Thursday, June 26, 2014

Practical application of Philippians 4:6 ...

Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell GOD what I need and thank HIM for all HE has done."

Worry is a call to prayer. The moment I become aware of the churning anxiety af ANYTHING, go immediately to my heavenly FATHER. Present my requests to HIM. Then turn my thoughts and prayers to thanksgiving.
  • Thank HIM for HIS promise to never forsake me.
  • Thank HIM for the power of HIS name.
  • Thank HIM for HIS intimate knowledge of every detail of my life.
  • Thank HIM for HIS track record in my life when HE has been there for me in the past.
  • Thank HIM that HE works ALL things together for my good.
  • Thank HIM that HE is at work establishing HIS kingdom in my life.

My faith and trust in GOD will override my fear and HIS peace will actually put a guard around my heart and mind so fear cannot over run me. It's supernatural and real.

FATHER GOD, I confess that I often allow YOUR peace to slip from my heart. Fear is often my 1st response to challenges that come my way. May I be conscious today of choosing to trust YOU with every detail of my life. Help me to have faith to leave the question marks in YOUR control and to trust YOU to carry me and to sustain me with YOUR peace that is beyond understanding. Today I choose to put my trust in YOU. I choose to walk in YOUR peace, Fill my heart with childlike faith. ALL in YOUR precious name JESUS!

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