Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Flex Seed Gel

What you’ll Need:
Flax Seeds
Strainer or Pantyhose
1 medium saucepan

Essential Oils
Aloe Vera Gel

How to make it:
Place 1/4-1/2 a cup of flax seeds in a pot. Pour in 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Stir frequently for about five minutes or until you see a foam on top. Check to see how thick the gel is and if it’s almost to your liking, put it in the strainer or stocking. If using a stocking, drag the tongs down the stocking to squeeze the gel through the holes. If using a strainer, use your spoon to agitate the seeds and push the gel through. Let the gel cool in the container until warm to the touch and then stir in the optional Aloe Vera Gel and/or essential oils. Store at room temperature for 1 week or in the fridge for two weeks. If you use Rosemary oil or vitamin E as a preservative, you’ll be able two keep it one or two weeks longer.

The Benefits of using flax in your hair:
It’s Nourishing
Great for all hair types
Customizable Hold
Easy to Make
Great Curl Definition

Isn’t Crunchy or Flaky
Dries Fast
All Natural

A little goes a long way
Thicker gel = Stronger hold
The more seeds you use, the thicker the gel.
The longer you boil the seeds, the thicker the gel
If the gel is too thick, you may have trouble straining it.
The gel will thicken up after it cools
Freeze the flax seeds when you’re done and then you can re-use them a once or twice more. Just toss the frozen seeds back into the pot and boil.
Cheap non support pantyhose is better than expensive supportive pantyhose.

Essential Oils for Hair and Scalp:
Lavender – Helps with breakage and re-growth
Chamomile- Helps with inflammation and dandruff
Peppermint- stimulates blood flow to the scalp
Rosemary- stimulates hair follicles and helps with dandruff (It can also be used as a preservative to extend the shelf life of the gel by a few weeks)
Tea Tree – helps with dandruff, helps unblock pores so that your natural oils flow better
Lemon- Good for dandruff and oily hair
Myrrh- Good for dandruff and dry hair

These are just a few of the essential oils that are beneficial for hair. I’d encourage further research to find the right ones for you.

Other Flax Seed Beauty Gel Uses:
Great for taming and keeping your eyelashes and eyebrows healthy
Fantastic as a hair mask –
Use the above recipe for hair gel, mix in 1 Tbsp melted Cocoa Butter, 1 Teaspoon melted Coconut Oil, 1 Tbsp Aloe Vera gel. Blend and spread through hair. Cover and leave in for 30-60 minutes!

Face mask- The antioxidants and fatty acids do wonders for the skin. You can smooth it over your skin as is or you could add in aloe vera gel and/or honey. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
Egg Replacer- I haven’t tried this method for “Flax Eggs” but I bet it’d work!

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