Monday, March 3, 2014

Where does joy start?

The need for joy is indisputable. Low joy is everywhere. What’s unusual is the person with high joy—they seem almost unreal with all that happiness. Seeing the need and not knowing where to begin is a bit overwhelming.
In general here’s how we suggest that you begin:
  1. Have a group study Joy Starts Here.
  2. When the group study is finished, move to Connexus Classes:
    • Forming for those who want more relationship with Jesus
    • Restarting for those who know they have issues that need healing. Forming and Restarting run concurrently and then…
    • Both groups are combined for the Belonging Class where the weak and the strong can relate.
Repeat! Spread the JOY. Somewhere along the line you will want to take the Thrive Training.
One individual read the Life Model, realized that some relational brain skills were missing and signed up for Thrive Training immediately! His family needed the benefits of joy—the decision was a no-brainer.
Later he found Joy Starts Here and the Connexus material and wanted to bring the blessing to his new fellowship because of the benefit learning the skills had been for his family.
So really it does not matter which end you begin with…Joy Starts Here or the Thrive Training, but the training is a five day block of time and many cannot afford the time away nor the expense. Connexus are weekly classes held in your local church; you will learn all the same relational brain skills but at a much slower pace.

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