Sunday, May 25, 2014

An still another option ...

Regent University ...

M.A. in Counseling Courses
Course Number Course Description Credit Hours
Residency (0)
COUN 596AResidency Year One (required for online students only)0
COUN 596BResidency Year Two (required for online students only)0
COUN 596CResidency Year Three (required for online students only)0
Core Courses (39)
COUN 500
Orientation to the Counseling Profession
COUN 517
Research & Statistics
COUN 521
Counseling Skills & Techniques
COUN 523
COUN 526
Theories of Counseling
COUN 532
Assessment Techniques in Counseling
COUN 536
Career & Lifestyle Development
COUN 540
Human Growth & Development
COUN 545
Concepts of Family Systems
COUN 554
Group Counseling
COUN 561
Ethics, Professional Orientation & Legal Issues in Counseling
COUN 570
Multicultural Counseling
COUN 578
Counseling & Christian Thought (3)
Clinical Mental Health Counseling Major Courses (21)
COUN 535
Addiction Therapies for Individuals & Families
COUN 538
Psychopathology & Diagnosis
COUN 562
Crisis, Trauma & Clinical Counseling
Electives 1 & 26
COUN 595 A & B
Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (3 credits each)
School Counseling Major Courses (21)
COUN 514
Counseling Children & Adolescents
COUN 516
Principles of School Counseling
COUN 519
Program Development & Evaluation for School Counselors (3)
COUN 535
Addiction Therapies for Individuals & Families
Elective 13
COUN 594 A & B
A & B Internship in School Counseling (3 credits each)
Marriage, Couple & Family Major Courses (21)
COUN 538
Psychopathology & Diagnosis
COUN 546
Marital & CoupleTherapy
COUN 547
Models of Family Therapy (3)
COUN 548
Theories of Human Sexuality
Elective 13
COUN 593 A & B
A & B Internship in Marriage, Couple & Family Counseling (3 credits each)
Possible Electives
COUN 514
Counseling Children & Adolescents
COUN 515
Adult & Gerontological Counseling
COUN 538
Psychopathology & Diagnosis
COUN 546
Marital & CoupleTherapy
COUN 547
Models of Family Therapy (3)
COUN 548
Theories of Human Sexuality
COUN 549
Issues in Sexual Abuse (3)
COUN 550
Counseling of Women
COUN 553
Developmental Marriage and Family Counseling (3)
COUN 560
Business Issues in Professional Practice
COUN 580
Practicum in Trauma Studies (3)
COUN 581A - C
Practicum in Applied Marital Therapy (1 credit each)
Total Required Course Credit Hours60
Cross-listed courses with the Psy.D. program are available for M.A. students with permission of their advisor. Students in the School Counseling major may choose electives from the School of Education with the approval of the student's advisor.

Master's Programs Admissions Requirements

Application Deadlines:

  • M.A. in Counseling—Fall: July 1 | Spring: December 1
  • M.A. in Human Services Counseling—Fall: July 1 | Spring: December 1 | Summer: April 15


Master's applicants must:
  • Hold a B.A. or B.S. from a regionally accredited college or university. Desirable degrees include those in counseling, psychology, or related human behavioral fields. Other degree fields will also be considered.
  • Have a minimum of a 2.75 GPA for all undergraduate coursework (3.0 preferred).

Admissions Process:

Step 1: Application

Submit your application using our Regent University Online Application.
Note: You may begin this application and leave at any time. Your information will be saved and you can login again using the Login ID and PIN you create.

Step 2: Application Fee

Option 1: Pay the $50 application fee online during the application process, via our Miscellaneous Payments Form, or by check or money order mailed to Regent University, Enrollment Support Services, 1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464.
Option 2: Attend a graduate School of Psychology & Counseling on-campus or online information session to learn how to streamline your application process, discover financial aid resources, and waive your $50 application fee. RSVP Today!

Step 3: Personal goals statement

Submit a Personal Goals Statement demonstrating an interest in counseling relative to the program to which you are applying (Human Services, Clinical, Marriage, or School). Please email to the Admissions Office at

Step 4: Writing sample

The admissions committee will evaluate a standardized writing sample for all applicants. Once your online application is complete you can submit the required writing sample through the ETS Criterion Service. This will be an online, timed essay prompt with a pre-determined topic. Applicants will receive immediate feedback on the essay from the ETS Criterion Service and the scores will be sent directly to the SPC Admissions Office. Click here for detailed instructions.

Step 5: Resume

Submit a resumé or curriculum vita. Please email to the Admissions Office at

Step 6: Transcripts

Submit official copies of transcripts from each college or university attended, submitted in a sealed envelope with an authorized signature across the flap of the envelope. Official transcripts may also be sent electronically, directly from the college or university, to
Mailed transcripts should be sent to:
Regent University
Enrollment Support Services, LIB 102
1000 Regent University Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Step 7: Official Test Scores (MA in Counseling applicants, Only)

The Master's in Counseling program requires an entrance exam from either the GRE or the MAT. Applicants for the Master's in Human Services Counseling program do not need to submit exam scores. Waivers are only considered in the following instances: (Please keep in mind waivers are only considered for Master's program applicants.)
  • The applicant has an earned doctorate from a regionally accredited college or university
  • The applicant has completed another master's degree at Regent University with at least a 3.5 GPA
  • The applicant has at least ten years of professional work experience AND a GPA of 3.5 or higher from their last completed degree, from a regionally accredited college or university.
GRE: Graduate Record Exam-General Test
The School of Psychology & Counseling does not require the Psychology Subject Test.
For more information about the GRE you can contact:
GRE (Educational Testing Service), Princeton, NJ 08541, 609-771-7670 / 866-473-4373,
MAT: Miller Analogies Test
To learn more about the MAT visit and register to take the exam online.

Step 8: Recommendation letters

Submit three recommendations: Please use the Recommendation Request Form to provide us with contact information for each of your recommendations. We will use this information to contact each recommender and provide them with the appropriate recommendation form. One recommendation must be from a former professor or instructor capable of evaluating your academic preparation for the type of degree you seek to complete with us. If it has been more than five years since your last schooling, a supervisor recommendation may be submitted in lieu of the faculty recommendation. A clergy recommendation must also be submitted. This may come from a minister, priest or someone else who has the ability to evaluate your spiritual maturity and suitability for graduate study that will include a Christian integration. The third recommendation may be a general reference.

Step 9: Interview

An interview completes the admissions process prior to submitting your file to the admissions committee for their review. Interviews may be completed by phone or in-person, and the Office of Admissions will contact applicants once their application is complete to arrange the interview. In some instances an interview may be conducted via video teleconference.
International student applicants should allow at least 4-6 weeks for an admission decision to be made once the applicant has submitted all required documents to the appropriate offices and has followed all processes and procedures required for an admission decision.
Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4498 or email, should you have any further questions about the admissions process.

Degree ProgramExpected
Credit Hours
Cost Per Credit HourTotal Tuition Before AidAverage Award by ProgramNet Cost Before LoansStafford Loan EligibilityPotential Loan Refund
MA in Counseling24$710$17,040$2,800$14,240$20,500$6,260
MA in Human Services Counseling30$595$17,850$2,400$15,450$20,500$5,050
Ph.D. in CES18$780$14,040$2,850$11,190$20,500$9,310
Psy.D. Program34$780$26,520$4,900$21,620$37,167$15,547

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Homemade Stain Remover (Shout)


  • 2/3 cups Dawn Dishwashing Liquid
  • 2/3 cups ammonia
  • 6 Tblsp baking soda
  • 2 cups warm water
Mix everything together and pour into a spray bottle.
Before you go to use it…if it’s been sitting for awhile…give it a good shake because it does tend to separate a bit. But after a quick shake it’s good to go.
To use: spray on stains as you normally would. I usually let mine “soak in” for a few minutes at least. For particularly stubborn stains, use a small toothbrush or laundry scrub brush, then launder as usual.

Finishing Up on Chuck Pierce's Prayer Focus ...

Pressing Through Multiplication and in to Increase!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Dear Vision-Focused Saints:
I have received so many wonderful comments over the last 10 Days of Developing an Expectation for the Future. This seemed to begin God's dealings with our soul, which is so important this month. I see the Lord raising us up and developing a new identity within us. That is part of the Third Day People. After Esther's three days of fasting, she had a bold new identity to approach the king. There in the inner chamber, she gained favor to overthrow her enemies.
Identity is the collective aspect of a set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known. Identity can also be the behavior or personal characteristics that cause a group to be recognized. Identity is where the personality of an individual or group is fully recognizable as an entity. I have been praying about the corporate identity of the Body. There are some structures that cannot fall in the earth realm without us aligning our individual gifts to become a corporate Kingdom organism. Think about Jericho. That was the invincible fortress that could have blocked God's people from entering into the Promised Land. However, because they moved corporately, that which appeared invincible fell.
Below are the remaining days in our ongoing 40-day focus in this transition season of counting the Omer between Passover and Pentecost. May these 13 days help you break through into the identity that God has for you at this hour, and how He longs for you to multiply and increase.
13 Days of Restoring, Redefining and Establishing Vision!
Day 28: Read Acts 8-9. Notice how Saul's identity changed to Paul. Ask God to drop any scales from your eyes that are keeping you from seeing His plan for your future.
Day 29: Read John 1, Matthew 16, Acts 10-11. Notice the transformation of Peter. His identity was prophesied in John 1. He tapped into revelation in Matthew 16, and then began to come into his true identity in Acts. Follow this pattern in your own life. Also notice the difference between the church in Antioch and the church in Jerusalem. The identity of the church in Antioch was truly apostolic. Ask God to cause the Church today to begin to come into its new identity.
Day 30: Read Revelation 1-3. Notice the Revelator. Ask the Spirit of God to catch you up into a new place of revelation. Notice what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches. Ask the Lord to speak to you and let you hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church today.
Day 31: Read Revelation 4-5. Ask the Lord to bring you up into a new place of worship. Ask the Lord to reveal to you what is happening in the Heavens.
Day 32: Read Revelation 12, 18, 19. Ask the Lord to show you how to war in the earth. Ask Him to show you how to protect that which is being brought forth in this hour on your behalf. Declare Babylonian structures that have you held captive will begin to fall.
Day 33: Read Revelation 20-22. Ask the Lord to give you a vision of the River of Life. Ask the Lord to show you the Armies of Heaven. Declare all things are being made new and that you have a glorious new identity. Exalt the Lord for being Alpha and Omega in your life.
Day 34: Read Isaiah 61-62. You are anointed! Do not keep silent. Ask the Lord how to confess your faith. Go through your new gate. Decree that you are not a city forsaken but that you will be "SOUGHT AFTER." The redeemed of the Lord say SO. Shout "SO!"
Day 35: Read 1 Samuel 16, 17, 30; 2 Samuel 1, 2, 3:1, 5, 6. I know this day has a lot of reading, yet this will take you through the three anointings of David. In other words, David was anointed to be king but his identity still had to form. Some of you have been in a hard place of forming identity. Do not be discouraged - there is a new anointing ahead. At the end of reading these chapters (I suggest you read three in the morning, three at noon, and two at night), thank God for your next anointing. Anoint yourself before you go to sleep and decree that your identity has shifted.
Day 36: Read 2 Samuel 5-8. The real issue in this passage was getting the Ark and God's presence central. Once the Ark is central, all things are added and will multiply.
Day 37: Read Amos 9. David's Tabernacle is being restored in the earth in this generation. Declare that the Tabernacle of David will be restored in your life, family, church, city, state and nation. You have a good future! Expect God to move on your behalf! Stake your claim!
Day 38: Read Acts 15. This is where the Church agreed with the prophetic word from Amos 9 and declared that its identity would not reflect the legalism from the past. Ask the Lord to cut through all of the conflict that is keeping you from seeing the future.
Day 39: Read Deut. 8 and 28, especially verse 28:8. He gives you power and strength to gain wealth so you can advance His covenant plan for your life. Ask Him for power and strength to gain wealth. Many times we are afraid to ask for this. Ask the Lord to "command a blessing on your storehouse." If you do not have a storehouse, ask the Lord to give you a plan to develop one.
Day 40: Read Prov. 3; 2 Kings 4, 8:1-6. Mistrust stops you from prospering. Trust the Lord and ask Him to redirect your path. That means to straighten out and make right the way ahead. Review your giving. Make sure you are aligned properly in giving. Honor the Lord with your firstfruits and tithes so your barns will be filled and your vats will overflow. Prepare a special Pentecost gift. Send it to those that are causing you to advance spiritually. Look at the two women in 2 Kings 4 and 8. They began to prosper and their supply does not stop. Even in the midst of drought, the testimony of giving overcomes.
Chuck D. Pierce


All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them.
- Walt Disney

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;
not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France

Life expands to fill your dreams.

Believe in yourself. Dream big dreams.
Set important goals. Take action on those goals.

To live a great life requires two steps...
1. Plan your life goals.
2. Act on your plan - every day.

Today's affirmation:
Standing in the inspiring vision of my future,
I boldly take every step - large and small -
with courage and intent.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

DIY Coconut Milk Deep Conditioner

  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup cheepie condish (like Suave)
  • 2 Tbsp honey, agave nectar or your fav humectant
Mix ingredients in a small bowl then apply to clean hair. Cover hair with plastic cap and allow to sit for 20 minutes. Rinse hair using warm water and finish with a shot of cool water. Seal and style as usual.
- See more at:

DIY Deep Conditioner for Curly Hair

  • 1/4 cup Coconut Milk (Make sure to mix up the coconut milk when you open the can so you don't get a 1/4 cup of just the cream)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tbsp greek yogurt
  • 2-3 drops rosemary or lavender essential oil
  1. Mix all of your ingredients together in a small bowl or blender.
  2. Apply to hair in sections. Comb through to ensure even distribution.
  3. Put your hair up in a shower cap.
  4. Let the conditioner sit for 30-45 mins.
  5. Wash as you normally would.
A few notes on why the particular ingredients in this conditioner are great for hair:

DIY Curl Conditioner
Coconut Milk: Stimulates growth, restores damaged hair, can sometimes loosen curls. I read on a couple of websites that homemade coconut milk works better than store bought. Jillee has directions for making your own here.

DIY Curl Conditioner
Honey: Softens and smooths hair, boosts hair growth, antibacterial, increases shine

DIY Curl Conditioner
Coconut Oil: Moisturizes and strengthens hair, helps fight dandruff

DIY Curl Conditioner
Greek Yogurt: Moisturizes and strengthens hairs, increases shine, helps fight dandruff

DIY Curl Conditioner
Rosemary Essential Oil: Cleanses, strengthens and nourishes hair follicles and encourages growth
Lavender Essential Oil: Antibacterial and great for dandruff

Love this word from the LORD through Marsha Burns ...

Take every opportunity to rise above the pettiness and distraction of the issues of life. You can only do this as you deal with thoughts and emotions that are ungodly. Look to Me and have faith that I will lead you to a higher place in the Spirit so that your thoughts, speech and actions reflect My character and nature, says the Lord. Spiritual unity will be the result of establishing yourself in agreement with all that I am.

John 17:20-23 "I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me."

Word from the LORD to pray through Ras Robinson

May 22, 2014. You are the product of many intercessions. You had parents and grandparents who trusted in Me. Now give spiritual birth to all your descendants. You are the product of such prayers. Believe Me for salvation of those who don't know Me. Bring them before Me. I will act if you will pray. As your ancestors have prayed, now it is your turn. Your heart is broken over some who have strayed as if they never knew Me. Get on your knees and bring them back to me. Never give up. Trust Me.
Psalm 22:4-5 (NASB) "In you our fathers trusted; they trusted and you delivered them. To You they cried out and were delivered; in You they trusted and were not disappointed." Ras Robinson

An here's another educational idea ...

Bachelor of Arts

Counseling Major

Family Systems Concentration

Program Director: Dennis E. Cox, Ph.D.

The Counseling major provides foundational preparation in counseling theory from both a professional and Biblical perspective along with professional preparation in counseling laboratory and internship experience. The major is designed for those who plan to provide counseling as part of their Christian ministry (e.g., pastors, youth ministers, missionaries, evangelists, etc.) and for those who want to prepare for graduate education in counseling.

The Family Systems concentration provides the training necessary to understand and intervene with family and marital problems in a variety of ministry and community settings. It will form the basis for careers in church and para-church ministries including counseling, youth, and education. It will also help qualify for careers in community settings; foster care case manager, Child Protective Investigator, and behavior coach.

Students successfully completing this program will demonstrate:
1. A basic understanding of counseling theory including personality development, small group dynamics, marriage and family theory, and the grief process, along with the relevant community resources.
2. An approach to counseling that is based on both sound theology and counseling theory, and
3. A professional level of interview, diagnostic, and treatment planning skills.

Concentration Requirements

I. General Studies 40 Credits

Skills for College Success 1

Freshman Composition I 3

Freshman Composition II 3

Introduction to Public Speaking 3

Introduction to Philosophy 3

Literature Electives 6

Fine Arts Elective 3

General Psychology 3

History Electives 6

General Education Elective 3

Introduction to Computers 0

Math Elective 3

Darwinism and Intelligent Design 3

II. Bible and Theology 54 Credits

Old Testament Law and History 3

Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy 3

Life and Revelation of Christ 3

New Testament History and Letters 3

Romans 3

Hermeneutics 3

Bible and Theology Electives 12

Systematic Theology I 3

Systematic Theology II 3

Systematic Theology III 3

II. Bible and Theology (continued)

Systematic Theology IV 3

Apologetics 3

Theology Elective 3

Evangelism and Discipleship 3

World Missions and Religions 3

III. Major 30 Credits

Core Courses:

Interpersonal Communication 3

Introduction to Counseling 3

Developmental Psychology 3

Counseling Nontraditional Families 3

Marriage and Family Communication 3

Counseling Children 3

Internship (2 semesters) 0

Elective Courses, 12 credits from among:

Crisis Counseling

Pre-Marital and Marriage Counseling

Educational Psychology

Counseling Adolescents

Seminar in Group Dynamics



Counseling Skills Lab


Program s o f Study / 55

ProgramsofStudy/ 55

Suggested Four-Year Program

for the Counseling Major

Family Systems Concentration

Freshman Year

Fall Semester - 13 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

SLS 1105 Skills for College Success
1 GNMN 1302 Evangelism and Discipleship 3

MISS 1301 World Missions and Religions 3 BIBL 1322 O.T. Poetry and Prophecy 3

BIBL 1311 O.T. Law and History 3

ENC 1102 Freshman Composition II 3

SPC 1608 Introduction to Public Speaking
3 PSY 1012 General Psychology 3

ENC 1101 Freshman Composition I
3 SPC 1300 Interpersonal Communication 3

CMPU 0301 Introduction to Computers

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester - 15 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

BIBL 2301 Life and Revelation of Christ 3 BIBL 2321 N.T. History and Letters 3

BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics 3 XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3

GEEL xxxx General Education Elective
3 ISC 1502 Darwinism and Intelligent Design 3

HIST xxxx History Elective
3 HIST xxxx History Elective 3

COUN 2301 Introduction to Counseling 3 DEP 2004 Developmental Psychology 3

Junior Year

Fall Semester - 18 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

THEO 3301 Systematic Theology I 3 THEO 3302 Systematic Theology II 3

XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3

LIT xxxx Literature Elective
3 XXXX xxxx Math Elective 3

PHI 1014 Introduction to Philosophy
3 SYG 1431 Marriage & Family Communication 3

COUN 3314 Counseling Nontraditional Families 3 COUN 3304 Counseling Children 3

XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3

Senior Year

Fall Semester - 18 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

THEO 4321 Systematic Theology III 3 THEO 4331 Systematic Theology IV 3

THEO 4311 Apologetics 3 BIBL 4301 Romans 3

THEO xxxx Theology Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3

FNAR xxxx Fine Arts Elective
3 LIT xxxx Literature Elective 3

XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3 COUN 4082 Counseling Internship 0

COUN 4081 Counseling Internship 0

Bold indicates courses in the Bible and Theology Core.

Italics indicates courses in the General Education Core.

Regular type indicates courses in the major.

An Educational Option

Graduate Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy


The Department of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling is pleased to offer a Graduate Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy. This multidisciplinary certificate began in the Spring of 2000.
US News & World Report ranked Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) as one of the 50 best careers of 2010. MFT is also becoming one of the fastest growing fields in the national health care system. MFT has evolved from an auxiliary profession into a field of its own. It blends the resources and contributions of both medical and non-medical fields into a uniquely integrated discipline. Relationship and family problems are the leading cause of referrals to mental health delivery systems. Currently, more than 1.8 million people are receiving treatment from a marriage and family therapist.
Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) are mental health professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and relationship disorders. MFTs specialize in treating mental disorders in the systemic context of marital and family relationships. They work with individuals, couples, and families in these systems to change behavioral patterns so that problems can be addressed and resolved.
The MFT Graduate Certificate enables professionals in mental health, rehabilitation counseling, counselor education, social work, psychology, and other human service fields to enhance their knowledge and skills in marriage and family therapy. Upon completion of the MFT Graduate Certificate Program, students will have a theoretical understanding of individual, marital, and family systems. Additionally, they will learn ways to strengthen relationships, prevent problems from arising within the family, and increase the quality of marriage, family life, and other relationships.
The certificate is a two Track 15 credit hour program with course content that focuses on systemic approaches to both the theory and practice of MFT and includes a supervised practicum course. Upon graduation from the Master's in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling and completion of the MFT Certificate, students would be eligible to become registered as both a Mental Health Counselor Intern and as a Marriage and Family Therapy Intern, and therefore, eligible for dual licensure.

Course List

The Graduate Certificate in MFT offers two 15 credit Tracks for graduation. Track I along with a Master's degree in a related field is designed to prepare students to meet the curriculum requirements and practicum experience for MFT Licensure by the Florida Department of Health Board. Track II is designed to prepare students to understand family dynamics and to learn how to work with couples and families in a clinical setting but does not meet the curriculum requirements and practicum experience for MFT Licensure.
CEU/licensure credit: Please visit soc_applicant.html for information on qualifications for licens­ing in Florida as a Marriage and Family Therapist

Required Courses: Track I (15 credits)

  • RCS 6930 Dynamics of Marriage and Family Therapy (3)
  • RCS 6930 Human sexuality (3)
  • RCS 6930 Family Therapy Theories and Techniques (3)
  • RCS 6930 Marriage Therapy, Theory and Techniques (3)
  • RCS 6803 MFT Practicum II (Minimum of 80 hours of face to face time with clients with an additional 100 hours of face to face time if planning on obtaining an MFT license) (3)

Required Courses: Track II (15 credits)

  • RCS 6930 Dynamics of Marriage and Family Therapy (3)
  • RCS 6803 MFT Practicum II (Minimum of 80 hours of face to face time with clients with an additional 100 hours of face to face time if planning on obtaining an MFT license) (3)

Electives (complete 3 of the following courses)

  • RCS 6930 Family Therapy Theories and Techniques (3)
  • RCS 6930 Marriage Therapy, Theory and Techniques (3)
  • RCS 6930 Medical Family Therapy (3)
  • RCS 6930 Human sexuality (3)

Course Sequencing & Schedule

The Certificate has a specific sequence of courses to prepare students with the basic knowledge needed to excel in the more clinically advanced courses. Each course is offered on a rotating basis with at least two courses being offered every semester. The MFT practicum II course is offered every Fall and Spring semester. Students can complete the certificate within a year.

Course Sequencing for Track I & II

No pre-requisites required

  • RCS 6930 Dynamics of Marriage and Family Therapy
  • RCS 6930 Human Sexuality

One pre-requisite required
(Dynamics of Marriage and Family Therapy)

  • RCS 6930 Family Therapy Theories and Techniques
  • RCS 6930 Marriage Therapy, Theory and Techniques
  • RCS 6930 Medical Family Therapy

Two pre-requisites required
(Dynamics of Marriage and Family Therapy; Family Therapy Theories and Techniques or Marriage Therapy, Theory and Techniques)

  • RCS 6803 MFT Practicum II
    **In order to enroll in MFT Practicum II students must have completed all Practicum II course pre-requisites including a Practicum I.**
Click here for the Course Schedule Opens in a new window

The Faculty

The faculty consists of University of South Florida professors with many years of both clinical and teaching experience. The MFT Graduate Certificate also uses experts from academic and research departments within the University and surrounding professional community.

Core Faculty

  • Ryan G. Henry, Ph.D., LMFT
    Dr. Henry is a full-time faculty member in the Department of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling and is the Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Certificate Program. He has worked in both agency settings and private practice serving individuals, couples, and families. He is a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. His clinical specialties include working with couples dealing with pornography addiction and extra marital affairs.

Adjunct Faculty

  • Richard Weinberg, Ph.D.
    Dr. Weinberg is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling and a Clinical Associate Professor in the Florida Mental Health Institute. He is a licensed psychologist (Florida) and completed a supervised family therapy internship at Massachusetts General Hospital as well as training with the Gainesville Family Therapy Institute. He maintains a private practice specializing in work with individuals, couples and families.

Admission Requirements

To qualify for admission into the MFT Graduate Certificate Program students must have completed or be in the process of completing a master’s degree in the field of counseling or a related discipline leading to the coursework necessary to prepare them for a Marriage and Family Therapy Practicum. Students must apply before completing their first course in the certificate program.
To apply, a student must:
  1. Complete the MFT Graduate Certificate Application (non-USF students must include a $30 application fee).
  2. Complete a 250 word personal statement.
  3. Resume
  4. Two letters of recommendation
  5. Transcripts from master's program
  6. Complete a personal interview.


For more information on the Therapy Marriage and Family Certificate, please contact:
Ryan G. Henry, Ph.D., LMFT
MFT Certificate Director
Department of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
University of South Florida
13301 Bruce B. Downs Blvd, MHC 1632
Tampa, FL 33612
Phone: (813) 974-0969
Fax: (813) 974-8080
Applications are available on the Graduate Certificate Web Page: Graduate Certificate in Marriage Family Therapy (XMF) Opens in a new window

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Another Educational Option

Master of Arts in REHABILITATION AND MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING with a Concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy

Program Information
The Department of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling trains counselors to work with physically, mentally, emotionally, and chemically disabled individuals. Training emphasizes psychological, social, medical, and vocational aspects of disability, and also the development and refinement of personal adjustment counseling skills. Graduates with this M.A. are prepared for careers as both rehabilitation specialists and mental health counselors.
The Department offers only the M.A. degree. Most students are admitted after earning a baccalaureate degree in one of the behavioral, social, health-related, or educational disciplines (REH). A Five-Year Program (REF–currently not open for admission) is available to undergraduates with strong academic credentials, and undergraduates interested in this program should contact the department during their sophomore year. The Department offers two areas of concentration that may also lead to a certificate: (1) Addictions and Substance Abuse Counseling; (2) Marriage and Family Therapy. Each student may elect to pursue a program of specialization in any of these areas. The Addictions and Substance Abuse counseling program is approved by the Certification Board for Addictions Professionals of Florida (CBAPF Approved Provider #179A). Upon completion of at least 75% of the program, students are eligible to sit for the national examination to become a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). Upon graduation, individuals are also eligible to take the examination for the state licensure as a Mental Health Counselor. Upon completion of 1500 hours of post-graduate clinical supervision graduates receive their state license as a Mental Health Counselor. For a complete description of the department and its program, visit the department's Web page.

Total Minimum Program Hours Required: 60

Program Degree Requirements
The department offers both a thesis and a non-thesis program. There is no language requirement; however, a comprehensive examination is required of all students. The following 54-hour core curriculum is consistent with national certification standards for rehabilitation counselors and must be taken by all students (post-baccalaureate, thesis, and non-thesis).

 Foundations of Mental Health Counseling
 Human Growth & Development
 Legal & Ethical Issues & Professional Standards
 Rehabilitation Counseling: Concepts & Applications
 Medical Aspects of Disability
 Substance Abuse I
 Individual Evaluation & Assessment
 Human Sexuality
 Career & Lifestyle Assessment
 Diagnosis & Treatment Psychopathology
 Counseling & Community Settings
 Social & Cultural Foundations
 Group Theories and Practice
 Counseling Theories and Practice
 Research & Program Evaluation
 Practicum In Counseling

Non-Thesis Students in the non-thesis program must complete a minimum of 60 hours in the Post-Baccalaureate Program (REH). Two electives (6 credits) may be taken from Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling offerings or from offerings outside the department with the consent of an advisor.
All students are initially admitted to the non-thesis program. Admitted students may subsequently apply to the faculty for a thesis program. Students in a thesis program must complete a minimum of 60 hours in the Post-Baccalaureate Program (54-hour) core curriculum plus a minimum of three (3) hours of RCS 6970. An oral defense of the thesis is required.

Marriage and Family Therapy
Human Sexuality
 Seminar: Dynamics of  Marriage and Family Therapy
 Seminar: Marital Therapy, Theory, and Techniques
 Seminar: Family Therapy, Theory, and Techniques
 Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy

The written comprehensive examination assesses the student’s understanding of the significant content and process areas of the program curriculum.

Thesis: Master's

Resident Tuition Rates per Credit Hour 2013/2014

Course Location

Undergraduate Level

Graduate Level
(5000 & Up)



St Petersburg




Lakeland Teach-Out


A nice and short word for today from Marsha Burns ...

Refuse to allow any darkness at all in your soul or spirit. Walk in the light of truth. Be kind and do good to everyone in your sphere of influence. It is time to cleanse your heart of all offense and be a vessel of My love, says the Spirit of the Lord. Rise up to a new and solid place of peace and righteousness in your heart.

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

And Another Spin on Life Coaching vs Counseling

Life coaches and counseling psychologists both help people to live better and more fulfilled lives. While the nature of these positions is similar, the techniques and viewpoint of the practitioner differs. Life coaches are coaches -- there to push and motivate their clients to do more or be better. Counseling psychologists, on the other hand, help clients through therapy to resolve issues and to fix problems that are holding them back.

Life Coaching

According to the Certified Coaches Federation, life coaching deals with helping people to live life to its fullest potential. Life coaches support clients to obtain goals. These goals can be anything the client wants to achieve, including things at work, in relationships, their lifestyle and or their health. The life coach helps their client see how they can get ahead, including identifying and capitalizing on their strengths and holding the client accountable. Through coaching, clients learn to believe in themselves and to follow through to achieve goals. The CCF defines coaching as “a professional relationship that helps people break through their limitations to achieve extraordinary results.”

Becoming a Life Coach

Life coaches are not counselors or therapists; they cannot diagnose or treat patients in a mental health setting. While they might help a client manage or overcome unwanted habits or behavior, they are not doing so in a medical or therapeutic manner and generally are not licensed psychologists or counselors. According to the Certified Coaches Federation, coaches generally use their expertise, experience and skills from another profession to become a coach. Coaches may obtain certification through an organization such as the CCF by completing training requirements and experience requirements, or from the International Association of Coaching by demonstrating your mastery of IAC Coaching Masteries by passing an exam. Many life coaches work independently or in a consulting nature.

Counseling Pyschology

Counseling psychologists are a specialty area within the psychology profession. These practitioners focus on helping a diverse population achieve well-being across their life span. According to the American Psychological Association Division 17, this specialty focuses on the “emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental and organizational concerns” of individuals and organizations. They work with clients to resolve specific problems or dysfunction, helping people improve their lives by fixing what is wrong.

Becoming a Counseling Psychologist

Counseling psychologists are licensed counselors in the state they practice. They follow the American Psychological Association ethics and standards and generally have a doctoral degree. These professionals learn theory, diagnosis and counseling in a university setting and complete supervised practicums, internships and post-doctorate work. Counseling psychologists often work in college or university counseling centers or mental health facilities. While counseling psychologists are not medical doctors and cannot prescribe medication, they often work in conjunction with a medical team to help diagnose and to treat mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Here's One Spin on Coaching vs. Counseling

If you are wondering whether to pursue counseling or coaching, here are some guidelines to help you make the decision. It is not a matter of one professional service being better than the other in a global sense, but of which one best fits your present circumstances, needs and goals. Whereas some professional service providers offer only one modality or the other, StreamTree Associates offers both - and we value both very highly!

Generally, counseling is best at dealing with something that's wrong: for example, emotional problems such as depression or anxiety, relational problems such as marital discord or a breach of trust, or the ongoing effects of previous traumatic experiences. It is especially focused on healing and recovery.

In coaching, while there may be certain things that are blocking a person's forward progress, the starting place is not with a "presenting problem," but with a goal or vision for the future, or a desire to improve one's life. It is focused on being proactive, setting goals and taking action.


There are seasons and phases in our lives. A person might do best with counseling at one time and with coaching at another. If the need is for emotional healing or to get through a time of feeling overwhelmed, depressed, confused or very anxious, counseling might be the best option. Almost all of us have times in our lives when we feel one or more of those emotions. If we are mainly dealing with overcoming difficult memories or traumatic events in our past, counseling is designed to deal with those issues.

If a person is feeling impaired in his or her work, relationships or emotional life, or if the present need seems to be just to cope, or if a person feels "in survival mode," counseling may be called for.


On the other hand, if a person's present focus is oriented toward the future and the need is to design and implement goals, develop strategies, achieve a more balanced life and a better quality of life, coaching may be the best option. If you feel in a frame of mind to make decisions and move ahead (though perhaps not being sure what decisions to make or which direction to move), coaching is an excellent way to get focused and begin to get traction - or to increase your momentum toward a goal you have already been pursuing. Coaching can be a way for people to define their values, identify their strengths, and jumpstart their creativity.

A Season for Every Activity...

An old verse of Wisdom says, "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: ...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance...." There is a season where our need may be counseling (which can be very intense and very freeing), and another where we are ready to more aggressively move ahead with coaching.

If you are still unsure which would be best for you, we would welcome a call from you to discuss your situation and help you decide. It is also possible to switch from one to the other if that becomes appropriate or if your needs change. Finally, in some situations it may be appropriate to do both concurrently.

Monday, May 19, 2014

And still yet another great word that moved me! Thank YOU LORD, thank you to The Elijah List and to you Lana Vawser!

Lana Vawser:
Lana VawserThe time of Jubilee is upon the Church! GOD is moving! Broken hearts are being restored and healed. A time of louder singing as He provides, a time of dancing upon impossibilities, and circumstances suddenly turning and changing by the breath of God over them.
Psalm 37:4 is becoming manifest in many lives in this time of Jubilee. "If you make God the utmost delight and pleasure of life, every longing within you will be fulfilled." (The Passion Translation)
Longings are being fulfilled as God is delighted in by His people! Longings of years are being fulfilled.
Do not look to the left or to the right of how others are having longings fulfilled and you are feeling left behind. Do not compare yourself with others. God is faithful to you and He will fulfil His Word in your life as you make Him your delight. Rejoice when you hear of others receiving their breakthrough and know that you are next in line.
The enemy is attempting to cloud vision with disappointment, but He will not disappoint you. This is a time of Jubilee, the Lord's favour being extended and released in greater ways.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Dry, Dead Bones Will Sing
Dry, dead bones that were long forgotten about are suddenly about to rise up and sing and testify to the magnificent God who resurrects and restores hopes, dreams, and desires lost.
Even many circumstances are going to turn and testify to the greatness of God and release a huge hope infusion into His people, which will not only bring them to life again but see them release the hope of Heaven and hope in a wonderful, faithful GOD to those around them, especially those who do not yet know Him.
Seven Mountains Of Influence
LA Skyline Mountains by NserranoThere is a great harvest happening on the earth right now. The young and old are turning to Jesus in rapid increase! A time of Jubilee is here! The hope of Heaven is being infused into the earth in greater momentum. The marketplace is being transformed rapidly and violently by love; the seven mountains of influence (Church/Religion, Education, Family, Government, Media, Arts/Entertainment, Business/Finance) are being impacted by love, and hope is being infused into them. There is a great change happening in the world, and it is important now to keep your eyes on those seven mountains of influence and watch how the Lord is going to see them radically transformed and changed by His love. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
I sense the seven mountains burning in the Spirit right now. God is raising up people right now in these seven mountains with great favour to bring Kingdom ideas, new creativity, teaching them the ways of God, bringing transformation to those seven cultural influences. Key, influential people in these seven mountains are being and going to be radically transformed by LOVE, which will then release a wave of radical transformation and change into the culture and the world.
Dream big concerning these seven mountains. It is happening now. God is releasing great favour upon some of His people to bring radical change to these mountains and the wave to be released from there to impact nations. Pray for these seven mountains of influence and culture and those called to minister in there, for they are going to be a catalyst and key for a great revival and harvest.
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser is married to Kevin, and they are living in Australia with their two sons. Lana and Kevin's heart is to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. They have a heart to see people free and walking in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day.
Lana preaches regularly and ministers prophetically, through both the pulpit and the Internet, calling people into a constant pursuit of His heart and hearing His voice for themselves and others.
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