Thursday, May 22, 2014

An here's another educational idea ...

Bachelor of Arts

Counseling Major

Family Systems Concentration

Program Director: Dennis E. Cox, Ph.D.

The Counseling major provides foundational preparation in counseling theory from both a professional and Biblical perspective along with professional preparation in counseling laboratory and internship experience. The major is designed for those who plan to provide counseling as part of their Christian ministry (e.g., pastors, youth ministers, missionaries, evangelists, etc.) and for those who want to prepare for graduate education in counseling.

The Family Systems concentration provides the training necessary to understand and intervene with family and marital problems in a variety of ministry and community settings. It will form the basis for careers in church and para-church ministries including counseling, youth, and education. It will also help qualify for careers in community settings; foster care case manager, Child Protective Investigator, and behavior coach.

Students successfully completing this program will demonstrate:
1. A basic understanding of counseling theory including personality development, small group dynamics, marriage and family theory, and the grief process, along with the relevant community resources.
2. An approach to counseling that is based on both sound theology and counseling theory, and
3. A professional level of interview, diagnostic, and treatment planning skills.

Concentration Requirements

I. General Studies 40 Credits

Skills for College Success 1

Freshman Composition I 3

Freshman Composition II 3

Introduction to Public Speaking 3

Introduction to Philosophy 3

Literature Electives 6

Fine Arts Elective 3

General Psychology 3

History Electives 6

General Education Elective 3

Introduction to Computers 0

Math Elective 3

Darwinism and Intelligent Design 3

II. Bible and Theology 54 Credits

Old Testament Law and History 3

Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy 3

Life and Revelation of Christ 3

New Testament History and Letters 3

Romans 3

Hermeneutics 3

Bible and Theology Electives 12

Systematic Theology I 3

Systematic Theology II 3

Systematic Theology III 3

II. Bible and Theology (continued)

Systematic Theology IV 3

Apologetics 3

Theology Elective 3

Evangelism and Discipleship 3

World Missions and Religions 3

III. Major 30 Credits

Core Courses:

Interpersonal Communication 3

Introduction to Counseling 3

Developmental Psychology 3

Counseling Nontraditional Families 3

Marriage and Family Communication 3

Counseling Children 3

Internship (2 semesters) 0

Elective Courses, 12 credits from among:

Crisis Counseling

Pre-Marital and Marriage Counseling

Educational Psychology

Counseling Adolescents

Seminar in Group Dynamics



Counseling Skills Lab


Program s o f Study / 55

ProgramsofStudy/ 55

Suggested Four-Year Program

for the Counseling Major

Family Systems Concentration

Freshman Year

Fall Semester - 13 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

SLS 1105 Skills for College Success
1 GNMN 1302 Evangelism and Discipleship 3

MISS 1301 World Missions and Religions 3 BIBL 1322 O.T. Poetry and Prophecy 3

BIBL 1311 O.T. Law and History 3

ENC 1102 Freshman Composition II 3

SPC 1608 Introduction to Public Speaking
3 PSY 1012 General Psychology 3

ENC 1101 Freshman Composition I
3 SPC 1300 Interpersonal Communication 3

CMPU 0301 Introduction to Computers

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester - 15 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

BIBL 2301 Life and Revelation of Christ 3 BIBL 2321 N.T. History and Letters 3

BIBL 2331 Hermeneutics 3 XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3

GEEL xxxx General Education Elective
3 ISC 1502 Darwinism and Intelligent Design 3

HIST xxxx History Elective
3 HIST xxxx History Elective 3

COUN 2301 Introduction to Counseling 3 DEP 2004 Developmental Psychology 3

Junior Year

Fall Semester - 18 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

THEO 3301 Systematic Theology I 3 THEO 3302 Systematic Theology II 3

XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3

LIT xxxx Literature Elective
3 XXXX xxxx Math Elective 3

PHI 1014 Introduction to Philosophy
3 SYG 1431 Marriage & Family Communication 3

COUN 3314 Counseling Nontraditional Families 3 COUN 3304 Counseling Children 3

XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3

Senior Year

Fall Semester - 18 credits Spring Semester - 15 credits

THEO 4321 Systematic Theology III 3 THEO 4331 Systematic Theology IV 3

THEO 4311 Apologetics 3 BIBL 4301 Romans 3

THEO xxxx Theology Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Bible and Theology Elective 3

FNAR xxxx Fine Arts Elective
3 LIT xxxx Literature Elective 3

XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3 XXXX xxxx Major Elective 3 COUN 4082 Counseling Internship 0

COUN 4081 Counseling Internship 0

Bold indicates courses in the Bible and Theology Core.

Italics indicates courses in the General Education Core.

Regular type indicates courses in the major.

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