positioned for a new dimension of increase!
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

How to Begin!
Stop! Review your blessings! Bless God! Get to know Him! See the fullness of who He is, through His Son who was sent to redeem us. The seven weeks associated with counting the omer are meant to press you into spiritual improvement, new relationships, new respect, spiritual correction and restoration from the mistakes of the past, and the development of a triumphant mindset for the entire season ahead. Initially, I had thought to send you a daily process on how to do this, but realized that many people get into legalistic formulations and miss the point of why we do something.
Make a list of the promises that you wish to see manifest in this new season. List those promises and then speak them into the atmosphere around you. Decree that things you never saw in last season will manifest in this season. Remember, they may take another form in this season.
Realign Your Emotions Over the Next Few Days! May you realign your emotions so the function of your "expectation" is restored and receptive from Holy Spirit. May your vision to be shifted, redefined and established. "Without a vision (prophetic revelation and utterance) a people perish." Unlock the supply lines for our future. This will entail warring to break the conformity of our thinking processes and develop a harvest mentality. This will also include understanding the dynamic of warring with structures that would stop the transference of wealth.
Daily Scripture and Prayer Focus:
I decree that after doing this focus your "end will be greater than your beginning". Biblically, the "counting of the Omer" would begin on the first day of the barley harvest by waving their harvest before the Lord. Pentecost is when the wheat harvest begins. Let's move from one level of harvest to another. (Photo via

Day 1: Read Genesis 11-13; Leviticus 23: Luke 14:25-33. All Biblical understanding revolves around covenant.

Day 2: Read Exodus 15-16, Matthew 14:13-21, and Revelation 15. Rejoice and sing the song of the Lord. Thank the Lord for your deliverance. Meditate on the song of Moses. The suffering covenant people sang at their time of deliverance; we as Christians will sing it again. Thank Him for all the provision that you are receiving. Even if it is "wilderness" provision, thank Him! Let Him take what you have and break it open and multiply it. This song was a corporate song.

Day 3: Read Exodus 20 & 23, Matthew 17:5 and 28:20. These are key chapters in understanding justice. Ask the Lord to give you revelation of Feast times. This will cause you to understand God's timing for your life, as well as unlocking supply. Ask Him to make you aware of angelic visitation and leading. Confess as sin, the times when you were resistant to be led properly. Ask Him about a First Fruit offering for the Feast of Pentecost. Much promise will be unlocked to you in these chapters.

Day 4: Read Joshua 3-5; 2 Samuel 5-7. These are chapters on preparation, and how to follow (the ark and the priests) into your future. Let me suggest a day of fasting. Focus on your place of crossing over for this season. Also, ask the Lord about those whom you have relationship with that are helping you move forward. Let the Lord revive your life by re-circumcising your heart. Many of us hang on to last season's provision.
Declare that new provision will begin. The manna ceased and the Children of Israel had to learn to use the provision in their Promised Land. This allowed them to reinstate the Feast of Passover, to get them back on track. They were unable to do Passover for 40 years, because all they had was manna and quail. God changes our provision many times, to get us back in synch with His full plan. Get ready to face what has always seemed invincible to you. David had to learn the procession of the Ark! We must watch the Ark now!

Day 5: Read Matthew 14:22-36, John 6, and Exodus 33. Be willing to cross over into the place the Lord is calling you. You might want to pull aside into a quiet place, to really seek Father. Declare that you will not move forward without sensing His presence.

Day 6: Read Acts 12 and Esther 9. Memorize Philippians 2:27. Ask the Lord to do a new thing in your prayer life. The beheading of James was during Passover. Ask the Lord to hide you from the religious world. Many times our past failures propel us into a whole new fervency of prayer. Pray and ask God for angelic help to come down, so you can move into the next season. Make a declaration that every decree that is set against you will be exposed and overturned, and that you WILL advance.

Day 7: Read Ephesians 1-4. Recognize your condition, as well as your position. Thank Him, for the change that Holy Spirit has brought you. Thank Him, for His love that has gotten you through so many situations. Thank Him, that we are maturing into the fullness of His plan. Look at the government of the Church. Jesus ascended to Heaven to take His throne next to Father. He gives us access. Ask the Lord to be sure your gift is aligned corporately.
Get started now and do not look back!

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well, and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Possessing Your Inheritance, The Future War of the Church, The Worship Warrior, God's Unfolding Battle Plan, Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Dear Glory Followers:
We are advancing in the time of counting the Omer … the counting of days between Passover and Pentecost. This counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover (which commemorates the Exodus), and Pentecost (which commemorates the giving of the Torah). As we approach Pentecost, we must continue to shift our minds and thinking processes toward harvest. Below is the next 10 days of our 40-Day Focus. Be sure to enter into this time and seek the Lord for His revelation to move from one level of harvest, to another.
10 Days of Decreeing Your Land or Boundaries Will Rejoice While any sin can be an opening for demonic activity, there are certain sins that can defile (bring a foul, dirty, uncleanness) into the land. These sins leave the land cursed and particularly susceptible to demonic footholds. When you stake your land (see Day 17, below), decree that the following structures break and let go. Land can also be defined as your spiritual inheritance.

Day 8: Read Isaiah 54, Psalm 16, Psalm 66. Begin by doing the following: "Sing, O barren, you who have not borne! Break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you who have not labored with child! For more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman," says the LORD. "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes." Declare that this is a time of enlargement for your life.
Day 9: Read Philippians 1-4. Decree that all anxiety, fear, doubt, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy and envy from any past iniquity in your life will be removed.
Day 10: Read Ezra 9, Psalm 81. Decree revival! Get ready to embrace many changes. Declare a window of revival is opening over your life and family. Declare that this revival will touch all generations.
Day 11: Read Ezekiel 16, 36 & 37; 1 Cor. 10. Ask the Lord to break the power of idolatry in your bloodline. God hates idolatry. Just as the worship of God brings blessing upon the land, the worship of false gods brings curses.
Day 12: Read Genesis 4, Acts 7. Ask the Lord to remove illegal bloodshed from your land or inheritance. Remember the account of Cain and Abel. How are you worshiping? Do you worship the way you want to, or are you giving your best to the Lord? Worship is a covenant expression. Without it, violence and covenant breaking occur. From Genesis 4, we see that bloodshed affects the very land on which the violence occurred. As the blood of violence penetrates the ground, the prince of the power of the air will gain legal right into the land. Curses attach to illegal violence and bloodshed.
Day 13: Read 2 Samuel 21. Declare an end to covenant breaking. During the reign of King David, a great famine came on the land. When David inquired of the Lord concerning this famine, God said to him, "It is because of Saul and his bloodthirsty house, because he killed the Gibeonites." The Gibeonites were a group of people who had entered into covenant with Israel in the days of Joshua. This covenant guaranteed their safety. Yet Saul broke covenant with the Gibeonites by murdering many of them and planning for the massacre of the rest. As a result, famine came on the land as God removed His blessing and Satan was allowed access. The famine did not strike immediately, but came when the new king came to power. Many of our homes in the United States have been built on land which was taken, through broken treaties with Native Americans. Those broken treaties from years ago can defile and give the enemy a foothold the land where we live today!
Day 14: Read 1 Corinthians 3-7. Cut ties with any immorality that has been a part of your bloodline or the land where you are the steward. This issue is one that we must take seriously. Immorality has become a vague term, and a non-issue for those in power. Our society has come to believe that anyone can do whatever is right in their own sight. But Satan knows that every immoral act opens up a greater legal right for him to infiltrate land and homes. With the advent of the internet, there is even greater access to things like pornography and adult chat rooms. None of these things is benign. What is done in secret can bring serious consequences through defilement—not only of those involved, but of the land on which their sin occurred.
Day 15: Read Joel 1-3. Declare that the land will begin to rejoice. Ask the Lord to stir the power of restoration in you.
Day 16: Read Matthew 5-7. This will really show you the Lord taught His disciples to pray. Declare Heaven and Earth will connect and a new level of communion will occur in your life.
Day 17: Read Ezekiel 34, Zechariah 8, 1 Cor. 8, Hebrews 3 & 4. Declare that your land will begin to produce in a new way so that your storehouses will become full. (Some of you might want to stake your land here and decree increase). Declare your land enters into REST (Ex. 23:10-11; Lev 25:2-7; Deut. 15:1-10; 31:10-13). Stake claim to your future! Take communion on the LAND you occupy.

I encourage you to continue in these prayer focuses.
Developing an Expectation for the Future! Our ongoing 40 days of counting the Omer is also helping us shift our minds and thinking process to under this time of revelation and secrets being revealed. The next 10 days of our prayer focus is designed to help you develop an expectation for the future! May this be a time of visitation where the presence and power of God invades your space and orders your steps! MAY YOU BE RESTORED AND HEALED - body, soul and spirit! Expect God to move, and to know Him as the HEALER!

Day 18: Read Psalm 139, Ephesians 2. May the Lord show you who you are in Him. You are ORIGINAL - fearfully and wonderfully made! Thank Him for forming you in your mother’s womb. Spend the day PRAISING! This is very important in the process of breaking cycles.

Day 19
: Memorize and speak forth 1 Thes. 5:16-24. Decree that your whole spirit, soul and body will be sanctified! Also read Joshua 3.

Day 20
: Sing or praise with Psalm 23. Agree with God for the restoration of your soul. SOUL is linked with "breathing." Soul refers to the entire inner nature and personality of a person. Read Deut. 26:16-19. Declare that you will be set on high in a new place with a seal called “SPECIAL.” Decree life and life abundantly. Read and underline Mt. 6:25, Luke 12:22, John 10:10. Thank God for the prophets in your life (Acts 3:23). If you have quenched the prophetic anointing in your life, confess it as sin. Memorize Prov. 29:18. Ask the Lord to open up new vision and revelation over your life. Memorize Jer. 30:17.

Day 21
: Ask the Lord to make your heart PURE! Declare that the seat of your feelings, desires, affections, and aversions will come under the alignment of the Holy Spirit. Read the Beatitudes—Mt. 5:1-12. Ask the Lord to send help or aid to your soul so you can attain your highest end. Declare your “end” will be greater than your beginning. Read Hag. 2. Ask the Lord for your soul to begin to prosper in a new way. Read 3 John 2; Heb. 13:17; James 1:21, 5:20; 1 Peter 1:9. Now ask the Lord to make you “see.” The pure in heart SEE HIM (Mt. 5:8).

Day 22:
Memorize Prov. 18:14. Ask the Lord to remove any vexation of the spirit of the world and its influence on your spirit. Thank God that you are a spiritual being and that you will live eternally with Him. If you do not have this assurance, stop and ask the Lord to remove any doubt from you. Receive a cleansing through His blood. Read Heb. 9. Ask the Lord to cleanse your conscience and restore it to full working authority. Ask the Lord to renew your communion with Him. Take communion with Him. Your spirit is that part of you related to worship and divine communion. Read and underline John 12:27; 1 Cor. 16:18; 2 Cor. 7:13; Mt. 11:29; 2 Cor. 7:1; 1 Peter 2:11; James 5:20; 1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Peter 1:9; Mt. 10:28; Acts 2:31; Rom 8:10; Eph 4:4; and James 2:26.

Day 23
: Read Romans 6. Make a list of any place that “sin has dominion over you.” Decree that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you are freed and cleansed. Watch for sins of omission such as gossip, criticizing, judging, etc. At times these are hidden from us and produce unbelief in us.

Day 24
: The BODY is the lowest part of man’s triune being where the soul and spirit reside. Honor the Holy Spirit who has chosen to dwell within you. Read 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 2 Peter 1:13-14. Thank Him that your Body is His. Re-read Rom. 6:13,19. Yield your members one by one unto God, as instruments of righteousness rather than unto iniquity. If you have a part of your body that is not working properly, ask the Lord to heal and cleanse that portion. Include any organs that you know have been affected by sin. Read Romans 7 and declare that the “pull” of the old is eradicated.

Day 25
: Fast as the Lord leads you. I suggest you fast solid food and only drink liquids (water, herb tea, broth) on this day. Read Rom. 8. Thank Him that you have been adopted by Him and that His blood is flowing through you, to restore you!

Day 26
: Declare that all hope deferred is broken from you, and loosed and removed from influencing your life. Declare the power of scattering is broken as you read Ezekiel 36-37. Thank Him for a new heart and spirit. Declare a new Door of Hope is opening. Read Hos. 2, 6, 10. Confess that the sin of unbelief is broken from your bloodline.

Day 27
: Read Psalm 62 and Psalm 32. Declare your emotions healed and your spirit free. Worship throughout the day. Use praise music. If you are driving, then sing with the music. Healing scriptures are important to recite. Memorize Heb. 11:6. Ask the Lord for your next measure of faith. Read and meditate on Is. 60. Arise, shine! Decree that all depression and oppression must leave. Expect God to move on your behalf. Expect miracles and healings to begin to happen in you and through you!
Chuck D. Pierce


Kathi Pelton:
Kathi PeltonDeath and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].
Proverbs 18:21
Words, Words And More Words...
We sure do use a lot of words! If we are not speaking words, we are typing words, texting words, tweeting words, or merely thinking words. We use words to share our hearts, to give opinions, to show love, to show anger, to curse, and to bless. I have been asking the Lord to make me more conscious of the words I speak and the thoughts I think. The Bible makes it clear that there is power in our words to bring life or death. My desire is that all my words – spoken or unspoken – bring life.
The Poison Apple And The Prince's Kiss
Fruit of your wordsThink of the story of Snow White. We all remember the poison apple from the jealous queen that was given to Snow White. One bite of this poisoned apple resulted in endless sleep (death) for the princess. Then, the kiss of the prince brought Snow White back to life. The kiss of love reversed the curse of the poisoned fruit. (Photo via Flickr by sixtwelve)
This story can be likened to the effect our words have on others. We can use our words to poison, or we can use our words to bring life. When we are careless in our word choices, using them to harm another or to speak with jealousy and animosity (in other words – death), it is no different than bringing a poisoned apple to eat. When we consider our words carefully and align them with God's definition of love, then we release a kiss of life.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails... 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
We must make sure that our words are filled with the expression of patience, kindness, gratefulness, humility, peace, forbearance, and forgiveness. Our words need to delight in truth, grieve evil, protect, cover, release hope; and most of all, they must relay the love of Jesus. This is not easy since we speak a vast amount of words each day. But the Holy Spirit is always with us to help us use words seasoned with His loving kindness. God desires that we would allow Him to touch our mouths and fill them with words that bear good fruit. He also desires that we would allow Him to renew our minds so that our thoughts are pure in His sight.
The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but gracious words are pure in His sight. Proverbs 15:26
Words From The Heart
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Words from the heartMore often than not, our words speak what is in our hearts. My heart is one of my greatest mission fields! It continually needs to be nurtured, cared for, softened, cleansed, and purified. If we are not careful, this world, with all of its negative messages and events, can leave a heart calloused and cold. We are continually bombarded with news of tragedies, personal losses, images of death; and the never-ending voice of the enemy murmurs underneath it all a pervasive rumbling of bitterness and despair. It is important to live through the eyes and ears of your spirit so that your heart will not grow cold. It is just as important to let the Lord search your heart and purge it from any impurities. (Photo via kazzz)
Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! Psalm 139:23 Amplified Bible
When my heart is pure, my words are pure. I want my heart and my words to be aligned with an attitude of worship. I can only do this by daily going into the heart of God and allowing Him to place His heart within me. I must allow my thoughts to dwell on ideas that edify and are pure. Meditating on words that bring life can cause my mouth to speak words that bring life. John 1:1 states:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
The Word that I want to meditate on is Jesus.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Words That Soothe
Two of our children are now married. If I had only one piece of advice to give them regarding their marriages, it would be to speak life to one another. If words represent our hearts, then we need to consider that a harsh word conveys a hardened heart. Our words must bring life, hope, and joy. They must represent love when spoken to one another (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 above). If your words crush the spirit of your spouse, then you need to nurture true love in your heart.
Tree of lifeThe soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4 (Photo via Pixabay)
One of the hardest things for me to observe is seeing a parent speaking harsh words to their child. Nothing crushes a spirit more than a parent using their God-given authority to shame their son or daughter. It never ceases to break my heart when I hear a parent call their young child a brat (or even worse).
Do kids act badly at times? Of course, but this does not define their identity; it merely identifies their sin nature that needs continued redemption and their immature character that needs continual molding and nurturing.
If your child has had a day that was filled with bad behavior, be careful not to say things such as, "Johnny has been such a brat today." Wouldn't it be better for him to overhear you telling your spouse, "Johnny has had a difficult time obeying today, but I'm sure that he will do better tomorrow. He is such a good boy!" SPEAK LIFE, because Johnny is listening! He needs to know that you believe in him and all the potential that God has put within him to overcome temptation and to live a life that exceeds all your wildest dreams.
Our family spent a number of years bringing troubled teen boys into our home. One day we were dealing with one of the boys who was having an emotional meltdown. He was screaming, cursing, and saying vile things to everyone around him. I stopped and quickly asked the Holy Spirit how to respond. Immediately, He told me to tell this angry teen who he really is. I turned to him and said, "This is not who you are! You are not a person who believes these things. You are kind, beautiful, and compassionate. You can stop and have a fresh start right now."
Within seconds, this angry teen fell into my arms in tears. All the anger turned into tears. He had spent years hearing words that brought death to his true identity, and now, hearing words of life brought both healing and a release from the anger that was suffocating him. The kind words were like a kiss of life that soothed his wounded soul.
Be Kind To Yourself
Be kind to yourselfGracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24
Don't forget yourself! One of the greatest places of harm we can inflict is upon ourselves. When we think and speak negative words over our own lives, we poison ourselves. This area can be our biggest challenge. Do you find yourself thinking thoughts such as these?
– I am so stupid!
– I'm going to fail; so why even try?
– I can't do anything right!
– Nobody loves me.
– I am so ugly (fat, skinny, etc.)!
– There is no hope for me. (Photo via Flickr by Enokson)
If you are dwelling on negative thoughts that are crushing your own spirit, then you are bringing death to your true identity. Negative thoughts lead to wrong beliefs. It is important to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you who you really are in His sight and then come into agreement with the truth.
When you agree with the lies of the enemy, with the negative voices, it causes you to live the lie. Begin to speak the truth about who you are until your heart believes it. If I am having a bad-self day, I will often go into a room alone and begin to speak out the truth of who I am (according to God's revelation) until I am once again aligned with His truth.
Fruitful words are words that bring life; they are the kiss that awakens us from the slumber of a crushed spirit. Take time today to speak fruitful words over yourself, your spouse, your kids, or whoever crosses your path today. SPEAK LIFE!

Kathi Pelton
Compassion Arise / Oceans In The Desert

Website: /
Kathi Pelton has a passion to encourage, uplift, and serve. As well as being a published writer, she has traveled extensively with Watchmen for the Nations, spoken at conferences, been a member of a national prophetic round-table and co-directed a house of prayer. Her favorite pastime is to spend time with her husband and children.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

This sure sounds simple enough ... O LORD that I would just do it!

If you ask Me, I will give you viable solutions to difficult problems. Come to Me, and quiet your mind and emotions so that you can receive inspiration, says the Lord. I see, know and understand all things. Nothing is too difficult for Me. The only difficulty comes when you are in too much turmoil to hear My voice, or so set on your own course that you will not obey My leading. You must trust Me to help you succeed.

Luke 18:27 But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Love this quote!

When I quote others I do so in order to express my own ideas more clearly. - Michel de Montaigne

And this, my friends. is phenominal!

5 Reasons For Pastors to Grow Joy!

Have you wondered if taking the time to learn how to grow joy would benefit you as a pastor? Here are five ways it does!
It Clarifies Communications, Improves Your Marriage, Repairs Ruptured Relationships, Restores Energy, and You Become a Model.
1. Growing joy clarifies communication. When you learn how to share joyful times with friends, staff members and family, a bond develops between you; your brains learn to synch with each other. It is like growing a relational synapse over which messages can travel—much like a telephone line.
Sharing joy moments exercises your “empathy muscles” so that you “know” each other better and are less likely to impute motivations that are not there or make erroneous assumptions about intentions. Joy also creates an ease between people that makes it easier and less costly to ask clarifying questions. There is no longer the fear of rejection, name calling or judgment for not understanding in the first go round.
How would you grow joy that improves communication? An easy and fun way is to tell glory stories—stories that clearly demonstrate God’s fingerprint in your day. This is also an excellent exercise for the family at dinner time! It changes the dinner time atmosphere. You can find directions for telling 4+ stories on the Thrive website see below.
2. Growing joy improves your marriage. Joy is a very good feeling; in fact your brain is designed to run on joy so you intuitively seek it. It is much healthier for your brain to run on true joy then to substitute BEEPS or pseudo-joy. Pseudo-joy is like putting regular into the gas tank of a car designed to run on high octane. The real thing is always better than the substitute, right?
Experiencing true joy moments together strengthens the marriage bond and makes it more fulfilling. This is the testimony of Jen and Chris Coursey as they tested various strategies for growing joy in the midst of the hectic life of raising two active boys and developing a ministry. You can get the manual they developed below. These exercises work! Learning and using these joy building exercises will also make your marriage even more attractive to your people. They will want what you have.
3. Growing joy can repair ruptured relationships.
Really? How would you do that? Very carefully. You could begin by some simple acts of appreciation…a “thank you,” “that was very thoughtful.” Or, “I appreciate ___________.” Or, it could be biting your tongue to prevent a smart retort that adds nothing positive to the mix. Then as communication is slowly restored, expand the topics you talk about, keeping the Lord central in it all.
Growing joy in ruptured relationships is like growing moss on the north side of the house. Keep it sheltered from “hot topics.” Start slowly and don’t stir things up by periodically checking on the root system by asking “How am I doing?” It starts to slowly form along the edges and then it takes over. It is a beautiful thing to see joy take over a ruptured relationship. Now, moss on the north side of the house is something else, but to grow it requires shelter from the heat!
4. Growing joy develops strength, energy and resiliency. If you have been exhausted physically, spiritually and mentally, growing joy will fill your tank again. That scripture “the joy of the Lord is my strength” is not just a nice metaphor. It is reality!
5. Bonus Reason: You become a joy starter, a model as others want what you have. You can spark little joy outbreaks which can become a flame within your congregation! If you would like to see one or more of these effects of growing joy in your life personally…
1. Download the directions for telling 4+ Stories (Glory Stories) click here. 
Four Plus
2.And the joy building exercises for married couples click here
3. The Joy Starts Here small group study book to help create the joy outbreak in your church, click here.
And then get back to us and let us know what is working for you!
May your joy be full,
Chris & Carol,

This word from YOU O LORD through Ras is pretty amazing too!

April 22, 2014. You have blessings coming your way. Expect your situation to change for the better soon. Why? Because I know your skills and integrity, I want to show people how I reward such men and women. You are an example already to more people than you know. I know your deeds and your skills. I have weighed your heart and find it to be good. King David was such a man. He made many mistakes. Some were very serious ones. But would you agree that I blessed Him. You are in line with David and blessings are coming your way. Be encouraged.
Proverbs 22:29 (NASB) "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men." Ras Robinson

O FATHER that I would walk in this word from YOU through Bev!!!

April 22, 2014. I see you frazzled, stressed and down on yourself. Don't do that. Remember, if for no other reason, this isn't good for your health. Beloved, I am here to help you. Get your mind off the problems. Yes problems are there and they are not small, but haven't you always come through in the past? Haven't I helped you and given you the power to overcome?
Hide yourself in Me. Draw on Me for the wisdom you need. You will know what to do
and you will do it well.
James 1:5-6 (NIV) "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind." Bev Robinson

This is awesome!

Aimee Herd-Commentary (Apr 22, 2014)
"Since its release, 'Heaven is for Real' has garnered an impressive $21.5 million—nearly double of what Depp's 'Transcendence' earned the same weekend."
Heaven is for RealMaybe it's just my own perception, but it seems like Christian movies have been getting better... and Hollywood appears to be taking notice.
Not to knock them, but who can forget the low-budget rapture-oriented movies of the '70s, whose apocalyptic themes either scared the viewer into a sinner's prayer, or were chalked-up to the "B-movie" category.
It seems to me Believers have been trying for some time to access the medium of film to communicate the reality of God, and a relationship with Jesus Christ. And somehow lately, partly due to greater availability of technology; their screenwriting, their acting, and the quality of the finished movies just seem to be improving.
God's Not DeadBut it's really only recently that Hollywood seems to be realizing that movies with Biblical themes and values really are desired by many, and in comparison, is a relatively untapped audience.
In a article published Tuesday, Ryan Duncan notes the success of "Heaven is for Real," which reportedly surged to claim the #3 spot on its opening weekend, beating out Johnny Depp's thriller, "Transcendence."
"Since its release, 'Heaven is for Real' has garnered an impressive $21.5 million—nearly double of what Depp's 'Transcendence' earned the same weekend," writes Duncan.
"Ah ha!" You might say; pointing to money as the source of any interest Hollywood may have in faith-based movies.
And you'd be correct, for the most part. Let's face it. Hollywood's "box office scores mentality" will always look for the lucrative aspect.
But let me remind you of the Apostle Paul's words in Philippians 1, "Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the Gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice."
IrreplaceableI rejoice too, when I look at the amount of pretty good to excellent Christian movies that have made it, or will make it to the big screen this year!
When I looked at 2013 and the amount of faith-based movies, it was difficult finding even a few—"Grace Unplugged" perhaps the biggest—and most of them I never did see any advertising for.
Compare that to 2014, which began with "Son of God" in February, then "God's Not Dead," "Noah" (Yes I already know that it wasn't Scripturally accurate, but I didn't expect that from a director who is a self-described atheist-it DID, however, prompt an unprecidented internet search of the real story in the Bible), and most recently, "Heaven is for Real."
Still to come in theaters in 2014 are the following movies that are either Biblically themed, or have an aspect of being Christian faith-based:
"Irreplaceable," "Always With You," "Mom's Night Out," "Return to the Hiding Place," and those are just some of the ones coming in May... this year may just see more Christian and faith-based movies in theaters than any other year.
Bottom line: God can use any avenue He desires to help bring about His purposes. And if the general population won't step inside a church, but they will frequent movie theaters, it certainly makes sense that He would use Hollywood's silver screen to communicate His message of love.

This is amazing!

News Release (Apr 22, 2014)
GAIM molecules can not only prevent the formation of new toxic protein aggregates but can also clear existing aggregates in the form of both soluble oligomers and insoluble fibers, such as plaques and tangles.
GAIM(Cambridge, MA)-Researchers from NeuroPhage Pharmaceuticals, Inc. have engineered a series of molecules with the potential to treat most neurodegenerative diseases that are characterized by misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases. These molecules are based on what the Company calls a general amyloid interaction motif, or GAIM, which recognizes a characteristic common to many toxic, misfolded proteins, not just one type of misfolded protein. This approach provides NeuroPhage with an array of therapeutic targets, so that a number of pathologies, such as amyloid beta plaques, tau tangles and alpha-synuclein Lewy bodies, can all be addressed simultaneously with a single drug candidate. In addition, the Company has shown that the GAIM molecules can not only prevent the formation of new toxic protein aggregates but can also clear existing aggregates in the form of both soluble oligomers and insoluble fibers, such as plaques and tangles.
"The research published today describes GAIM, NeuroPhage's unique approach to treat diseases characterized by misfolded proteins. GAIM has the potential to provide a more robust response than previous therapies because it enables the simultaneous targeting of multiple pathologies within a single disease," said Dr. Richard Fisher, Chief Scientific Officer at NeuroPhage.
GAIMThis novel and revolutionary approach was published online in the Journal of Molecular Biology. The publication, "A bacteriophage capsid protein provides a general amyloid interaction motif (GAIM) that binds and remodels misfolded protein assemblies," was authored by Rajaraman Krishnan et al. For more information, Click Here.
"Symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases often appear well after the troublesome aggregates have begun to accumulate in the brain. By then, therapies that only target newly forming aggregates are likely to only slow the progression of the disease and are believed to be too late once the aggregates are formed," said Dr. Gregory A. Petsko, Professor of Neurology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, and Tauber Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry, Emeritus, at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.
"Therapies based on GAIM would represent a completely new paradigm in the treatment of many neurodegenerative diseases with their potential to ameliorate existing symptoms and prevent disease progression. The hope is this will eventually lead to a real treatment for Alzheimer's disease, but for now, the science behind it is quite compelling."
GAIMResearchers used an array of techniques, including X-ray fiber diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, to demonstrate the activities of GAIM. They discovered that GAIM effectively binds to multiple types of misfolded proteins during their formation in such a way that prevents new toxic protein aggregates from forming. In addition, upon incubating GAIM with various misfolded proteins, the researchers observed that GAIM disrupted these assemblies of misfolded proteins by causing a conformational change in their structures. This structural change could enable the body's natural disposal mechanism to recognize and clear the misfolded proteins, which in theory, would enable the brain to return to a more normal state. The ability to destabilize pre-existing aggregates of multiple types of misfolded proteins is unique in the field.
The discovery of GAIM has led to the creation of NeuroPhage's lead candidate, NPT088, which is the GAIM motif fused to a portion of a human antibody. The result is a potential therapeutic that can be easily delivered to patients. NeuroPhage has accumulated extensive preclinical data on this candidate, demonstrating its efficacy across disease models of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and related diseases characterized by aggregation of the tau protein. NeuroPhage expects that NPT088 will be ready for human studies in late 2015.
"With recent advances in imaging agents for beta-amyloid and tau in Alzheimer's disease, we believe we should be able to demonstrate clinical proof of mechanism in a Phase 1b study with NPT088," said Jonathan Solomon, CEO at NeuroPhage. "If successful, we would then have the opportunity to pursue many therapeutic options in several neurodegenerative diseases of protein aggregation."