Monday, May 5, 2014

Precious Gems From The Heavenlies ~ Golden Nuggets From The LORD

Set your mind on the best things. You have to use your imagination to do this. You have to think outside of the box. Imagine those things you’ve been learning you love ... standing, running, romping, in a big huge field of flowers, with your arms wide open, twirling all around, looking all over with amazement, sunny, joyful, lovely, really lovely ...

and the beach with beautiful blue, green, crystal clear water and a clean, white sandy beach, basking in the rays ...

and a shiny, fancy, vintage, antique convertible ...

now imagine better, something better than this, the best things ... the best is yet to come ... the latter years will be better than the former years. You are becoming all I'VE created you to be. Learning what I want you to learn, seeing what I want you to see, doing what I want you to do, thinking what I want you to think, loving the way I want you to love and how grand is all of that. It’s grander than anything, grander than everything! That’s what I want you to walk in now and forevermore ... an abundant, victorious life, full of the promises and the dreams that encompass your life right now, right here in this place. All of your dreams, all of your plans, all of your ups and all of your downs have brought you to this place and I want you to know that it is a wonderful place. I want you to feel it in your very being that it is marvelous place to be! All of the things that have happened, I’m taking them, each and every incident and turning it all around for your good, for your best, so you can become the ‘unchained beauty’ I have created you to be!

Romans 8:28 And we know that GOD causes all things to work together for good to those who love GOD, to those who are called according to HIS purpose.

1 comment:

  1. "Unchained Beauty" I like that, this was/is a NOW word for me today, Patricia Northey. Thank you for your faithful obedience to our Lord.
