Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Word from the LORD!

April 30, 2014 
Fragrance in the Wind ~ Gems from the Heavenlies 

As you spend time with ME, MY darling, beautiful things will unfold for you. You will see how I have been working out all things in your life. For you see, dear one, I have a master plan and you are in it. You are the one and only you. You are MY dream come true. You are MY masterpiece in the making. A beauty to behold ... from the inside out! Yes! That’s what I’ve been working on ... the inside. Transforming you and making you more like ME everyday! You’ve kept your eyes on me through the years. There’ve been bumps and bruises along the way. But here you are, recovering, being healed of the wounds that have come upon you. Walking in the knowledge that I’VE been with you through it all, right there by your side every single step of the way! MY love, you’re on your way to the best, yes the very best is yet to come! Yes there’ll be flowers, real beauties, roses and chrysanthemums, lilacs and daisies, more beautiful than you could ever think or imagine! And yes there’ll be songs, beautiful songs worshipping ME, singing of MY splendor and majesty! Yes, all of your dreams will be coming true! You’ve come full circle. Reaping and sowing, sowing and reaping. And now walk in the very truth of this word for you my friend and for all those in your midst and in MY kingdom!
1 Chronicles 16:27"Honor and majesty surround him; strength and joy fill his dwelling."

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