Thursday, May 22, 2014

Finishing Up on Chuck Pierce's Prayer Focus ...

Pressing Through Multiplication and in to Increase!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Dear Vision-Focused Saints:
I have received so many wonderful comments over the last 10 Days of Developing an Expectation for the Future. This seemed to begin God's dealings with our soul, which is so important this month. I see the Lord raising us up and developing a new identity within us. That is part of the Third Day People. After Esther's three days of fasting, she had a bold new identity to approach the king. There in the inner chamber, she gained favor to overthrow her enemies.
Identity is the collective aspect of a set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known. Identity can also be the behavior or personal characteristics that cause a group to be recognized. Identity is where the personality of an individual or group is fully recognizable as an entity. I have been praying about the corporate identity of the Body. There are some structures that cannot fall in the earth realm without us aligning our individual gifts to become a corporate Kingdom organism. Think about Jericho. That was the invincible fortress that could have blocked God's people from entering into the Promised Land. However, because they moved corporately, that which appeared invincible fell.
Below are the remaining days in our ongoing 40-day focus in this transition season of counting the Omer between Passover and Pentecost. May these 13 days help you break through into the identity that God has for you at this hour, and how He longs for you to multiply and increase.
13 Days of Restoring, Redefining and Establishing Vision!
Day 28: Read Acts 8-9. Notice how Saul's identity changed to Paul. Ask God to drop any scales from your eyes that are keeping you from seeing His plan for your future.
Day 29: Read John 1, Matthew 16, Acts 10-11. Notice the transformation of Peter. His identity was prophesied in John 1. He tapped into revelation in Matthew 16, and then began to come into his true identity in Acts. Follow this pattern in your own life. Also notice the difference between the church in Antioch and the church in Jerusalem. The identity of the church in Antioch was truly apostolic. Ask God to cause the Church today to begin to come into its new identity.
Day 30: Read Revelation 1-3. Notice the Revelator. Ask the Spirit of God to catch you up into a new place of revelation. Notice what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches. Ask the Lord to speak to you and let you hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church today.
Day 31: Read Revelation 4-5. Ask the Lord to bring you up into a new place of worship. Ask the Lord to reveal to you what is happening in the Heavens.
Day 32: Read Revelation 12, 18, 19. Ask the Lord to show you how to war in the earth. Ask Him to show you how to protect that which is being brought forth in this hour on your behalf. Declare Babylonian structures that have you held captive will begin to fall.
Day 33: Read Revelation 20-22. Ask the Lord to give you a vision of the River of Life. Ask the Lord to show you the Armies of Heaven. Declare all things are being made new and that you have a glorious new identity. Exalt the Lord for being Alpha and Omega in your life.
Day 34: Read Isaiah 61-62. You are anointed! Do not keep silent. Ask the Lord how to confess your faith. Go through your new gate. Decree that you are not a city forsaken but that you will be "SOUGHT AFTER." The redeemed of the Lord say SO. Shout "SO!"
Day 35: Read 1 Samuel 16, 17, 30; 2 Samuel 1, 2, 3:1, 5, 6. I know this day has a lot of reading, yet this will take you through the three anointings of David. In other words, David was anointed to be king but his identity still had to form. Some of you have been in a hard place of forming identity. Do not be discouraged - there is a new anointing ahead. At the end of reading these chapters (I suggest you read three in the morning, three at noon, and two at night), thank God for your next anointing. Anoint yourself before you go to sleep and decree that your identity has shifted.
Day 36: Read 2 Samuel 5-8. The real issue in this passage was getting the Ark and God's presence central. Once the Ark is central, all things are added and will multiply.
Day 37: Read Amos 9. David's Tabernacle is being restored in the earth in this generation. Declare that the Tabernacle of David will be restored in your life, family, church, city, state and nation. You have a good future! Expect God to move on your behalf! Stake your claim!
Day 38: Read Acts 15. This is where the Church agreed with the prophetic word from Amos 9 and declared that its identity would not reflect the legalism from the past. Ask the Lord to cut through all of the conflict that is keeping you from seeing the future.
Day 39: Read Deut. 8 and 28, especially verse 28:8. He gives you power and strength to gain wealth so you can advance His covenant plan for your life. Ask Him for power and strength to gain wealth. Many times we are afraid to ask for this. Ask the Lord to "command a blessing on your storehouse." If you do not have a storehouse, ask the Lord to give you a plan to develop one.
Day 40: Read Prov. 3; 2 Kings 4, 8:1-6. Mistrust stops you from prospering. Trust the Lord and ask Him to redirect your path. That means to straighten out and make right the way ahead. Review your giving. Make sure you are aligned properly in giving. Honor the Lord with your firstfruits and tithes so your barns will be filled and your vats will overflow. Prepare a special Pentecost gift. Send it to those that are causing you to advance spiritually. Look at the two women in 2 Kings 4 and 8. They began to prosper and their supply does not stop. Even in the midst of drought, the testimony of giving overcomes.
Chuck D. Pierce

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