Monday, March 10, 2014

I'm holding on to these words from the LORD written by Bev and Ras Robinson!

March 8, 2014. Stay on track. Satan is coming at you and yours with a vengeance. He will pull every deceptive trick he can to discourage you and get you off track. You are going the right way, My way. I know it is hard to stay on track, but don't give in. Follow Me. My way is not always easy, but it is simple. Just do what I say. You can hide yourself in Me. Hold up your shield of faith and I will deflect the flaming missiles being launched at you.
Ephesians 6:16 (AMP) "Lift up over all the [covering] shield of saving faith,upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked [one]." Bev Robinson
March 8, 2014. You have had a string of problems and trials. This is a hard time for so many people. Yet you have not lost hope. Your faith has remained strong through it all. Many people have admired you because you did not, at any time, give up. You inspired others to never quit. Now you have begun to notice your strength growing as you trust Me more and more. A feeling of joy is bubbling up within you as you see victory on the horizon. These problems and trials have made you stronger.
Romans 5:3 (NLT) "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance." Ras Robinson

March 10, 2014. What was said needed to be said. You weren't sure you said it correctly. You did. You didn't allow yourself to lose self-control and you waited for the right time. You were walking in the Spirit. Now leave it alone. Don't get under the circumstances no matter how it may seem to be. I led you then and I will lead you again. All of this is working for good. Yes, continue to pray, but don't be overly burdened. Roll it all over on Me and, beloved, wait for the outcome.
Isaiah 30:18 (NLT) "So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help." Bev Robinson
March 10, 2014. Rejection hurts and separates. In following Me, you have experienced much rejection from the herd. It seemed unnecessary but it happened. God has a purpose in this rejection. It will strengthen you as a Christian. Jesus taught His disciples to shake off from their feet the dust that gathered on their feet from their visit to that city. This would be in protest of the rejection, but would also remind those of that city that they missed something big, the Kingdom of God. Great joy then came upon the disciples as they entered the next city.
Acts 13:51-52 (NLT) "So they shook the dust from their feet as a sign of rejection and went to the town of Iconium. And the believers were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit." Luke 10:11 (NLT) "We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet to show that we have abandoned you to your fate. And know this-the Kingdom of God is near!' Ras Robinson

March 11, 2014. Keep up your good works. Don't quit and don't think what you are doing is not making a difference. At times you get discouraged and wonder, "what's the use?" What you are doing is paying dividends now and in the long run will make a big difference. You have started the ball rolling and it is going to gain momentum as time goes on. You will know nothing about some of the lives touched until you get to heaven. You are going in the right direction so keep on going.
Matthew 10:26-28 (MSG) "Don't be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are. So don't hesitate to go public now. "Don't be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There's nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life-body and soul-in his hands." Bev Robinson

March 11, 2014. Your life as a Christian has a new look and feel. Your family, friends and other Christians will begin to appear differently to you. What has happened? You have discovered that God the Father through the Holy Spirit has in reality done away with the person you were before you were born again. The fact is that you have become someone new in a new world around you. The old you with all the sin and shortcomings is gone forever. The same has happened to all who received Christ; it is a new birth. Rejoice in the new.
2 Corinthians 5:16-17 (NASB) "Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." Ras Robinson

March 12, 2014. Take some time for yourself. Do not put everyone first most of the time. If you don't take some time for you, you will be in trouble later. I know it's hard because there are so many needs, but you need to do this. Yes I want you loving others it is part of the second commandment but if you don't love yourself, you will eventually run dry, and there will be nothing there to give to others. Beloved, love Me and love others as much as you love yourself.
 Mark 12:30-31 (NASB) "'And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, ' You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." Bev Robinson
March 12, 2014. Your early morning prayers bring Me joy. You do this because you want the first act of your day to be prayers to Me. Like an earthly father delighting in his child, so it is with Me when you offer the sacrifice of rising early to commune with Me. Yes, you have found favor with Me. My grace extended for you is like unto viewing the ocean from the shore. I hear every word you utter. Because of this, it is gratifying to Me that I grant your requests.
Psalm 5:3 (AMP) "In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart]." Ras Robinson

March 14, 2014. I know you are hurting. It isn't wrong to hurt. You aren't a stone; you are a person. It would be abnormal not to hurt. Beloved, hurt happens. It isn't a lack of faith. So don't beat yourself up. I don't want that. I am here for you. I am here to comfort you. Work at resting and try to keep the hurt from overtaking and overwhelming you. Be quiet and hide in Me. I am here with you to protect your mind, emotions and body.
Psalms 91:1-2 (NASB) "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!" Bev Robinson
March 14, 2014. A door is being opened for you to speak the word of the Lord to many people who are spiritually depraved and very hungry for more of God. They spiritually seek for all of God, being outside the Jewish faith and considered Gentiles. Peter was the man God chose to bring a world changing revelation from God. God sent an angel to enlist Peter from what he was doing in Joppa, telling him to travel to Caesarea where Cornelius was waiting for him and had called together his relatives and close friends. Expect a new and fresh call from God.
Acts 10:32-33 (NASB) "Therefore send to Joppa and invite Simon, who is also called Peter, to come to you; he is staying at the house of Simon the tanner by the sea. So I sent for you immediately, and you have been kind enough to come. Now then, we are all here present before God to hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord." Ras Robinson

March 24, 2014. There are those among you who begin answering questions before the one speaking completes the question. This is rude, self-serving and is perceived by the interrupting person as making them appear superior. In fact, the interrupter is in need of recognition, the kind of recognition God gives. Start today praying for the interrupter. Look for an opportunity to mention how you have noticed some other person doing this to a question asker. Explain how that is rude and unthoughtful and brings shame to that person. Perhaps those among you who do this will hear the message and change the practice.
Proverbs 18:13 (NASB) "He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him." Ras Robinson

March 24, 2014. I have been giving you wisdom since before you were born. It came through those who loved in ways that is beyond the natural. You also continued to receive wisdom when your feet hit the floor. You have been reticent to pass it on, but now is the time. Wait on Me to tell you the specific timing, but when I speak, say it! You won't know until later if it was received and with some you will never know, except through their actions. My wisdom is timeless; it blesses you and others.
James 3:17-18 (MSG) "Real wisdom, God's wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced. You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor." Bev Robinson

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