Thursday, June 19, 2014

I love both these words from the LORD through the Robinson's this morning!

June 19, 2014. What's lost will be found. It hasn't really been lost, yes to you, but not to Me. I know where it is. You don't see right now, but you will see and it will reappear when you least suspect. Don't spend your time being anxious. Spend your time being thankful. Don't allow your mind to drift to worrying. The amount of time you worry will not help. Instead spend the time you're tempted to worry believing. Start thanking Me for how things of the past have been found. Have faith.
John 6:12 (NASB) "When they were filled, He *said to His disciples, "Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost." Bev Robinson
June 19, 2014. You don't want to slip and fall. You have fallen before and there is a dread in you about it. You think you can walk steadily with sure feet like the mountain sheep in high places. But watch your feet. Focus on the path before you and avoid distractions. Never embrace the mind-set that you can by yourself assure that you will never slip and fall. Declare your dependence upon Me. Then thank Me that I will hold you up. If you should slip and fall, My mercy covers without anxiety.
Psalm 94:18-19 (NASB) "If I should say, "My foot has slipped," Thy lovingkindness, O LORD, will hold me up. When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations delight my soul." Ras Robinson

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