Friday, June 27, 2014

Forgiveness Releases the Past ... A beautiful post by Jonathan Lockwood Huie ...

Forgiveness means letting go of the hope for a better past.
- Lama Surya Das

Forgiveness ... is the finishing of old business
that allows us to experience the present,
free of contamination from the past.
- Joan Borysenko

There is a great future in front of you,
you can leave your past behind.
- Joel Osteen

Forgiveness is not always easy.
At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered,
to forgive the one that inflicted it.
And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.
- Marianne Williamson

He who spends time regretting the past,
loses the present and risks the future.
- Quevedo

Before moving on, you have to clear away your cherished beliefs.
- Dick Raymond

Live life with no regrets and no resentments.
Whatever happened in the past,
forgive yourself and others. Choose love.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A great lesson by Dr. Laura Markham about how to reach/teach our children. I love this! It's wonderful!

Why Do You Have To Tell Them Five Times?

"In one fairly typical encounter, a father asked his eight-year-old son five times to please go take a bath or a shower. After the fifth plea went unheeded, the father picked the boy up and carried him into the bathroom. A few minutes later, the kid, still unwashed, wandered into another room to play a video game." - Elizabeth Kolbert, in Spoiled Rotten: Why do kids rule the roost? in the New Yorker.
This situation may be extreme, but most parents I know have some version of this complaint. It's a good question: Why don't kids just do what we say the first time we say it?! And there's a good answer. Several, in fact.
1. They don't share our priorities. No child understands why a bath seems so essential to you. And every child has something else he's in the middle of doing, that seems more important to him. It may not look important to you, but a child's play is his work -- that's how young humans learn. That's a good thing--you want a child who's self-motivated, rather than expecting you to entertain him.
Solution: First, connect with your child by noticing what he's working on and acknowledging his priorities: "Wow, look at this elaborate train track you're building! Can you show me how it works?" Then, give him a warning that you're about to overrule his agenda with your own: "Sweetie, it's bath time. Do you want to take your bath now, or in five minutes? Ok, five minutes with no fuss? Ok, that's a deal -- let's shake on it!"
2. We've trained them not to pay attention until we yell and threaten. Your child is no dummy. She knows she can milk extra time before bath if she just ignores you. That doesn't make her bad, just human. So if your child is like the eight year old who ignored five requests, it means you've trained her that you aren't serious until you yell.
Solution: Don't give directives from across the room. Move in close to your child and touch her. Connect by commenting on what she's doing. Then say "Excuse me, Sweetie....I need to tell you something," and wait until she looks you in the eye. If she's staring at a screen, warn her that you're going to pause the game or the TV. Don't give your directive until you make eye contact, so she knows you're serious. Give only one warning, then stick to the time limit you've agreed on. Follow through. If you don't, you're training her not to take your requests seriously.
3. They need our help to make the transition. When you're engrossed in your computer screen, don't you find it hard to pull yourself away to tend to a whining child? Kids experience our repeated nagging the same way we experience their whining, meaning they try to tune it out.
Solution: Give one warning. When you go back in five minutes, connect again by commenting on his play: "Wow, look at those trains go!" Remind him of your deal: "Ok, Sweetie, it's been five minutes. Remember our deal? Five minutes and no fuss. It's bathtime now." Then, create a bridge from his play to what you're asking: "Do you want the two engines to leap off the track and race all the way to the bathroom? Here, I'll take this one and you take that one; Let's zoom!"
4. Their frontal cortex is still developing the ability to switch gears from what they want to what you want. Every time you set a limit that requires your child to give up what she wants in order to do what you want, she has to make a choice. When she decides that her relationship with you is more important than what she wants at this moment, she follows your request. Every time she does that, she's strengthening her brain's ability to rein herself in. That's how kids develop self-discipline. But this only works if your child switches gears somewhat willingly. If you drag her kicking and screaming, she's resisting, rather than choosing. She's not building those self-discipline neural pathways. (That's why there's a "self" in "self-discipline. It's chosen from inside.)
Solution: Set limits with empathy so she WANTS to cooperate, and gets plenty of practice.
5. They don't feel heard. We can't make children obey, unless we're willing to hurt their bodies and break their spirits. They have to want to cooperate. Luckily, our kids usually give us the benefit of the doubt and follow our rules, as long as they feel heard.
Solution: Acknowledge her position, even when you can't accommodate it: "I hear you. You're saying it loud and clear-- NO BATH! You really don't want to take a bath. I bet when you're older you'll NEVER take a bath, right?....Tonight you do need a bath, though....Which do you choose-- a bath or a shower?"
Sometimes, hearing your child's perspective might even convince you to compromise or change your position. That's fine. Just explain your reasoning, so your child knows it was his win/win solution that changed your mind, not his obstinacy.
6. They feel disconnected from us. When kids don't follow our lead, it's because they feel disconnected from us. Why on earth would he feel disconnected? Because he was away from you all day. Or you lost your temper at him this morning. Or he's angry at you because you always have the baby on your lap. Or you rely on timeouts and consequences for discipline, instead of connection. Or maybe just because he's a little person in a big world, and that gets scary, and all those scary feelings get pushed down inside, where they block the child's ability to lovingly connect.
Solution: Empathize with your child's experience, both when you're giving a directive and as often as you can. That rebuilds the connection. Be prepared for any upset feelings to surface once your child feels that warm connection more strongly, and stay compassionate through the resulting meltdown. After he's had a chance to "show" you the upset that's been weighing on him, your child will feel re-connected and cooperative.
7. They've given up on us. Children naturally look to their parents for nurturing and guidance. If they're convinced that we're on their side, they want to please us. So if your child is defiant, or you keep finding yourself in power struggles, that's a red flag that your relationship needs strengthening.
Solution: Every time your child initiates an interaction, remind yourself that she's trying to meet legitimate needs. Empathize and find a way to meet those needs, even when you're setting limits. That convinces your child you're on the same side. To deepen the relationship, start spending half an hour of Special Time, one-on-one, daily. This seems so simple that most parents under-estimate the impact. But I have never seen special time fail. Be sure to do a lot of giggling and roughhousing on the days when you get to choose the activity. On alternate days, follow your child's lead and just pour your love into her. You'll see an immediate difference in her willingness to cooperate.
8. They're human. Force creates push-back. All humans resist control, and kids are no different. The more they feel "pushed around" the more they rebel. That's a good thing. Training a child to be obedient means you'll always have to be there to give orders, and as an adult she may not stand up for herself. Teaching a child self-discipline raises a child who can think for herself, stand up for what's right, and isn't likely to be taken advantage of.
Solution: Choose your battles. Make sure your child knows you're on her side and she has some choices. Coach your child rather than trying to control her.
Kolbert doesn't mention any of these reasons in her article. She says kids ignore parents because “Parents want their kids’ approval" and "worry that we're going to by frustrating them.” This accusation surfaces in every discussion alleging that kids today are spoiled. But I just don't buy it. The man who picked his eight year old up and put him in the bathroom wasn't afraid to set a limit because he wanted his son's approval or was worried about damaging him. No, his son didn't follow his directives because the dad didn't follow through on his limit. He had trained his child to ignore him. And he most likely finished the evening with screaming or walloping, which decrease the child's respect and connection, and therefore decrease future cooperation.
One more thing we need to consider when we talk about obedience. Discussions about whether kids are spoiled always indict parents for raising kids who aren't obedient, as if obedience is the holy grail to which parents should aspire. But don't you want to raise a child who's self-disciplined and WANTS to cooperate? That's very different from obedience, where the discipline comes from outside the child. As H.L. Mencken said, "Morality is doing what's right no matter what you're told. Obedience is doing what you're told no matter what's right."
Does setting empathic limits sound like a lot of work? It is, in the beginning. It would certainly be easier if kids would immediately comply with our every directive. But the good news is that following these practices consistently not only raises a self-disciplined child, it raises a child who knows you'll follow through, so he doesn't need to be asked five times to do something. Which makes it a whole lot easier to get him into the bathtub.

Choose love!
Dr. Laura

Rick Joyner's Daily Devotional - Day 75 - The Beginning of True Church Life


A post by Jonathan Lockwood Huie about Mastering my Emotions ... Just an idea ...

If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labor.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.
- Og Mandino

Do all things with love.
- Og Mandino

Count your blessings. Once you realize
how valuable you are and how much you have going for you,
the smiles will return, the sun will break out,
the music will play, and you will finally
be able to move forward the life that God intended
for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.
- Og Mandino

What you plant now, you will harvest later.
- Og Mandino

When you feel worried and depressed,
consciously form a smile on your face and act upbeat
until the happy feeling becomes genuine.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Practical application of Philippians 4:6 ...

Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell GOD what I need and thank HIM for all HE has done."

Worry is a call to prayer. The moment I become aware of the churning anxiety af ANYTHING, go immediately to my heavenly FATHER. Present my requests to HIM. Then turn my thoughts and prayers to thanksgiving.
  • Thank HIM for HIS promise to never forsake me.
  • Thank HIM for the power of HIS name.
  • Thank HIM for HIS intimate knowledge of every detail of my life.
  • Thank HIM for HIS track record in my life when HE has been there for me in the past.
  • Thank HIM that HE works ALL things together for my good.
  • Thank HIM that HE is at work establishing HIS kingdom in my life.

My faith and trust in GOD will override my fear and HIS peace will actually put a guard around my heart and mind so fear cannot over run me. It's supernatural and real.

FATHER GOD, I confess that I often allow YOUR peace to slip from my heart. Fear is often my 1st response to challenges that come my way. May I be conscious today of choosing to trust YOU with every detail of my life. Help me to have faith to leave the question marks in YOUR control and to trust YOU to carry me and to sustain me with YOUR peace that is beyond understanding. Today I choose to put my trust in YOU. I choose to walk in YOUR peace, Fill my heart with childlike faith. ALL in YOUR precious name JESUS!

The Robinson's post another great set of words from the LORD today!

June 26, 2014. Stored up blessings are on their way. Now tune the eyes of your heart to see them arrive. You've been patient and not insisted on your own way. You've found rest in Me. This is good. This is not only good for you; it is good for those around you. You've not manipulated words and actions for your benefit. The words you've spoken and the actions you've taken have been led by Me in My ways and My wisdom. You've sacrificed to give blessings. Now it's time for the coming of your blessings.
Psalms 15:1-4 (MSG) "God, who gets invited to dinner at your place? How do we get on your guest list? "Walk straight, act right, tell the truth. "Don't hurt your friend, don't blame your neighbor; despise the despicable. "Keep your word even when it costs you," Bev Robinson

June 26, 2014. You need deliverance and protection from the devil and his minions. He does not like you. Actually he hates you and everything from Jesus in your life. His battle plan against you is ready. Brace yourself in humility before Me. Come into My strong tower and find safety and rest. Once there, fill your soul and spirit with God's word quickened by the Holy Spirit. Stand strong on those scriptures. Fear not, only believe! Say His words and sayings over and over. Don't back up an inch. Stand firm.
Exodus 23:29-30 (AMP) "I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become desolate [for lack of attention] and the wild beasts multiply against you. Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased and are numerous enough to take possession of the land." Ras Robinson

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Great words from the LORD through the Robinson's!

June 25, 2014. Self-pity is knocking at your door. You are headed in the wrong direction. Don't allow yourself to go there. That is a place from which is hard to climb out. Do you remember once when you were in that pit how long you were there? You need to turn around right now. Yes, make a complete turnaround. Just like a private does when the sergeant shouts the command, "about - face." The private doesn't think about it or argue with the command or the sergeant. He immediately obeys. Beloved, do it now.
Matthew 3:2 (NASB) "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Bev Robinson

June 25, 2014. Joy is something you seek. You find joy, peace and revelation in My commandments. They are not grievous to you. Instead, you have trained your heart to thirst for the water of the word. You seek after and delight in finding your answers to life in My words. Insight for living comes pouring forth when you seek Me. Clarity for living is pouring forth. Allow Me to fill your mind and soul. You will rejoice and be glad in your heart. Your heart is Mine. Live for Me.
Psalm 19:8 (NLT) "The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight for living." Ras Robinson

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Watch and listen, for I will reveal the areas of life where you have gotten stuck. And, I will give wisdom and direction with regard to your freedom. It is time for you to move on with bravery and boldness from the trauma and difficulties you have endured. As you let go of the past, it will let go of you, says the Lord.
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

June 19, 2014

Take advantage of the grace available to you to deal with issues that have caused you to procrastinate. These are things you have dreaded or at least have not looked forward to. Now is the time to take care of whatever has been a bother so that it will not become a stumbling block, says the Lord. You will have My help to take appropriate action.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

This sure looks and sounds promising!

Teresa Neumann (Jun 18, 2014)
"Not only is our device kinder to the patient and better for their teeth, but it's expected to be at least as cost-effective as current dental treatments. Along with fighting tooth decay, our device can also be used to whiten teeth." -Professor Nigel Pitts, Dental Institute, King's College London
Cherelle LaGrou(London, England)—Dentists, according to a report from King's College London, "could soon be giving your teeth a mild 'time warp' to encourage them to self-repair, thanks to a new device being developed by dental researchers. Reminova Ltd, a new spin-out company from King's College London, aims to take the pain out of tooth decay treatment by electrically reversing the process to help teeth 'remineralize.'"
The technique is called Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralization, or EAER, and is hoped to be available within three years.
According to the report, the device rebuilds decayed teeth without the need for drills, needles or fillings, saying that "by accelerating the natural process by which calcium and phosphate minerals re-enter the tooth to repair a defect, the device boosts the tooth's natural repair process."
The new dental repair technique will, no doubt, be an answer to prayer for many.
"The way we treat teeth today is not ideal," said Professor Nigel Pitts from the Dental Institute at King's College London. "When we repair a tooth by putting in a filling, that tooth enters a cycle of drilling and re-filling as, ultimately, each 'repair' fails."

A good word about the value in repeating a prayer through The Elijah List by Mark Virkler ...

Mark Virkler:
Mark and Patti VirklerQuestion: What could possibly be the value of me saying a prayer, or speaking a confession, or commanding a healing, over and over again? It seems like a waste of time, since my mind heard it the first time. Shouldn't it be enough to pray once then move on to another topic? Is there a reason I should repeat the same thing twice a day?
Answer: There is great value in repetition. God often established that a ritual be done both morning and evening (see 1 Chronicles 16:40, 23:30; 2 Chronicles 2:4, 13:11, 31:3; Ezra 3:3).
They are to stand every morning to thank and to praise the LORD, and likewise at evening... 1 Chronicles 23:30
Focus, repetition, and intensity are steps we take to move truth from our heads to our hearts. The command to look intently (see James 1:25) and to meditate continuously (see Philippians 4:8) would be examples of using focus and repetition. Repeating healing prayers pours divine light continually into our beings, until we are entirely sanctified – spirit, soul, and body (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23). We become the radiance of His glory because we have bathed ourselves in His glory continuously. Darkness, sickness, and demons have now fled because of the light of His glory.
We declare truth over our bodies, and we see Jesus present in inner healing scenes. And since we do this continuously, this becomes ALL that we see. We do not see sickness. We do not see lack. We do not see pain. We see Jesus, everywhere. We behold the glory of the Lord. We have reached that blessed state because we see God, everywhere, all the time (see Matthew 5:8). We have paid attention to the prophetic word until the Morning Star has arisen in our hearts, and our hearts are full of ONLY His light (see 2 Peter 1:19).
So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

A prophetic word God gave me 30 years ago when I began two-way journaling:
Whatever you fix your eyes on grows within you, and whatever grows within you, you become.
So I fix my eyes only on the rhemas and visions I receive from Almighty God, and His Kingdom realities become my manifest realities. I understand this is a process. His light and His reality are being worked out through my heart, my soul, my mind, and my body. It is an outworking of His power from within my heart.
Yes, I prefer "instant everything," but I don't write the rules. He does. I get to say, "Yes, Lord," or object and walk in darkness. I choose to walk in His light.
So we suggest you pray a restorative prayer more than once. Pray it when you awaken and are lying in your bed in the morning. Pray it as you lie in bed preparing to fall asleep. You are "renewing your mind" (Romans 12:2) with the truth of God's divine reality. Any previous lies of the enemy which filled your heart in the past are being swept away by these cascading waves of truth which come crashing down again and again (evening and morning) day by day, until every demonic stronghold in your mind is demolished and you are fully set free and completely filled with God's light, God's truth, God's glory, and God's reality.
In the Kingdom, your day begins in the evening (see Genesis 1:13). So begin your day right. Begin with a godly prayer meditation. Begin by thanking God in the evening, and as you lie down to sleep, your rest will be sweet and your heart will be filled with His divine light all night long, and you will wake up refreshed. (Photo via Pixabay)
Before I learned this, I would sometimes go to sleep reviewing negative ideas and pictures in my mind, and I found that I woke up in the morning with a poisoned and negative spirit. So I have chosen to fall asleep loving and receiving from Jesus, my Lord and my Savior.
Once your spirit and soul are healed, delivered, and set free, God's light, which is growing within you, will penetrate your body (see Philippians 2:12-13). As it does, your body will be transformed allowing you to ultimately experience the fullness of His covenant blessings overtaking you. You have pressed through satan's lies until you are conscious of ONLY one reality: God's reality. out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13
I meditate in my bed morning and evening, on the things the Spirit is speaking in my heart. His light fills me.
Dr. Mark Virkler

Monday, June 23, 2014

CONNEXUS Confusion? (What is it, exactly?) by Carol Brown


Some of you have taken the Restarting, Forming and Belonging classes in part, or all of them under the name of Thriving: Recover Your Life. Generally the feedback is that it was a wonderful experience for you and most do not want the classes to end. So, when we talk about CONNEXUS, ears perk up and you hope this is a continuation of the “good stuff”! Because of some confusion as to what CONNEXUS is, we thought it best to spell it all out!
A Bit of HistoryFor those who have taken some or all of the classes, you were part of the development of the CONNEXUS curriculum. CONNEXUS is the name we are using to package these three courses.
The Lord gave the idea, Dr. Wilder and team created Restarting. The material was tweaked and edited but another module was needed. We all need to belong, so they developed Belonging. But another piece was needed for Belonging to work as it should.
The premise of Belonging is that transformation happens when the weak and strong are together and there are tender responses to weakness. The problem is that the weak are drawn to what they see in the strong—they “want” it. The need/desire is intense and in their intensity they come close—close to the point of unknowingly invading the comfort zone of the strong.
The strong back away; the weak pursue, and you have the scenario of one backing up and the other coming forward, chasing each other around the room. The alternative scenario is two separate camps, neither one really trusting the other.
Simply putting the strong and the weak in a room together does not work. The strong feel their personal space invaded and the weak feel let down, as if a promise was unfulfilled. The Forming class was the answer.
In the Restarting class the weak learn to quiet their intensity (one of the 19 skills) and in the Forming class the strong become sensitive to the Lord’s compassion for weakness (heart-sight, another skill). By having the two classes run concurrently at the end of the classes both groups are more tolerant of each other and able to be together in ways that are transforming.
The Joy Starts Here book with the exercises helps people understand their personal joy levels. (And the exercises are more important than reading the text. If you don’t have time for both; if you must choose one or the other, go with the exercises!) During the study, people with low joy (fewer of the brain skills) can see that they would benefit most from the learning and training in Restarting.
The strong, those with more or most of the brain skills, can see that they would benefit most from the Forming class. During the course of the Joy Starts Here studies students begin to sort themselves out. No one needs to be directive dividing people up with “you go here and you go there.” They self-identify using the joyQ we’ve developed online. (
Now that we have all the pieces needed for transformation we packaged it together as one curriculum—one transformative set of materials and called it CONNEXUS…because joy connects us. Up until now you were helping give feedback to the developers so they could make the material the best it could be. For that we are grateful.
The good news is that the modules work. Lives are transformed. The bad news is the modules work…so well that you want more, you want to continue building joy. CONNEXUS is not additional new material. We know that often people travel to another city or church to take the classes and then when they conclude, there is no one to continue to practice joy with. : (
Continuing the Joy — The genius of CONNEXUS is that you can run these classes in your local church and/or home group. When classes are done you will have someone locally to practice with.
Another way to keep growing joy is to invite a friend to the classes and volunteer to go through with them. You support your friend and benefit from another round of joy! You can even incorporate some of the exercises into your small groups as one of the things you do each week and continue building joy indefinitely.
CONNEXUS is not just for recovery classes; it is for all of us who “miss the mark”.
Bringing CONNEXUS to the local church makes it more affordable than attending THRIVE. You don’t have to take off work for a week, have motel expenses plus tuition. Having it locally makes it available to more people.
You do not need expensive and extensive training to lead a group. Training for facilitators is available online, and since our license allows you to charge participants, your group can essentially pay for your training! You receive training for a chapter and then you lead it.
To begin, you simply need a copy of Joy Starts Here, three or more people and you are good to go. If need be, go through the book a couple times to build up a larger number of people for a base group…we recommend somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30 to begin the CONNEXUS material.
The long range goal is to have CONNEXUS become a church sponsored opportunity such as part of a “new members class” or as an ongoing small group which would feed trained people into other small groups to spread joy throughout the whole body.
If you are interested in forming a Joy Starts Here group with the goal of becoming a licensed trainer, you will find information you need here.
Hopefully this has clarified the confusion around CONNEXUS. However, if you still have questions, be sure to ask them in the comments or register to join us on the Round Table Talks.
Blessings, Chris & Carol

And yet more good words from the LORD through the Robinson's ...

June 20, 2014. You know someone who is acting foolishly. You see no rhyme or reason for their actions. You know they are intelligent. You see them being thoughtful and reasonable in other areas. But why in this area are they acting against all sound reason? What can you do about it? Deep down they know what they are doing is wrong but they cannot see the coming consequences. The devil has them blinded. Pray for them and refuse to judge them. There are areas in your life in which you too are blinded.
Matthew 7:4-5 (NASB) "Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Bev Robinson
June 20, 2014. Impossible things are before you. Some are overwhelming. Others are forbidding. You consult professionals to reverse things for good, but where is your faith to consult me? With faith you can comprehend. You can and will understand my simple revelations. Nothing is beyond my sight. My power is sufficient for the impossible. You don't need to place your trust in man and his professionals. They can advise and assist you, but Your Father in Heaven is your supply and sufficiency. Seek me while I can be found. Get prepared to believe and obey.
Hebrews 11:3, 6 (NASB) "By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. And without faith it is impossible to please Him,for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." Ras Robinson

And other good words from the Robinson's ...

June 21, 2014. I know your heart. Your desire is to do everything I say. You miss the mark from time to time. I know that. Trust Me to cleanse your heart. Don't spend time trying to clean yourself up. That time is only dissipated. I am the one who cleansed you. I paid that price. I did it when you first came to Me. I will continue cleansing you as you turn to Me. Now walk in forgiveness. Don't allow your thoughts to linger on failure. Praise Me and love Me by beginning again.
1 John 1:8-10 (NASB) "If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us." Bev Robinson

June 21, 2014. Order is such a part of Me. Some see this as control. Your Father sees this as mercy and grace. God takes away disorder, chaos and confusion. Why do you resist? Could it be that you are harboring rebellion? You find great delight in being an island unto yourself. This is not right or good for you. God could take away order and the entire universe would implode. He refused to stop loving you. Repent of seeing order as a violation of your freewill. Chose order and obedience. Get blessed!
Psalm 5:3 (NASB) "In the morning, O LORD, Thou wilt hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to Thee and eagerly watch." Ras Robinson

Good Words from the LORD through the Robinson's this morning ...

June 23, 2014. I want you walking in faith. You fear something good and big is not going to happen. This fear is trying to keep you from sharing something good which has happened. Sharing good happenings will stir up faith in you and others to believe for more good. I brought good in the first place and I will do it again when you keep trusting Me. Yes fear will come and will try to grab hold tightly of your mind to keep you from trusting Me to bring more good. Walk in faith.
Romans 1:16-17 (NASB) "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, " BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH" Bev Robinson

June 23, 2014. You were born to be blessed by Me and to bless all the families of the earth. You carry out this assignment with and through Me. Your blessings will increase more and more. Dedicate your life to blessing others in My name. It will be like planting corn seed in the springtime and wheat in winter. Harvest time will come more often than you can imagine. As you harvest, break up the ground for the next plantings. Your barns will overflow with more and more seed. Bless the nations, tribes, races and cultures.
(NASB) "And likewise, all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and his successors onward, also announced these days. It is you who are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, ' AND IN YOUR SEED ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED.'" Ras Robinson

An excerpt from one of my devotions this morning ...

James tells us to ask for divine wisdom and promises that God can and will give it. The enemy of our souls will be frustrated by the wisdom Christ gives.

James 1:5

Draw Near by Discovery Bible TV

Thursday, June 19, 2014

And the word from the LORD through Marsha Burns is a pretty good one too!

Take advantage of the grace available to you to deal with issues that have caused you to procrastinate. These are things you have dreaded or at least have not looked forward to. Now is the time to take care of whatever has been a bother so that it will not become a stumbling block, says the Lord. You will have My help to take appropriate action.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

I love both these words from the LORD through the Robinson's this morning!

June 19, 2014. What's lost will be found. It hasn't really been lost, yes to you, but not to Me. I know where it is. You don't see right now, but you will see and it will reappear when you least suspect. Don't spend your time being anxious. Spend your time being thankful. Don't allow your mind to drift to worrying. The amount of time you worry will not help. Instead spend the time you're tempted to worry believing. Start thanking Me for how things of the past have been found. Have faith.
John 6:12 (NASB) "When they were filled, He *said to His disciples, "Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost." Bev Robinson
June 19, 2014. You don't want to slip and fall. You have fallen before and there is a dread in you about it. You think you can walk steadily with sure feet like the mountain sheep in high places. But watch your feet. Focus on the path before you and avoid distractions. Never embrace the mind-set that you can by yourself assure that you will never slip and fall. Declare your dependence upon Me. Then thank Me that I will hold you up. If you should slip and fall, My mercy covers without anxiety.
Psalm 94:18-19 (NASB) "If I should say, "My foot has slipped," Thy lovingkindness, O LORD, will hold me up. When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul." Ras Robinson

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Choosing Sunscreen

HEALTH ALERT: What You DON'T Know CAN Hurt You This Summer When it Comes To Choosing Sunscreen

There are many misconceptions when it comes to sunscreen. Consumer Reports examined a handful of myths and sought to set the record straight.

Consumer Reports is recommending seven sunscreens from Banana Boat, BullFrog, Coppertone, Equate (Walmart), Neutrogena, Up & Up (Target) and Well (Walgreens). While not all of them met the SPF claimed on their labels, the recommended sunscreens all provided very good to excellent protection overall as well as against UVA and UVB rays individually.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jillee's list of when to buy ...

The Best Time To Buy . . . Everything! A Month-To-Month Guide

Whether it’s furniture in February, mattresses in May, or air conditioners in August — everything hits a rock-bottom price sometime during the year. The problem is I can never remember when those times are! So I decided to ask my friends at for some help. is a the savings search engine where you can compare deals from stores you love and see where you can save the most. It is the first place I turn to when it comes to looking for bargains. With their help I have compiled this month-to-month guide for when to get the best discounts and prices on everything from swimsuits to snowblowers!

You know what they say….timing is everything! Especially when it comes to getting the best deals! You can save a lot of money just by knowing the right time to buy something!

January: Best month to buy…
 •Holiday decor and wrapping paper
 •Linens – ever since John Wanamaker started the first “white sale” in 1878, January has been the best month to get bedding and other linens.
 •Treadmills and ellipticals – stores are trying to push these out the door before your resolutions wane. :-)
 •Vacation packages
 •Winter clothing
 •Carpeting & flooring – most people buy carpets at the end of the year in preparation for the holidays. Once January rolls around, prices go down.
 •Video games – a lot of new video games come out in late fall for the holiday season, and they’ll go on sale after the holidays are over.

February: Best month to buy…
 •Furniture – new furniture designs debut in spring, so retailers are clearing out old styles to make room.
 •Lobsters and steaks – grocery stores stock up for February 14 and discount immediately after.
 •Cellphones – you can often find buy-one-get-one-free sales in the “theme” of Valentine’s Day.

March: Best month to buy…
 •Televisions – new models are introduced at the International Consumer Electronics Show each January. Retailers clear out old inventory to make way for the latest items, which ship in March.
 •Luggage – it’s in between vacation seasons, so stores drop prices. Grab any extra bags you might need for the summer in March.
 •Winter sports gear
 •Chocolate – if you’re willing to wait until after February 14th.
 •Frozen foods – It’s National Frozen Food Month. Enough said.
 •Golf clubs – new models are coming out for the summer, so your local golf shop is pushing the old ones out the door.

April: Best month to buy…
 •Raincoats – April tends to be a rainy month, so stores stock wet weather gear knowing that customers will be in the market.
 •Cookware – the beginning of graduation and wedding season.
 •Home-improvement supplies
 •Tires and auto parts – in celebration of National Car Care Month.
 •Lawn mowers
 •Cruises – shop well ahead of your cruise date for the best deal.


April and May are the best months to shop at thrift stores!
 People tend to clear out their houses in April and May, causing donations of used furniture and household appliances to spike. You’ll also find a huge selection of clothing during these months thanks to spring cleaning being in full swing!

May: Best month to buy…
 •Athletic apparel and shoes – as people emerge from their winter hibernation, retailers start offering discounts to lure customers outdoors.
 •Air conditioners – buy now, not in the heat of July.
 •Camping and outdoor gear
 •Summer clothes – Memorial Day sales!
 •Mattresses – stores are making way for the new models.
 •Gym memberships – because most people are exercising in the outdoors now, not to mention everyone’s forgotten their New Year’s resolutions, so gyms are desperate for members.
 •Refrigerators – while most big appliances go on sale later in the year, refrigerators are the exception. New models come out in May, so last year’s models will get discounted.
 •Office furniture – shop after tax day and you can usually find some great deals on desk and chairs.

June: Best month to buy…
 •Dishware – wedding season brings deals on dishes to everyone, even if you’re not getting hitched.
 •Lingerie – retailers like Macy’s and Victoria’s Secret turn over inventory this month.
 •Tools and hardware - Happy Father’s Day!
 •Indoor furniture

July: Best month to buy…
 •Home decor – from dishes to pillows to lamps….you’ll find lots of home decor on sale in the middle of wedding season.
 •Sandals and swimsuits, etc – Summer is slow in retail – so look for big sales of 25-40% off at leading stores as they try to draw consumers in to the mall, or to shop online.
 •Furniture – new styles introduced at April’s big trade shows are finally hitting the market, so last year’s models are super-discounted.
 •BBQ’s and picnic supplies – 4th of July + nearing end of summer season = super sales! Anything you see at 30% or more off of retail prices is a good price!

 August: Best month to buy…
 •Swimsuits – while you can find good deals on swimwear at the beginning of spring, the best discounts come during the end of summer, when everyone’s clearing out their inventory.
 •Kids clothing and school supplies – it’s the annual back-to-school price war that we all know so well. Expect to see 15-25% sales in early August, improving to 50-60% off of sale stock (and what is left) by mid September.
 •Office furniture & supplies – another benefit of those back-to-school sales. You can either buy now, when the sales are going on, or later in September, when stores are getting rid of leftovers.
 •Linens & storage containers: As the kids head off to college, lots of stores have sales on new dorm supplies.
 •Air conditioners
 •Outdoor furniture
 •Snow blowers

September: Best month to buy…
 •Plants – garden centers need to clear their inventory of summer plants, trees, and shrubs to create space for fall and holiday plants, so they slash prices. Independent nurseries tend to have bigger discounts than big-box stores.
 •iPhones and iPads – new models usually debut now, so old ones are cheap(er).
 •Airfare – sadly, most vacations are over. :-(
 •Bikes – new models come out at the end of riding season, which is around September. Look for good prices on last year’s models.
 •Summer apparel
 •Appliances – with the exception of Refrigerators (see May), Fall is the best time to buy big appliances, since it’s when new models start coming out. You can get last year’s leftovers for less.
 •Cars – new cars usually come out at the end of the summer, so dealers will be clearing out their lots around this time. Buy at the end of the month for extra savings.
 •Lawnmowers – stores have to make room for all their winter gear, which means summer staples like lawnmowers will be on sale. As usual, the selection won’t be as good, but that’s the tradeoff you make for good deals.
 •Holiday airfare – you should buy plane tickets two months in advance, which means now is the time to plan for your holiday travel.

October: Best month to buy…
 •Jeans – jeans are one of the more common leftover items after the back-to-school rush so retailers are cutting prices.
 •Winter coats – they’ll go cheap again in March, but this month offers the best choices.
 •Appliances – the fall season of big appliances continues. Shop for last year’s models at a lower price through this month.
 •Patio furniture – now that the outdoor season’s really wrapping up, you’ll find the best prices on patio furniture before it all goes away.

November: Best month to buy…
 •Pajamas and slippers – retailers offer well-priced packaged sets of this popular Christmas gift item in November.
 •Winter clothing – everyday retailers like Target and Kohl’s focus on Black Friday, higher-end stores like Nordstrom and Coach focus more on Cyber Monday.
 •Appliances – November offers up the absolute best prices in the Fall appliance sales.
 •Televisions & other electronics – hit the stores during Black Friday and Cyber Monday for good deals on all sorts of electronics.
 •Tools – holiday sales are perfect for grabbing cheap tools.

December: Best month to buy…
 •Outerwear – retailers don’t want to carry this fall item into the next year, when they’ll need room for warm-weather gear. So they often promote deep discounts on outerwear before Christmas.
 •Toys – the second and third weeks will see the deepest discounts.
 •Gift cards – not really a “sale”, but manufacturers offer bundled deals like “Buy $50, get $10 free” to boost holiday shopping.
 •Golf clubs – it’s the off-season, so golf clubs are cheaper.
 •Pools – if you buy a pool now, you can get a great discount on next summer’s fun.
 •Televisions & other electronics – the sales continue after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, usually all the way up until the super bowl.
 •Tools – the holiday tool discounts continue.

Wow! That’s a whole lot of useful information right there! Be sure and bookmark it for future use! (I know I am!) :-)

My special thanks to for their help in putting this together. I hope you will take advantage of this month-by-month guide so you will know when to get the best deals possible on things you want and need. I would also strongly suggest you check out before you make any of your online purchases so you can make SURE you’re getting the best of the best deals available.

A great excerpt from one of my devotionals this morning ...

Talk about the Lord when you are in a battle! Choose a scripture and stand on it!

Friday, June 13, 2014

How to Break a Habit... or Start a New One


Habits are much more powerful than we realize. So often we act out of what we are used to, what we know, what we have done in the past instead of making a better choice. A choice in the moment that might be for our higher good. In researching for this issue, I saw that oftentimes, detrimental behaviors can be modified by focusing on changing patterns, and forming new neural pathways. Now, I am not saying I don't need a shrink. But how empowering to have the tools to make significant change by identifying the kind of choices you want to be making and habitualizing them? Below, we share what we have learned on the subject.
We talked to Jeremy Dean, the author of the book Making Habits, Breaking Habits, and got some strategies for creating new habits and getting rid of old ones.
 Q: How are habits formed?
A: Through repetition, when we repeat the same action in the same situation. Each time we repeat the same action, we're teaching ourselves a pattern and that pattern becomes unconscious over time. After a while we'll perform that response automatically. If you want to create a new good habit, you need to repeat the same action in the same situation to create that unconscious link between situation and action.

Q: What's the best way to get rid of a habit?
A: In some ways it's not possible to get rid of a habit because any habit you create tends to stay in the mind forever. That doesn't mean, however, that we're destined to perform our bad habits for the rest of our lives. What we can do is replace a bad habit with a good one, or at least a neutral one. So for example, if you're trying to give up smoking, quite often people choose to chew gum, because it's generally incompatible with smoking.

Q: Sometimes replacement requires a lot of willpower. How do we get beyond this obstacle in order to make a change?
A: When you're trying to change a habit, you're going to have this fight, this kind of willpower battle, between the new habit and the old habit. After a period of repetition, though, the new response will take over and you won't need the willpower anymore. What you're looking for is for that new response to be automatic, so you don't have to have that tussle with your willpower.

Q: What about creating a whole new habit?
A: The first thing is to have a really specific goal in mind, like flossing for example. And you have to have a really specific plan, so what you do is try to connect the situation with the action you're going to take. For example, you decide that before you brush your teeth in the morning, you're going to floss. In this way, you're linking the new habit onto another routine action you have in your day. Now repeat this sequence every day.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about "If/Then" plans, which are supposed to be helpful in creating habits?
A: If you're thinking about, for example, trying not to eat unhealthy snacks between meals, you can use an if/then plan. "If" is the situation and "then" is the action. So "if" you're feeling hungry between meals, you can link that with "then" eating an apple. You can use this for almost any type of habit that you want to create. Studies show that if you make a conscious plan like this, it can really help to get started with a new habit.

Q: What are some other strategies that are helpful in forming good habits?
A: At the beginning, when you're struggling between old habits and new habits, if your willpower levels are low, one thing that can help is self-affirmation. Think of someone or something that's important to you. So when you're feeling weak and tired at the end of the day, this can help boost your self-control.
Leave little messages where you can easily find them like on the refrigerator, or near the door, or on your doorstep, to remind yourself of what you'd like to change.
Pre-commitment is quite handy. What you do is try and think ahead to times when you're going to be tempted to follow your old habits, and think of how you can commit yourself in advance to your new habit. So if you're trying to avoid using Playstation, you can give the controls to a friend so that you won't be tempted. When you're feeling strong, you make a decision so that when you're feeling weaker and more susceptible later, the temptation will be gone.

Q: How long does it take to form a new habit?
A: There was a study done at University College London a few years ago that found that there is huge variation in the amount of time it takes to form a new habit. Anything from a couple of weeks up to months depending on the type of habit you're trying to form and the techniques you use to do so.

LORD help me to always be mindful of others!

Take care to treat others with the same respect you expect. Weigh your criticism of others to make sure that what you say is not only valid but helpful. My kingdom is not about critical judgmentalism, but about exhortation. I call you to extend love, peace, and kindness, says the Lord. Be a vessel of goodness.

Luke 6:41-42 And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye," when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye.

My Confident Woman's devotional was very good the other morning ...

Your Heart Desires
If you have been under a lot of stress lately, I encourage you to take an honest inventory of not only what you are doing, but why you are doing it. If fear is the reason you're involved, eliminate some stress by getting your priorities straight. Your priority is not to keep everyone else in your life happy by doing all the things they expect; it is to live a life that is pleasing to God and one that you can enjoy.
Too many people are not living their dreams because they are living their fears. In other words, instead of doing things out of their heart, they do them because they are afraid of what will happen if they don't. "Someone will get angry! I will get left out! People will talk about me!" It is time that you started being the person you really want to be. It is time to reach for your dreams.
Pray: Lord, I will delight myself in You today. You know the desires of my heart, and I entrust my dreams to You. Help me to be the person You created me to be. Amen.
From the book The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer. Copyright 2011 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Bev and Ras' words from the LORD this morning are both great. I like what Bev says about backing up into the LORD and rising up to HIM in heavenly places and Ras' word about the grace and approval of out Father being enough ...

June 13, 2014. There are two sides of the story. Pay careful attention to both sides but be aware that in addition to this, there is much more happening than meets the eye. Along with the crux of the problem there is miscommunication and failed expectations. There is a third party involved. His name is Satan. He twists words and stops up ears. Stop and back up into Me. I am the Strong Tower. Hit the elevator button to the top of the tower rising into heavenly places. Now sit with Me and receive wisdom.
Ephesians 2:4-6 (NASB) "But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus," Bev Robinson

June 13, 2014. People close to you like you as a person. They are fascinated by your life and presence. But they are not moved by your gifts and ministry. Don't worry about it. Satan wants you to seek their approval and blessings. Forget about it. It is a waste of your time. Is the grace and approval of your Father in Heaven not enough that you should seek what you cannot have? Stop seeking the approval of man. Listen to My voice. All is well for you in the Father's house.
Matthew 13:57-58 (NASB) "And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.' And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief." Ras Robinson

I loved reading Joyce Meyer's devotional today! All about a consecrated life, based on Isaiah 6:8 ...

The Prayer of Consecration
In the prayer of consecration, we dedicate our lives and all that we are to Him. In order for God to use us, we must consecrate ourselves to Him.
When we truly consecrate ourselves to the Lord, we lose the burden of trying to run our own lives. I would rather voluntarily follow God than struggle to get Him to follow me. He knows where He is going, and I know I will reach my destination safely if I allow Him to lead.
I consecrate myself to God in prayer on a regular basis. I say, "Here I am, Lord. I am Yours; do with me as You please." Then sometimes I add, "I hope I like what You choose, Lord, but if I don't, Your will be done and not mine."
Consecration and/or dedication to God is the most important aspect of succeeding at being ourselves. We don't even know what we are supposed to be, let alone know how to become whatever it is. But as we regularly keep our lives on the altar in consecration to God, He will do the work that needs to be done in us, so He may do the work He desires to do through us.
Pray: Lord, I gladly consecrate myself - body, soul and spirit - to You today. Take my life, shape my life, and use my life for Your glory. Amen

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And this word by Marsha Burns is a great one too!

Be calm and refuse to allow the stress of pressing situations and environments to take its toll. You don't have to push yourself beyond normal limits, but you do have to trust Me to for help and wisdom in handling difficulties. I am with you to empower you by grace and lead you in peace, says the Lord.

Psalm 23:1-2
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

These are both great words by Bev and Ras Robinson today!

June 11, 2014. I have many things to say about words in My Word. My Word has power and your words have power. Be careful what you say, beloved. Watch your mouth. Set a guard about your mouth. Your words can build up or break down causes, jobs or relationships. Talking a lot and making good confessions are entirely two different things. Good confessions build faith and if not chosen carefully, many words can eventually lead to sin. Once something is said it cannot be retrieved. Let your confessions line up with My Word.
Proverbs 10:19 (NASB) "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise." Bev Robinson

June 11, 2014. It is baptism time. John reports that Jesus commanded that those who have received Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior should also be baptized with the Holy Spirit. For some the Holy Spirit baptism happened the moment they were born again. Yet there are others who had never heard of this experience or command of the Lord. In requiring this baptism with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was teaching that the Holy Spirit baptism must permeate everything that you are in Christ. After the water baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came upon Him, thus exemplifying this requirement. He wants you to also be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 11:15-16 (NASB) "And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as He did upon us at the beginning. And I remembered the word of the Lord, how He used to say, 'John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'" Ras Robinson