Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm reading about protectors and pedators and possums in this new book I have "Joy Starts Here". It's bringing such insight and revelation to me for the future. Thank YOU O LORD for YOUR people!

There are 3 response styles in our "herd".
Protector is the first and these are known to be untraumatized people who grow up in high-joy homes. They have strong identities that welcome others and have a tender heart towards weakness. Protectors do not exploit weaknesses but instead help vulnerable herd members grow in joy. Protectors do not enable dysfunctional behavior but quickly protect the weak. When our herd has high-joy, the members tend to develop strong protector skills.
Predators are the primary fear-based response style in the herd. Predators discover the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of others and exploit them. And you know what else ... predators use weaknesses to obtain or retain dominance in the food chain. Predators fiercely guard their positions and will hurt others in the herd if threatened. Predators also do their best to hide their weaknesses and appear strong to assure their positions. Predators are the most common of low-joy herds. And you know what ... the brain is pre-wired for predator responses. Without training, predator responses is all we have. We need training by gentle protectors who respond tenderly to weakness or we will respond like predators and prey.
Possums are the other fear and anxiety-based response style found in low-joy herds. Possums do not occupy positions of dominance in the herd, and their style is based primarily on avoiding being exploited by predators. Possums have usually been hurt in relationships and will do most anything to avoid being hurt again. Possums hide, avoid, minimize, withdraw and conceal their weaknesses as much as possible. O but wait ... there's more ... unfortunately for possums, their low-joy environment creates weaknesses and vulnerabilities that are impossible to conceal. Predators on the prowl are likely to spot and exploit these vulnerabilities, leaving possums feeling ashamed, used and even more fearful.

If you'd like more info or want to buy the book just go to

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