Sunday, May 4, 2014

Quotes that I love from Francis Frangipane ...

"After 43 years in ministry, here is what I've found: often, the flawed reality that initially angered me about my church or city was actually the very place where God desired I become Christlike. True, when I first see the need, typically, my flesh reacts with criticism. But if I repent of just finding fault -- if I pray and submit myself to Christ's heart -- I soon discover there are many ways for me to participate in redeeming this situation, all of which fuel my spiritual growth. Indeed, by approaching the area of need with Christ's redemptive heart, the "flawed reality" I initially criticized ultimately became the land of my anointing."

"Satan fears virtue. He is most terrified of humility; he hates it. He sees a humble person and it sends chills down his back. His hair stands up when Christians kneel down. For true humility is the surrender of the soul to God. The devil trembles before the meek because, in the very areas where he once had access, there stands the Lord, and Satan is terrified of Jesus Christ." -- The Three Battlegrounds

"When God calls me to humble myself, it does not mean that I simply say to the Lord, "I humble myself." True humility goes farther; it is deeper. It means I see myself as a servant to others not one above them (Mark 9:35). I also can confess my sins, even the darkest, to a trusted friend. The meekness I seek uproots my self-righteous instincts to judge others. Because I now see clearly my need of mercy, I pray for God's mercy to cover others (Matt. 5:7). I abandon my religious pretensions. And when God speaks I tremble (Isa. 66:2)."
"You see, just saying "Lord, I humble myself" does not mean I have actually humbled myself. Not until Christ is enthroned in me where self once ruled will I possess true humility." -- In Christ's Image Training

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