Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The IMMANUEL Healing Process - Part 1

1.    A good time to practice IMMANUEL healing is when we find we no longer have GOD peace, that is, we feel alone, isolated and vulnerable in our pain with a memory. It may not be extreme, nevertheless, with some of our life memories we lack the awareness of GOD’S presence. Without this awareness our interpretations of life are always distorted, bring pain and rob our peace.

2.   With IMMANUEL healing we become aware of GOD’S presence in these memories where we have not perceived HIM to be.

3.   Did you know that all painful events in our lives have in common that we become disconnected from our relationships just when we need them the most. When we become distressed it feels like GOD is gone and when it feels like GOD is gone usually it feels like 'our people' have abandoned us as well. In the spiritual realm our heart vision is gone. If we could scan inside our brains at that moment we would find that our relational circuits are in a lot of trouble and pain. These relational brain circuits are required for us to perceive GOD’S presence. Without proper function of the relational brain circuits our experiences are not organized or stored correctly. Every time painfully unfinished experiences come to mind they take us right back into upset feelings and images that feel compellingly true in the present.

4.   The ideal state for us to be in is for GOD peace to be the strongest in our heart, where everything feels like we are known, where the peace is exquisitely blended to settle our soul. We are aware of GOD’S presence interacting with us. GOD peace feels right.

5.   We can change our lives and lessen those painful memories by bringing GOD into them and the best place to start exploring painful memories is from good memories where we experienced GOD’S presence, where we knew HIM best, at a place where we interact well with GOD, and than allow GOD to gently lower us into the place where we could not interact with GOD before.

6.   Painful memories are incomplete memories because they do not include GOD’S response to us and the pain is still there. Once we bring GOD into the memory and experience it with HIM the memory will become more complete and end up being a source of wisdom for us and we'll have the reassurance of GOD’S presence in our lives.

Sitting with GOD

7.   There are 2 comfortable seats to start from ... appreciation memories where we can see and appreciate the signs that GOD cares about us and the world or interaction memories, which is the best place to stay for IMMANUEL experiences, where we can look toward GOD and sense HIS responses toward us. We feel the warm sense of GOD’S personal interest in us as a moment by moment interaction with our spirits and minds. Both need to be real times and places in our life.

8.   And did you know that nothing shows weakness as clearly as weak memories of GOD’S presence combined with strong memories of trauma. Our brain carefully records the impact of trauma with loud signals of fear, anger, hurt, humiliation, loss and dread. And these incomplete memories replay themselves very loudly.

9.   And something else to keep in mind ... for some who have few memories of being loved and special to GOD, these memories will feel weak on the rare days they replay themselves and without practicing appreciation, the pain memories will be much stronger than the appreciation memories.

10. The best seat to explore the painful memories from is the interactive memories seat, where we can sense GOD'S thoughts and feelings toward us, where we can interact and sense GOD'S responses. Many people may not have these kinds of memories, but will have appreciation memories, those that bring a sense of warmth you can feel, in which to start this healing process. The goal when looking at pain memories is to stay in one of our comfortable seats and return to GOD or the appreciation, as soon as possible if we 'fall off' due to pain, distraction or a blockage of some sort.

Sharing with GOD

11. The next step in this process of IMMANUEL healing is to share a state of mind with GOD, that is share feelings and thoughts until we reach GOD peace. So we can begin by telling GOD our reaction to something that caused pain in the present and in just minutes we may become aware that GOD is listening and at this point we may feel some physical changes taking place in our bodies, thoughts stop racing, we can feel or sense GOD'S warm face and an inviting calmness and comfort flowing from HIM. This now becomes an interactive memory for us, as soon as we felt or sensed GOD was listening to us. We begin to feel hopeful and we can then turn our attention to the present and ask GOD why there was a fear, or a sad, or an angry reaction. And then possibly we'll get an image of GOD celebrating and feeling joyful about the very thing that brought us pain. This could bring for us a feeling of shock and surprise, catching us off-guard, not seeming real and not quite sure what to do with it and then suddenly a twinge of excitement may come and we may no longer feel alone, which we may not have even known we felt until it changed. Hopeful feelings may come and feelings that everything is going to be okay may come too.

12. At this point we can ponder whether this GOD rejoicing thought that came was something we came up with or was it inspired by GOD ... "Would GOD really get that excited?" Are there some scriptures we can think of to back this up? Is this the character of GOD? We can test whether the image gave us GOD peace. And ask ourselves "Are things starting to fit together the right way?" ... "Are we noticing relief, peace and hope thinking about GOD with us?" ... Maybe we could even go so far and realize, yes, the thoughts were indeed a gift from GOD! And we may even realize that GOD is showing us what kind of response we should have, if we did not have active pain memories, that is, those events that brought us pain in the present because of a traumatic or painful event from the past. We could become sad at this point. We could return to the painful bad memory where the destructive thoughts or images started. Our thoughts could start racing as our stomach muscles braced. We could feel the pain memory in that place, possibly we were being forced into doing something we did not want to do. We may be feeling ashamed and awkward or vulnerable, unsafe, afraid, maybe even numb, any one of these feelings or maybe all of them, maybe different ones. Not seeing GOD there we return to the interactive memory to be with GOD. In the interactive memory we can ask GOD where the LORD was in the painful bad memory. And even speak out to HIM, "I don't know where YOU are in this place. I have no awareness of YOU whatsoever GOD!" And you could hear HIM saying "Darling I'm right here with you in this place. You are safe. I have your back. I am protecting you through all this "stuff", this yucky stuff you're going through, you're putting yourself through! Can you see ME? I'M here in this place with you. Big ole' ME is all over this place, inside it, outside it, over it, under it, through it, yes ALL around it! I saved you for such a time as this! And now feel MY warmth, feel MY embrace around you, feel MY love. Let ME wash over you with the healing balm of Gilead, cleansing you, refreshing you, showering you with all of MY great, abundant goodness, right here in this place. This will no longer be a place of pain, but one of joy and goodness and safety, love and peace, security and freshness, crisp, new, loving, honorable, good and holy. I came and washed this place with MY blood, yes this place has been washed by the blood of the LAMB and in this place I restore to you all the enemy has stolen from you. You truly are a new creation. All things have been washed away and I have made you brand new! Here's looking at a new you! Hold your head up high and walk in confidence and boldly as I lead you into all the grand things I have for you!

And so there we have it. Once we're comfortable in the interactive memories seat we can just start asking "Where are you GOD in this painful memory?" Sometimes that's all it takes. If not, may want to ask "What keeps me from seeing YOU in this painful memory?"

13.  When we're asking questions of GOD we should follow two instructions. First, we ask questions and then look for responses, which could be words, pictures, thoughts, feelings in our bodies, desires, memories, emotions and shifts. Sometimes they may seem important, sometimes not. If we notice one that doesn't seem important we can ask GOD, "What do I need to know about that?" These are the questions I can be asking. And second we should be watching to see if we fall off our seat.
To be continued ...

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Share IMMANUEL - The Healing Lifestyle by E. James Wilder and Chris M. Coursey

Available through the Shepherd's House at www.lifemodel.org

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