Thursday, February 27, 2014

Car Upholstery Cleaner

Adapted from Creative Savings

  • 3 Tbsp grated soap (I used Fels Naptha)
  • 2 Tbsp Borax
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil (optional for the nice smell!)
  • 2 cups boiling water
Add all the ingredients into a plastic bowl (you don’t want to take glass outside), and stir until the soap is dissolved and the mixture is foamy. Then take a stiff scrub brush, dip it in your cleaner, and scrub whatever part of your car needs some serious help. (I completely forgot to take pictures of this part, but it’s a pretty straight forward process.) Scrub the upholstery with your brush, then wipe the area clean with a wet rag. It’s a good idea to have another bowl with you that is full of clean, warm water to rinse out the rag in periodically. If your upholstery or mats are as dirty as mine were, you may have to dump out your water and refill it with more clean water a couple of times throughout the process.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The last line in this word from Marsha is something that's going to help me I do believe ...


Submit yourself to Me completely, and yield to the moving of My Spirit in and around you. You must do this before you can walk fully in My purposes. Offer up your own desires that they may be sanctified or set apart for My will to be fulfilled in your life. Allow spiritual purification to be your pathway, says the Lord. Re-examine your decisions when you feel hindered and things become too difficult, and let Me show you the way to clarity and victory.
Psalms 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

O how I want to walk in the wonderful promises of GOD everyday, all the time!

And with these wonderful words hidden in my heart I will do just that! Thank you Bev and Ras!

February 25, 2014. The interruption you are experiencing is orchestrated by Me. Don't attribute it to Satan. Don't allow him that much power. He is a defeated foe. Part of warfare is to know when to fight, and when to remain in cover. I am teaching you to walk according to My Spirit. Pay attention. Right now is a time to remain still. If you are always moving forward in battle you will tire quickly. Yes, beloved, you are always to stay alert but fight from the place of victory. We've already won.
2 Corinthians10:3-4 (AMP) "For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds," Bev Robinson

February 25, 2014.Blessings are yours because you have understood since you were a little child that it is good to fear the Lord. The love of the Lord has overcome the fears you have experienced. They are gone forever because God is faithful. Others meander around with no direction, but you will have divine direction in your life and ministry. Prosperity will be your companion. You and your descendants will inherit the land. Turn your fear into praise. The devil will flee from you and your family. Praise Him for He is the love that conquers fears.
Psalm 25:12-13 (NASB) "Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way he should choose. His soul will abide in prosperity, And his descendants will inherit the land." Ras Robinson

This is beautiful!

I love this!

An Amazing Gospel Flash Mob Will Leave Your Jaw on the Floor. WOW.


Just click on the link below, then click on the Full Screen icon and listen ... can you feel the presence of the LORD? Amazing! Simply amazing!

Holy Spirit | Jesus Culture | LIVE by Abigail, Nathan & Peta

Thank YOU O LORD ...

February 24, 2014. A flood of revelation is soon coming. You will be amazed. It will be almost more than you can process. But take the time to meditate and then incorporate it into your everyday living. Beloved, DO what you hear Me saying. You will be amazed by the peace you find in the midst of the chaos around you. Be diligent about letting no word drop to the ground. I have already written the words on the tablet of your heart. This is the reason revelation will be so eye opening.
2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NASB) "You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." Bev Robinson

February 24, 2014. You have My blessing and permission to cross over into your full inheritance. Up until now, the time has not been right. You needed to learn for yourself that My presence is really your greatest need. Now you know that and even tremble as you experience this glorious phenomenon. Follow Me now as the Israelites followed the fire by night and the cloud by day. I want you as dependent upon Me as they were, but even more so. I established their boundaries much like I established the shorline boundaries of the ocean. Being born again was your great crossing. My presence is your guide.
Jeremiah 5:22 (NASB) "Do you not fear Me? declares the LORD. Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, an eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it." Ras Robinson

You know what ...

When my heart is healed of a wound, the sowing and reaping of sin generated by this wound is cut off and thereby the generational curse is eliminated in my life and in the lives of my children and my childrens' children and this is a great thing!

Here's a word to remember from Marsha ...


Keep your eyes wide open and watch as I expose corruption on every level. But I speak to your hearts, My people, to never take advantage of anyone for your personal gain. Treat each other with high regard and respect and without prejudice. Your love for Me is proven in how you treat others, says the Lord. Be kind and generous in your attitudes.
Matthew 7:12a
"Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them."

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wonderful words from Bev and Ras ...

February 20, 2014. Unexpected revelation is coming. This is about something you asked long ago. There will be no need to act when it comes. There will be a time when you will need to act, but not when it comes. This is one of the reasons you need to do whatever you need to do to walk in peace. My revelation comes at seemingly unlikely times and you need to be at peace to hear Me clearly. Beloved, listen to Me, My revelation will be a rock to many with a purpose to build My church.
 Matthew16:18 (AMP) "And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petros-a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, petra-a huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it [or be strong to its detriment or hold out against it]." Bev Robinson

February 20, 2014. Within you is an eternal spring producing deep and abundant water of My word. My word has been written on your heart by the Holy Spirit. Make a practice of drawing from that deep well within your heart. As you do so, your confidence will be expanded into holy boldness. The world in which you find yourself needs you. Draw buckets of water and deliver them to those I send to you. Be alert and on the lookout for those in need of this water. Freely you have received, freely give.
Proverbs 20:5 (NIV) "The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out." Ras Robinson

February 19, 2014. Don't second guess what you did. You prayed and asked Me and then did what you believe I said. It will not be good for you if you now rethink it and wonder if it was the right thing. That is exactly what the devil wants you to do. It's done to the best of your understanding. Don't lose your faith. Now bear down and trust Me. I have the answers that person needs to find. You have done what you could. Leave it alone. Get your mind on something else.
Philippians 4:8-9 (NASB) "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Bev Robinson
February 19, 2014. The day is coming, and now is, when revival bonfires will spontaneously ignite. A word will be given, a prayer prayed or a sermon spoken. It will eventually be explained and reported that a spontaneous explosion occurred. The ground where the bonfire will catch will heat up. Smoke will emit what those who see it will call the presence of God. It will start like a thin fog. People will gather. Those filled with faith and grace will speak the declaration of healing. Prophets will say it is so when it is not so and it will be so because it is so. PRAYER ALERT: Ras Robinson Blog
Matthew 19:2 (KJV) "And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there." Ras Robinson 

And here's a stress-reducing, peace-giving word and verse from Marsha ...


Let go of everything that has produced stress. I speak of those things that are out of your ability to control. I tell you truly that the time you have spent in agitation and worry has not helped one bit, but has actually been a detriment to your faith. Trust Me with every troublesome and difficult situation that is beyond your resources--physically, emotionally, mentally, or financially. I will give wisdom and direction in your circumstances, says the Lord. Do not be afraid.

Psalms 73:28 But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An excerpt from a word I read from 'The Elijah List' ...

God doesn't want us to run around working for Him. He wants us to yield to Him so that He can work through us.
And Kathie's prayer for us ...
I pray that your ministry – we all have a ministry – will be like the Bible says, "...Refreshing like spring rain on the freshly cut grass, like the showers that water the earth" (Psalm 72:6).

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I like Bev and Ras' word from the LORD today ...

February 18, 2014. I've put you in a place where I want you to say something that needs to be said. Yes, it is hard to do, but you will do it with grace and closely follow my leadership. This will be a part of keeping someone from making a big mistake. This is not the first time you have been here and it won't be the last. You will do it well. Holy Spirit is leading so stay under authority and follow with care. Don't become anxious. Trust Me.

John 16:13 (AMP) "But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]."  Bev Robinson

February 18, 2014. I know your heart as no one else does. You were cleansed of all sin the moment you confessed and repented. All that is taken care of, so now you stand in My presence innocent. You have labored to purify your thought life and have succeeded. This pleases me very much. Now you are seeking to sanctify your mouth, your tongue and your words. This will be your most difficult task, but with disciplined determination, you will succeed. Expect an attack from the devil. He despises to see you pure and clean. Stand firm.

Psalm 17:3 (NLT) "You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart in the night. You have scrutinized me and found nothing wrong. I am determined not to sin in what I say."  Ras Robinson

Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm reading about protectors and pedators and possums in this new book I have "Joy Starts Here". It's bringing such insight and revelation to me for the future. Thank YOU O LORD for YOUR people!

There are 3 response styles in our "herd".
Protector is the first and these are known to be untraumatized people who grow up in high-joy homes. They have strong identities that welcome others and have a tender heart towards weakness. Protectors do not exploit weaknesses but instead help vulnerable herd members grow in joy. Protectors do not enable dysfunctional behavior but quickly protect the weak. When our herd has high-joy, the members tend to develop strong protector skills.
Predators are the primary fear-based response style in the herd. Predators discover the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others and exploit them. And you know what else ... predators use weaknesses to obtain or retain dominance in the food chain. Predators fiercely guard their positions and will hurt others in the herd if threatened. Predators also do their best to hide their weaknesses and appear strong to assure their positions. Predators are the most common of low-joy herds. And you know what ... the brain is pre-wired for predator responses. Without training, predator responses is all we have. We need training by gentle protectors who respond tenderly to weakness or we will respond like predators and prey.
Possums are the other fear and anxiety-based response style found in low-joy herds. Possums do not occupy positions of dominance in the herd, and their style is based primarily on avoiding being exploited by predators. Possums have usually been hurt in relationships and will do most anything to avoid being hurt again. Possums hide, avoid, minimize, withdraw and conceal their weaknesses as much as possible. O but wait ... there's more ... unfortunately for possums, their low-joy environment creates weaknesses and vulnerabilities that are impossible to conceal. Predators on the prowl are likely to spot and exploit these vulnerabilities, leaving possums feeling ashamed, used and even more fearful.

If you'd like more info or want to buy the book just go to

Thank YOU O LORD for freedom!

I will bring to your remembrance various people who have either mistreated or misjudged you. This is for the purpose of examination to see if there is something you need to understand from those encounters or need to forgive so that you can be liberated from lingering oppression. It is My desire that you be released from the anchors of the past that keep you from moving forward in My purposes, says the Lord. Freedom awaits!
Psalm 146:5-8 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever, Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners. The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; the LORD raises those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

O my ... truly GOD does work in mysterious ways ...

When God Calls
When God calls He rarely considers our plans. Where He leads often makes no sense. When I want to stay, He says, "Go!" When I want to go, He says,"Stay!" The worst place on earth turns out to be perfect to advance His kingdom. And He never asks me what time it is when He says, "Go!"

Tomato Salvation
A husband and wife shared how they wanted to leave their small town in Texas. Darkness oppressed them. God said, "Stay and plant a church!" A woman, the town drunk, kept interrupting the services. She stomped her feet and gave mean looks. The pastor while preaching happened to mention how he loved tomatoes. The intoxicated woman with a loud voice spoke up. "Tomatoes? I grow tomatoes in my back yard. I will bring you some!"
The next service she brought the tomatoes. During the sermon she came under conviction and gave her life to the Lord. Instant deliverance! The whole town shook from the power of her testimony. Her drinking friends still ask her. "How long is this going to last?" She tells them. "Til Jesus comes and for all eternity. I am done with alcohol. I have no taste for it!" When God calls us to a certain place, it usually isn't for our sake but for someone else's.

God's Most Wanted List
When God calls it's time to tear up our list of people who we think are too far gone in sin and evil. Surprisingly, we find them on "God's Most Wanted List," where we used to be. If God saved you and me, He can save anybody. I believe when we see God face to face, we will realize we could have loved more and judged less.
Bill Yount

Friday, February 14, 2014

There are so many great truths in this word from Bobby Connor! Thank you Bobby and thank you for posting. These truths are more valuable than gold! They have eternal value. And LORD I am so thankful for YOUR prophets!

Bobby Conner:
Become An Overcomer: This is a Season of Confrontation and Contending
This is a season of confrontation and contending to overcome every pitfall that our foe, the devil, puts in our pathway. With bold, brave determination we must be relentless in our pursuit of God's holy presence!
You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. Psalm 31:20
Hold back nothing – none of your hidden agendas, selfish ambitions, old grudges, and unforgiveness. Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit brings to your awareness and continue to ask Him for a spirit of repentance. Do not take lightly the urgency of the hour: Put your very best effort into a passionate, unrelenting, moment-by-moment, pursuit of God. Establishing the Kingdom of God in your life must be Pray, Pursue God, and Laugh While You Do It!your top priority.
But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33
A key focus in drawing ever closer to God is seeking to extract out of your life absolutely everything that hinders you from drawing near:
"Therefore, since these [great] promises are ours, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit, and bring our consecration to completeness in the [reverential] fear of God" (2 Corinthians 7:1).

Have You Come Into Agreement With the Enemy?
Pray fervently for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any and all filthiness of your flesh or your spirit. Have you come into agreement with devilish spirits of accusation and rejection? With spirits of bitterness and unforgiveness? Have you given into an unloving spirit? Have you given into a spirit of anger or fear? Do you live with a burden of shame, guilt, or regret concerning the past?
Beloved, recognize these emotions for what they are: works of the enemy to destroy your soul and keep you from your inheritance, the manifest presence of God! Renounce your agreement with these evil works of darkness and repent from your sins, receiving the Lord's mercy and forgiveness by the Blood of His Cross.
Only then will you be free to abide in Christ and enjoy God's magnificent presence.
My Firm Foundation by Jennifer PageHow do we cast off this filthiness of the flesh and spirit? Spend time worshiping God and confessing His Word over your life. Renew your mind by meditating on the Word of God, especially Scriptures calling us to walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord. Pull down "every thought to the obedience of Christ":
"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Fear exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ – pull it down! It is disobedience. Unforgiveness exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ – pull it down! It is disobedience. Accusations, bitterness, rejection – pull them all down! Coming into agreement with the lies of the enemy is no less than rebellion and disobedience.
Take hold of your thoughts and be vigilant. Let no unholy thought take root in your mind or heart. The enemy may make suggestions and whisper lies that may sound like your own inner voice, but know that these are the temptations of Hell. Resist temptation, open your heart to the love of God, and turn your mind back to the Word of God.
Magnificent and transforming results will transpire for us when we cleanse ourselves "from everything that contaminates and defiles body and spirit" and enter into God's presence. As we, with an open heart, behold Him, we will be transformed more and more into His image.

A Victorious Overcomer
You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
Path of Light by Jennifer PageAs we learn to walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord, the Spirit of God will release light for our pathway and peace and joy for our life. Be certain of this: Only in Christ's presence will we find overwhelming joy, which endures through any circumstance.
For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light. Psalm 36:9
And also be certain of this: Only in Christ's presence can we experience victorious life, instruction, and illumination. No Believer needs to stumble about in darkness. Simply lift your eyes and follow the Lord.
For You will light my lamp; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. Psalm 18:28
The revealed Word of God states:
"This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:5-7).
As we yield to and abide in Christ, His radiant love and light literally beam outward from our life. Let your light shine bright during these days!
Beloved, this is the time to arise and shine. Boldly becoming the victorious overcomer you are destined to be (see Romans 8:37).
Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries

Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today I am just amazed at how refreshing these short, concise words from the LORD are for me! Here is yet another one from Marsha!

Take the time and sieze the moment to step back from your troubles and view your life from an objective and greater perspective. See it through the eyes and truth of eternity, and be grateful. Remember that you belong to Me. Know that I have chosen you not only to live in My kingdom, but to be My representative. You are just a pilgrim passing through all that is temporary on your way to that which lasts forever, says the Lord.
Psalms 26:7 That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all Your wondrous works.

I love this verse and Bev's word from the LORD! And this word from the LORD via RAS is equally just as exuberating!

February 13, 2014
John 2:3-5 (NLT) "The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus' mother told him, "They have no more wine." "Dear woman, that's not our problem," Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come." But his mother told the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
Obedience is a way I matured Jesus and also how I am maturing you. Obey your authorities and you will minister in ways you've only dreamed of. You will also launch others into ministry as Mary did with Jesus. Jesus obeyed his mother and began his ministry before He thought it was time. As a virgin, Mary was tested when Gabriel announced to her she would bear the Messiah. Her obedience was proven and she was then able to launch Jesus. Resist temptation to go your own way. Submit to authority.
 Bev Robinson
You have wonderful times of refreshing awaiting you. You will experience joys unspeakable and glory about you. Only repent and return to your first love, the lover of your soul, Jesus. As soon as you do this, you will become aware that the presence of the Lord has opened right before you. I will send Jesus to you in refreshing ways because you have pleased Me as My anointed and appointed one. You may be wondering, "How?" Turn 180 degrees away from all that is not from, to or by Me. Receive My holy hug!
 Acts 3:19-21 (NASB) "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time." Ras Robinson

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I do believe I need to save this Word from Bev, even though my first reaction was to just delete!!!

February 12, 2014. I impressed you to do something the moment you heard about what is happening. Do what I impressed you to do. I know it will be hard, but it will be harder if you do not do it. I know you don't want to, but once you get into it, you will see I am with you and it isn't as hard as you think. You will regret it if you do not do it. You don't know what the result will be. Just do it. You will understand later.
1 Sam 15:22 (NLT) "But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams." Bev Robinson

I'm thinking to myself ... O I don't know what this could be, and so just delete ... after not too much thinking about it, what came to mind was my finances and getting a couple of things in order. And so LORD I pray that YOU will make a way for me to do what I need to do in this area O LORD!!!

February 12, 2014. What do you think about? Your brain is an organ of your body as is your heart, liver and all the other organs. Each has functions that affect everything else. But the brain is a special driving force for good or evil. It can bring happiness or create a depressive state of mind. Choose to put good, positive, God loving thoughts into it and it will reproduce them and tell the rest of your body what to do. The world and the devil want to control your brain for evil. Make a covenant within yourself today to practice thinking on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, excellent and praiseworthy. You can change everything with this strategy of using your brain for good. Try it.
Philippians 4:8 (NIV) "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or Praiseworthy--think about such things." Ras Robinson

And yet another word from Marsha that is grand enough to share!

Watch for situations that create stress, and set yourself to maintain peace instead. This is definitely a time when the proverbial molehill can become an insurmountable mountain if you lose objectivity. Trust in Me to bring you through every circumstance in victory. Be focused and stay positive so that despair cannot undermine your faith or determination, says the Lord.

Matthew 21:21 So Jesus answered and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' it will be done."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

O how I needed this word from Marsha today!

Accept and embrace change as you do the seasons. The changes you face are inevitable whether you receive them with joy and expectation or with resistance and dread. Make it easy on yourself and be willing to move with My Spirit in freedom and fluidity. You can trust Me to cause everything to work together for your good. Let My glory be known in all you do, says the Lord.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Flex Seed Gel

What you’ll Need:
Flax Seeds
Strainer or Pantyhose
1 medium saucepan

Essential Oils
Aloe Vera Gel

How to make it:
Place 1/4-1/2 a cup of flax seeds in a pot. Pour in 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Stir frequently for about five minutes or until you see a foam on top. Check to see how thick the gel is and if it’s almost to your liking, put it in the strainer or stocking. If using a stocking, drag the tongs down the stocking to squeeze the gel through the holes. If using a strainer, use your spoon to agitate the seeds and push the gel through. Let the gel cool in the container until warm to the touch and then stir in the optional Aloe Vera Gel and/or essential oils. Store at room temperature for 1 week or in the fridge for two weeks. If you use Rosemary oil or vitamin E as a preservative, you’ll be able two keep it one or two weeks longer.

The Benefits of using flax in your hair:
It’s Nourishing
Great for all hair types
Customizable Hold
Easy to Make
Great Curl Definition

Isn’t Crunchy or Flaky
Dries Fast
All Natural

A little goes a long way
Thicker gel = Stronger hold
The more seeds you use, the thicker the gel.
The longer you boil the seeds, the thicker the gel
If the gel is too thick, you may have trouble straining it.
The gel will thicken up after it cools
Freeze the flax seeds when you’re done and then you can re-use them a once or twice more. Just toss the frozen seeds back into the pot and boil.
Cheap non support pantyhose is better than expensive supportive pantyhose.

Essential Oils for Hair and Scalp:
Lavender – Helps with breakage and re-growth
Chamomile- Helps with inflammation and dandruff
Peppermint- stimulates blood flow to the scalp
Rosemary- stimulates hair follicles and helps with dandruff (It can also be used as a preservative to extend the shelf life of the gel by a few weeks)
Tea Tree – helps with dandruff, helps unblock pores so that your natural oils flow better
Lemon- Good for dandruff and oily hair
Myrrh- Good for dandruff and dry hair

These are just a few of the essential oils that are beneficial for hair. I’d encourage further research to find the right ones for you.

Other Flax Seed Beauty Gel Uses:
Great for taming and keeping your eyelashes and eyebrows healthy
Fantastic as a hair mask –
Use the above recipe for hair gel, mix in 1 Tbsp melted Cocoa Butter, 1 Teaspoon melted Coconut Oil, 1 Tbsp Aloe Vera gel. Blend and spread through hair. Cover and leave in for 30-60 minutes!

Face mask- The antioxidants and fatty acids do wonders for the skin. You can smooth it over your skin as is or you could add in aloe vera gel and/or honey. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
Egg Replacer- I haven’t tried this method for “Flax Eggs” but I bet it’d work!

Organic Homemade Lotion

Basic Ingredients:

§  1/2 cup almond or olive oil (can infuse with herbs first if desired)

§  1/4 cup coconut oil

§  1/4 cup beeswax

§  Optional: 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil

§  Optional: 2 tablespoons Shea Butter or Cocoa Butter

§  Optional: Essential Oils, Vanilla Extract or other natural extracts to suit your preference

Note: All ingredients and many essential oils are available here.

How to Make Lotion:

1.    Combine ingredients in a pint sized or larger glass jar. I have a mason jar that I keep just for making lotions and lotion bars, or you can even reuse a glass jar from pickles, olives or other foods.

2.    Fill a medium saucepan with a couple inches of water and place over medium heat.

3.    Put a lid on the jar loosely and place in the pan with the water.

4.    As the water heats, the ingredients in the jar will start to melt. Shake or stir occasionally to incorporate. When all ingredients are completely melted, pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for storage. Small mason jars (8 ounce) are great for this. It will not pump well in a lotion pump!

5.    Use as you would regular lotion. This has a longer shelf life than some homemade lotion recipes since all ingredients are already shelf stable and not water is added. Use within 6 months for best moisturizing benefits.

Note: A litte goes a long way! This lotion is incredibly nourishing and is also great for diaper rash on baby, for eczema and for preventing stretch marks!

Natural and Nourishing Body Wash

6 cups distilled water
½ bar of shea butter soap
½ cup coconut oil (I use Tropical Traditions)
1 Tbsp. Bentonite clay
Neem leaf extract
Lavender essential oil

To make the body wash, start by roughly chopping one half of a bar of shea butter soap.
Blend it to a fine powder.
Add the soap and the distilled water to a large pot over medium high heat until the soap is melted (this part takes a while).
After the soap has melted, add the coconut oil.
Once that has melted, it’s time to add the clay. I would recommend adding some water to the clay to make a paste, and then adding the paste to the pot. This step makes it easier to incorporate.
After making sure that everything is melted and mixed well, remove the pot from the heat and pour the soap mixture into your containers. As the soap cools, the elements will start to separate, so just give it a stir every once in a while.

Once your containers are cool to the touch, add the neem extract and lavender EO. For each of my standard-sized mason jars, I added 10 drops of neem extract and 15 drops of lavender EO. The neem extract smells pretty weird, so the extra lavender really helps. :-)
And that’s all there is to it! I’m really pleased with how this body wash experiment turned out. It makes my skin sooo soft, and I know that all of the ingredients I used are natural and beneficial for my skin. I hope you like it too!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Did you know ...

Mercy is so pleasant because it stirs up joy and godliness.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Let us join together and pray ... 1. Our hearts will be fully His, and we will follow where He is leading. 2. We will discern the times, know His intentions, hear His voice, and follow His lead. 3. We will value what has been and all that He has done to date, but we will also be excited and expectant about what He is doing and what is breaking forth in the earth. 4. None will be left behind, and all will hear and respond to His invitation to arise and come away with Him into this new time, this new season, this new move. 5. That we will love one another as He loves us, so even if some respond to His beckoning at a different pace or in different ways than we do, we will respond in love and with encouragement. 6. And most of all, that the fullness of what He has planned for this season will come forth and that He will receive all the glory and all He is due!

Robert Hotchkin:
God is Moving - We Are at the Beginning of Something Beyond Anything We've Ever Seen
All around the world the Body of Christ can feel the stirrings of a great move of God. We are at the beginning of something awesome, something global, something beyond anything we have ever seen. For years now, we have been believing for it, praying into it, and declaring it. God is moving. The key for the Body in this hour, is to discover how to move with Him and follow Him into all He has for us.
It may sound simple: We pray for God to move, He begins to move, we move with Him. But actually the early stages of a move of God can be the most challenging part. So often when God begins to move the response of the Body is not, "Yay! God is moving!" but instead, "Hey! God where did You go?!"
Seeing New Aspects of His Fullness
A move of God by definition involves God moving. Which means we may not "find" Him exactly where (or how) we have in the past – because He is doing a new thing. Mind you, He is not changing, God never changes (Malachi 3:6). He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). But He loves to reveal more of Himself to us in greater and greater depths and dimensions so that we can know more of Him (and thus make more of Him known to the world around us).
Often the way He does this is by blessing us with a season where He seems to not be doing things (or even meeting with us) the way He has in the past. He does not stop being who He "has been," but He adds to our revelation of all that He is by helping us see new aspects of His fullness. He woos us into a greater revelation of all He is by leading us from the comfort zone of what we have already come to know of Him.
Think of the Israelites in the desert. They knew the Lord as Deliverer, the One who brought them up out of Egypt. And now He was leading them – cloud by day, fire by night – across the wilderness into all He had spoken to them of in the Promised Land. Day by day the Israelites learned to look for and follow the presence of the Lord. Sometimes, for days, He would remain in one place with them, helping them to see and know Him as Provider, Healer, or some other aspect of I AM.
Cloud by DayBut then a day would come when the cloud would move. The Israelites had to be in active relationship with the Lord to realize He was not "where" He had been; they had to be looking for the cloud of His presence each day. When the cloud moved they had to trust that He was still with them and seek where He had moved to, so that they could follow.
It is the same for us today. God is moving. The key to following Him into all He is bringing us into begins with us trusting that – even if we are not finding Him where He "was," He is still present. After all, He never leaves us nor forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5-6). God is wooing the Body right now in a powerful way. There is a great grace for increased intimacy and relationship with Him – a great grace to know Him in new ways and follow Him into new depths.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

A Place of Song of Solomon
Prophetically speaking, I believe we are in a place similar to the end of Song of Solomon 2 and the beginning of Song of Solomon 3.
In Song of Solomon 2, the Lover is wooing His Beloved to a new place in verse 10, "Rise up, my beloved, my fair one, and come away," he invites. He then goes on to declare that "the winter is past…the flowers are springing up, and the time of singing birds has come…the fig trees are budding, and the grapevines are in blossom," and then he repeats his invitation for her to arise and come away with him (Song of Solomon 2:13).
God's Arrow of LoveThe Lover is announcing that it is a new hour, a new season, and that he has new things to show her, new places to take her, new heights for them to soar to together. She is hearing him on some level (SoS 2:8), and yet at the beginning of Song of Solomon 3 we see that while she is yearning for her Lover, she is still reaching out for him where she has always found him – and discovers that he is no longer there (SoS 3:1).
She has a choice to make. She can continue to search for him where he has been, or she can respond to the invitation to arise and step into the uncertainty of the unknown, discovering him in new places and in new ways (SoS 3:2-4). She chooses the latter, and in doing so embarks on a journey with her Lover in which she comes to know him, rely on him, and lean into him to such a degree that she is completely transformed – so much so that her peers do not even recognize her when she returns (SoS 8:5).
Like in the Song of Solomon, we have entered into a new season. The Lord is beckoning us, wooing us, inviting us to come away from where we have been and arise into a new place with Him – a place of greater revelation and demonstration of all that He is.
If you have noticed lately that things seem different, or you're not quite finding God "how" or "where" you have in the past, do not despair; do not be discouraged. He is simply answering your prayers. He is moving. He is inviting you to come along with Him.
Arise Beloved!
Prayer Directives:
So let's pray this month for the Body of Christ:
1. Our hearts will be fully His, and we will follow where He is leading.
2. We will discern the times, know His intentions, hear His voice, and follow His lead.
God's Arrow of Love3. We will value what has been and all that He has done to date, but we will also be excited and expectant about what He is doing and what is breaking forth in the earth.
4. None will be left behind, and all will hear and respond to His invitation to arise and come away with Him into this new time, this new season, this new move.
5. That we will love one another as He loves us, so even if some respond to His beckoning at a different pace or in different ways than we do, we will respond in love and with encouragement.
6. And most of all, that the fullness of what He has planned for this season will come forth and that He will receive all the glory and all He is due!
Robert Hotchkin
Robert Hotchkin fervently believes every Christian is a miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His ministry empowers Believers to live fully from their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross. His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspires Believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go! Rob is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He is a true carrier of the glory and revival. People have been healed, refreshed, set free, and empowered through his life. He believes for Heaven to impact lives and regions everywhere he goes.

And a song that seems to go right along with this great word!

Song of Solomon - Jesus Culture With Martin Smith

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scripture and words from the LORD about offenses ...

February 5, 2014. Satan baited you with an offense and you bit and were hooked. This will grow larger and gain strength as you stroke it with your mind. It will cause you big time stress and unhappiness. Don't be easily offended. I know you don't want to be. This is not you. It is not who I have made you to be. Let offenses roll off you like water rolls off oil. You are anointed with the oil of gladness. Forgive the one who has offended you. The hurt is not intentional.
Matthew 24:10 (NKJV) "And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another." Bev Robinson 
February 5, 2014. You love those who make you feel good. You often require others to be responsible for your offenses. You teach them over time just how to keep you happy, with no offenses. The problem is that your happy balloon gets popped all too often. Consider this. Instead, tune your moods and attitudes to the Holy Spirit, not your fleshly weaknesses. Let Him give you a self-image reflecting Jesus. Take on the toughness of the One who hung on the cross for your offenses, for your happiness. Honor His sacrifice for you.
Matthew 5:43-46 (NASB) "You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?" Ras Robinson

O how I want to walk according to these words!


The decisions that you make at this time will produce extraordinary and lasting results. Take the time to ask for wisdom as you consider the choices you make in this season. Be sure that whatever you decide comes from a heart of integrity and sincerity. Be honest about your motives, and keep your conscience clear at all times, says the Lord. Take full advantage of the opportunities to be built up and not torn down.

Jeremiah 42:10 If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up. For I relent concerning the disaster that I have brought upon you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I love this word and verse Marsha received from the LORD!


I am extricating you from things that have kept you bound and have kept you from personal intimate relationship with Me, says the Lord.  Be sensitive to things that draw your attention away to fleshly endeavors and away from seeking My face.  Position yourself by prioritizing your time and energy in ways that will bring glory to My kingdom.  I will give you the strength and direction to make the necessary changes that will lead to purity and righteousness. 

Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.